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Term papers on International law

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Anwar Sadat »

Number of pages 18

A paper which looks in detail at Anwar Sadat's leadership style, with reference to his cultural background, the political situation in Egypt in the twentieth century, and the impact which Sadat made on international politics during his term in office. Bibliography lists 4 sources. View Full Description
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Monsanto Co. v. Coramandal Indag Products, (P) Ltd (Legal Brief) »

Number of pages 4

This 4 page paper examines this international business case. Several sections make up this brief and provides details about the case and its relevance. Bibliography lists 4 sources. View Full Description
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Branding and the Internet »

Number of pages 7

This 7 page paper discusses the following quote "A brand is a brand regardless of its environment. Therefore, there is no need for a new theory of branding for the online environment, but merely a different approach to executing the brand’s essence". The paper assesses this statement with reference to marketing theory and practice ... View Full Description
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Managing International Financial Risk »

Number of pages 20

This 20 page paper considers the major international financial risks that may be faced by a compnay trading in different areas and then looks at how these risks may be mitigated with tools such as hedging. The bibliography cites 15 sources. View Full Description
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Marks and Spencer; International Expansion »

Number of pages 20

The international expansion of retailers tends to follow different patterns compared with other industries where a more careful and gradual expansion may be seen. This 20 page paper considers the patterns of expansion seen in Marks and Spencers looking at the successes and the mistakes. The bibliography cites 17 sources. View Full Description
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The International Strategy of Samsung »

Number of pages 12

Samsung is a global company with a well known brand, Started in 1938 the company has seen a high level of success. This 12 page paper considers the different strategies of Samsung and how they fit in with the theory if international development and expansion. The bibliography cites 10 sources. View Full Description
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Conflict Between the U.S, and Canada During the Cuban Missile Crisis »

Number of pages 7

A 7 page account of the international mistrust which characterized this period of North American history. Fault can be attributed not just to Canada but to the U.S. as well. Bibliography lists 4 sources. View Full Description
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Money Laundering and Terrorism »

Number of pages 6

A 6 page paper critically assessing the statement, "Lack of controls on money laundering is one of the most important contributory factors behind the growth of 21st century terrorism." After reviewing the needs of business; increase in international capital movement over the past decade; and the example of Paraguay's customs function, the paper concludes ... View Full Description
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Hilton Hotels; Stock Analysis »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper looks at Hilton Hotels and compares their performance to Choices Hotels Internationals and looks at different aspects of the performance as reflected in the annual account 10K form and other company reports. The paper looks at the accounts for 2002 – 2004. The bibliography cites 5 sources. View Full Description
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Ericsson »

Number of pages 16

This 16 page paper looks at the marketing of Ericsson when they developed a global marketing campaign in 1998. The paper examines how and why this was undertaken, the benefits and the problems and consider the short and long term implications with reference to international marketing theory. The bibliography cites 9 sources. View Full Description
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Statistical Analysis of 36 Airports Characteristics and Performance »

Number of pages 20

This 20 page paper examines a case provided by the student in the form of results tables for airports. The paper looks first at the characteristics of international airports using statistics looking at revenue number of passengers and level of cargo carried as well as average profit levels. The second part of the paper carries ... View Full Description
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International Tax Questions »

Number of pages 3

This 3 page paper answers three questions on international tax, looking at tax consideration of a US company with a subsidiary in Ireland, the benefits of being incorporated in Bermuda, taxations of the US company in Turkey and the impact of exchange rates of a contract on calculating tax. The bibliography cites 4 sources. View Full Description
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Alliance Evolution »

Number of pages 10

A 10 page paper examining the changes of attitude toward both domestic and international business alliances. In the early days of the concept of strategic alliances – particularly in those involving a foreign company – the primary goals were to defray fixed costs while expanding markets (Ohmae, 1989). Today that role has shifted ... View Full Description
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Wal-Mart; A Plan to Expand into Syria »

Number of pages 9

This 9 page paper looks at Wal-Mart and considers an international expansion into the Syrian market. The paper starts by conducting a Porters Five Forces analysis of Wal-Mart and then looks at Syria as a potential trade destination, using a PEST analysis to assess the market. The paper then outlines a plan to for Wal-Mart ... View Full Description
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Economics of International Trade »

Number of pages 7

A 7 page paper answering three questions regarding the economics of international trade. The paper discusses balance of payments; forward exchange rates; and real exchange rates. Bibliography lists 6 sources. View Full Description
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Lion Feuchtwanger/The Oppermanns »

Number of pages 10

A 10 page essay that examines and offers an overview of Lion Feuchtwanger's 1934 novel, which successfully described and predicted the horrors of Nazi Germany and the threat that the Hitler regime represented. As Ruth Gruber explains in her introduction to the English translation, when Feuchtwanger wrote this book, the world was still in denial ... View Full Description
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Greed and Environmental Policy »

Number of pages 4

A 4 page discussion of the manner greed has influenced U.S. international policy in terms of the environment. Our failure to ratify the 1992 Earth Summit treaty is emphasized. Bibliography lists 3 sources. View Full Description
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The Competitive Position of Germany »

Number of pages 11

This 11 page paper considers Germany as a potential target for expansion and considers it in terms of competitive advantages and uses Porters Diamond to analysis the country. Germany is the EU's largest single economy as well as being located centrally and has many core competences tat can benefit any international expansion making it a ... View Full Description
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Enhancing Public Relations at Hair Gallery International »

Number of pages 10

A 10 page paper describing a proposed public relations effort. Hair Gallery International is a successful salon near Irvine, California that seeks to become a greater part of the community and to solidify its relationships with current customers while also developing new ones. The framework in which this public relations effort will be ... View Full Description
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International HRM »

Number of pages 19

This 19 page paper considers the major issues involved in transferring human resource management strategies from the headquarters of multinational enterprise to subsidiaries in other countries. The paper analyses the way in which international human resource management differs from HRM in single national context due to the diversity of culture. The paper uses Hofstede's framework ... View Full Description
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Future of NATO »

Number of pages 7

This 7-page paper discusses the future of NATO in terms of both the realism and liberalism theories of international relations. Bibliography lists 5 sources. View Full Description
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Number of pages 4

This 4-page paper discusses the best way for Reardan, a plastics company, to set up a human resources program to both compensate for potential retirement of its baby boomers, and for an international workforce (as one of its plants is in China. Bibliography lists 2 sources. View Full Description
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Internationalisation Theory and Planning a New Market for Wal-Mart »

Number of pages 16

This 16 page paper is written in two parts. The first part considers different aspects of internationalisation theory, how and why international trade occurs and the way it may be managed. The second part considers ho Wal-Mart may assess a market ready for the entrance of its core product; Wal-Mart supermarket chain. China is chosen ... View Full Description
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An Analysis of Thomas L. Friedman’s Economic Text, “The Lexus and the Olive Tree” »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page paper which examines how the death of the Cold War led to the birth of globalization, which has restructured capitalism and international relations in the twenty-first century. No additional sources are used. View Full Description
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International Marketing - Websites »

Number of pages 3

A 3 page paper reviewing several of Coca-Cola's and Pepsi's international websites, including those of Japan, France, Russia, Australia and Belgium. Each features the companies' logos, and most are tailored to the country they target. Bibliography lists 3 sources. View Full Description
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Number of pages 6

This 6-page paper discusses the impact of international trade on developing countries. Some of the topics discussed include foreign direct investment (FDI) and tariffs. Bibliography lists 3 sources. View Full Description
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International Factor Movement and Trade »

Number of pages 4

This 4 page paper considers how international factor movements; movements of labour and capital, can substitute for trade. The paper uses examples to illustrate points raised. The bibliography cites 6 sources. View Full Description
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Microsoft Antitrust Woes Lead to Competitive Future »

Number of pages 5

Microsoft Corp. and its officers have been the subject of numerous antitrust lawsuits since the early 1990s. The company has been sued by competitors such as Netscape and Sun Microsystems, and by federal and international governments. The premise of these suits is antitrust, or interfering with open competition. Two of these suits involve Media Player ... View Full Description
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India as a Business Destination »

Number of pages 16

When a company considers expanding internationally the environment in the target country has to be carefully assessed. This 16 page paper assesses India as a potential target country, examining the international, economic, political, legal and social environment. The paper then considers the different modes of entry that may be used. The paper uses the example ... View Full Description
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Nautica Retailing »

Number of pages 10

Taiwanese-born David Chu founded Nautica International and created products that appeal to people of all ages worldwide. Nautica not only attracts consumers of all ages, its clothes and accessories range from sport to hip-hop to ski fashion to women’s perfume. It sports the worlds largest distribution of jeans (which includes The North Face, JanSport and ... View Full Description
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The International Beer Market »

Number of pages 4

This 4 page paper takes a look at the international beer market, with specific attention to Heineken and Anheuser Busch. Some statistics are provided. Bibliography lists 4 sources. View Full Description
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International Diversification »

Number of pages 3

This 3 page paper looks at how and why international diversification takes place. Focusing on the financial aspects including interest rate parity the paper considers the advantages and disadvantages. The bibliography cites 5 sources. View Full Description
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Job Description: Criminal Profiler »

Number of pages 5

5 pages in length. Criminal profiling – which is defined as "the application of psychological theory to the analysis and reconstruction of the forensic evidence that relates to an offender's crime scenes, victims and behaviors" (Clemens, 1998, p. 27) – is both a fascinating and challenging career whose popularity has growing exponentially with media ... View Full Description
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Weighted Average Cost of Capital at London Clubs International »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper calculates the weighted average cost of capital at London Clubs International. The paper demonstrates how the cost of equity and the cost of debt can take place, with the different options all explained. The figures are then combined them to calculate the WACC. The cost of equity is calculated use the ... View Full Description
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Number of pages 4

This 4-page paper discusses the link between oil and international politics, and asks what the U.S. should do to end its dependence on foreign oil. Bibliography lists 4 sources. View Full Description
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Number of pages 6

This 6-page paper describes how the United States and some agencies coordinate and assist the international community in times of disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes and torandoes. Bibliography lists 5 sources. View Full Description
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The Role of International Issues in Presidential Elections »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper examines the elections of 1920, 1940 and 1960 along with the international pressures that surrounded them. Specifics of the campaigns are relayed in this informative overview. Bibliography lists 9 sources. View Full Description
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Turkey and the EU »

Number of pages 7

A paper which considers the progress of Turkey's application to join the European Union, with particular reference to the implications for international business, and the importance of the country as a link between the Muslim world and the West. Bibliography lists 5 sources. View Full Description
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Azerbaijan National Security Brief »

Number of pages 12

U.S. and Azerbiajan national security strategy 2004. Discussed in this 12 page paper are national purpose, ideology, national interest, national power, threats, domestic, commitments, miligary strategy, international and foreign policy, and U.S. military involvement. Bibliography lists 8 sources. View Full Description
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Global Trends in Education »

Number of pages 6

A 6 page research paper that discusses global trends that are likely to continue over the next five years. The trends include the move toward global education, the movements of students across international borders and the spread of information that is facilitated by digitized forms of communication and the world's network of libraries. Bibliography lists ... View Full Description
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The Procter & Gamble Company: Mexico 1991 »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page paper discussing options for financing international business in the early 1990s. Procter & Gamble (Mexico) sought to expand operations and manufacturing capacity in 1991. The problem it faces is how to finance the three-year effort to attain minimum cost of capital at minimum risk. The purpose here is to ... View Full Description
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Web services and XML »

Number of pages 12

A twelve page paper which looks at the importance of XML in the development of web services, and the impact which web services have had on international trade and e-commerce, especially with regard to increased globalisation by Australian corporations. Bibliography lists 18 sources. View Full Description
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Article Review (Hypothermia) »

Number of pages 4

This 4 page paper examines an article appearing in the International Journal of Nursing Practice. The article concerns an experiment regarding hypothermia. No bibliography. View Full Description
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Overview of “International Marketing,” 7th ed. »

Number of pages 14

A 14 page paper listing the main points of an international marketing text that has become a standard. The paper provides some information about the authors and some notes about the organization of the book before listing the main points of its 20 chapters. An accompanying PowerPoint presentation is available. Bibliography lists ... View Full Description
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Microeconomic Choice in Diamond-Buying »

Number of pages 3

A 3 page paper discussing changes in the international retail diamond market occurring over the past decade. Diamonds are within the economic reach of a greater number of people than when supply and price were so tightly controlled by a single company. Diamonds are not so plentiful that they are no longer considered ... View Full Description
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Comparative Analysis of Iraq War Coverage by The New York Times and The Guardian (UK) »

Number of pages 12

A 12 page paper which compares how these two major international newspapers presented stories on the war in Iraq during October 2004, specifically considering language, tone, and underlying assumptions. Bibliography lists 4 sources. View Full Description
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Does A Mercantilist Position Make Sense In Today's World? »

Number of pages 4

4 pages in length. While a certain percentage of people would agree that a mercantilist position makes sense in today's world, others would staunchly argue how this antiquated perspective only perpetuates oppressive control over free trade. According to Paul Rich, Titular Professor of International Relations and History, University of the Americas-Puebla, Mexico, and ... View Full Description
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Creating an International Market; Richgro »

Number of pages 11

This 11 page paper looks at how a product or company which is currently purely domestic may expand into an international market. The paper shows how a market could be assessed to find a good fit and then a marketing plan developed. The example used is the Australian company Richgro, manufacturer of a range of ... View Full Description
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Number of pages 6

This 6-page paper focuses on how global economics and international governance has an impact (and not always for the good) on local environmentalism and social justice. Bibliography lists 2 sources. View Full Description
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Number of pages 10

This 10-page paper focuses on the connection between progress and destruction of the environment. Topics discussed in the paper include urban sprawl, both on a regional and international level, and how it impacts the environment and society. View Full Description
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