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Term papers on International law

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Moral Justification in the Issue of Female Genital “Mutilation” »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page report discusses the fact that human rights organizations ranging from Amnesty International to the United Nations’ High Council on Refugees estimate that there are between eight and ten million women and girls in the Middle East and in Africa who are at risk of undergoing one form or another of genital “mutilation.” ... View Full Description
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Henry James’ International Theme »

Number of pages 8

Henry James’ International Theme: This 8-page essay examines author, Henry James prevalent use of the theme of internationalism by reviewing three of his most celebrated prose. Portrait of a Lady, The Golden Bowl and The Europeans are featured. Undoubtedly, James’ predominant theme is the confrontation between two worlds -- America and Europe. Bibliography ... View Full Description
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Cultural/ Political Reflections of the Eisenhower Years »

Number of pages 10

Cultural/ Political Reflections of the Eisenhower Years: This 10-page essay examines a number of domestic and international, cultural/ political events for evidentiary reflections germane to the1956 election and the Eisenhower years. It was a harried time for the average American, who was still trying to purge the bitter aftertaste of WWII. Yet despite the ... View Full Description
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The Chicken Market in the Fast Food Industry »

Number of pages 10

This 10 page paper focuses on KFC but also reviews Boston Market and how they each fared in the fast food industry. An overview of each company is provided. KFC's international expansion is discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources. View Full Description
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Implications of New Technologies and Media Freedom »

Number of pages 7

(7 pp) We like to believe that when something different or new occurs, there will be some sort of "improvement." So with the advance of technology, the speed of the information highway, the information revolution, and the internet, we might guess that journalistic and media freedom, when be improved as well. Unfortunately, that ... View Full Description
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Trade Issues in a Nutshell »

Number of pages 4

This 4 page paper outlined 4 different concepts in international trade. The first half of the paper examines direct foreign investment (DFI),what it is and the advantages and disadvantages associated with it. The second part of the paper outlines what is meant by invisible exports, trade restrictions and privatisation. View Full Description
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Business Definitions »

Number of pages 3

This 4 page paper explains eight different terms and concepts used in business. These are; trade theories, contratrade (bartertrade), Extraterritoriality, entrance into an international market through a third party, letters of credit, global companies, hedging, futures and options and the concept of a floating currency. View Full Description
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Theories Explaining Exchange Rates »

Number of pages 7

This 7 page paper considers different models that are used to explain exchange rate movements, including purchasing parity theory, the International Fisher Effect and the monetarist approach. The bibliography cites 6 sources. View Full Description
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The Urbanization of Baghdad »

Number of pages 6

A 6 page paper discussing Baghdad, one of the largest cities in the Middle East. Baghdad’s population represents approximately 25 percent of Iraq’s total population. A “typical” modern city that also serves as a nation’s capital city, conditions in Baghdad are such that all standards of living are represented there. Baghdad exhibits ... View Full Description
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Nando’s - A Case Study »

Number of pages 12

This 12 page paper is written in two parts. The first part considers why Nando’s has managed to achieve such success in its’ home nation. The second part then looks at how the company is managing international success and may continue to grow in this way. The bibliography cite 10 sources. View Full Description
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Development in South East Asia After 1997 »

Number of pages 12

This 12 page paper considers the impact of the financial crisis of 1997 on development within South East Asia. The paper considers economic development such as financial controls aimed at aiding recovery, the way in which international investment patterns changed and slowed down internal technological development as well as economic development. Issues such as social ... View Full Description
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Number of pages 22

This 22-page paper focuses on several international economic issues such as commodities price stablization, cartels, OPEC, China's growth and the WTO and East Asia's "economic miracle." Bibliography lists 9 sources. View Full Description
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Number of pages 22

This 22-page paper discusses e-commerce and international trade. Topics discussed include how e-commerce has impacted trade, global trends and discussions of how e-commerce-ready various countries are. Bibliography lists 21 sources. View Full Description
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Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper discusses Robert Gilpin's theories on systemic realism versus state centered realism as regards the international and political situations in terms of globalization or sovreignty. Bibliography lists 4 sources. View Full Description
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S.W.O.T. Analysis Of Wendy's »

Number of pages 6

6 pages in length. The writer discusses corporate responsibility, team learning, international expansion, credit/debit card acceptance and competition as they relate to the S.W.O.T. analysis of Wendy's fast food restaurant. Bibliography lists 7 sources. View Full Description
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Origins And Aims Of GATT/WTO »

Number of pages 3

3 pages in length. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which was first signed in 1947, was designed to "provide an international forum in order to encourage free trade between member states by regulating and reducing tariffs on traded goods and by providing a common mechanism for resolving trade disputes. GATT ... View Full Description
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Changes in the Structure of the Clothing Industry »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper examined who and why structural changes in the clothing industry occurred, The paper is written form an economic perspective and includes aspects such as technology, labour costs and international trade theory. The bibliography cites 5 sources. View Full Description
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The Impact of Technology on International Trade »

Number of pages 3

This 3 page paper considers the impact of technology on trade and the international economy over the last one hundred and fifty years. The paper considers the different influences of different technologies before concluding which has had the greatest impact. The bibliography cites 2 sources. View Full Description
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International Financing Risks »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper looks at the risks that may be faced by a company when considering an international investment. Based in a case study supplied by the student, issues such as increased taxes, disposable income, interest rates and exchange rates are all considered, along with the potential for the country to join a single ... View Full Description
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Case Analyses »

Number of pages 16

This 16 page paper has five cases studies. Each is taken form the same book; Cases in International Business: Policies and Strategies by A.M.Truay and Neegbenebor Anthony. Each case has an outline of the problems, states what alternatives were available are then analysed before a conclusion and course of action is recommended. The cases are ... View Full Description
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Issues for Managers in Developing Nations »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper considers three important issue for international managers based in developing countries. The issues considered include the way authority manifests in the culture, the impact of poverty and the manifestation of a masculine environment. The bibliography cites 10 sources. View Full Description
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Strategy at Krispy Kreme »

Number of pages 20

A 20 page paper discussing Krispy Kreme, formerly one of the South’s best-known brands. The company has become national and even international in its scope during the past several years. The purpose here is to assess the strategy that has brought Krispy Kreme to the place it currently occupies in its industry. ... View Full Description
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Number of pages 10

This 10-page paper focuses on a tutorial covering strategic accounting practices of the global economy. Topics include important issues in the area of international accounting as introduced by experts such as Michael Porter, Henry Mintzberg, Bruce Kogut and Sumantra Ghoshal. Bibliography lists 6 sources. View Full Description
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Number of pages 4

This 4-page paper discusses the impact of U.S. and international organization intervention on Haitian economy, politics and policies -- and discusses how liberal ideology and colonial interventions have hurt more than helped Haiti. Bibliography lists 3 sources. View Full Description
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International Issues Regarding Computers and the Internet »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper looks at several issues, including but not limited to hacking and identity theft. The fact that international crimes are more difficult to manage is a focus of this paper. Bibliography lists 5 sources. View Full Description
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Case Study: TradeCard - B2B E-Commerce »

Number of pages 11

An 11 page paper that discusses a case study supplied by the student. TradeCard is a new company that changes the way in which international trade is conducted. The seamless integrated system allows buyers and sellers to complete the entire transaction on the Internet, including the transfer of funds from buyer to seller. This essay ... View Full Description
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Have Pre-Existing Tensions Created the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction; The Case of India and Pakistan »

Number of pages 12

This 12 page paper discussing the proposition that the acquisition of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) is a reflection of pre-existing tensions, not a cause of international instability. This is discussed reference to India and Pakistan. The bibliography cites 7 sources. View Full Description
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Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper compares and contrasts two architects: Le Corbusier and Charles Jencks. Elements of function, standardization, international style, double coding are discussed and examples are given from text and quoted. Bibliography lists 5 sources. View Full Description
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Crises in the Middle East »

Number of pages 10

This 10 page paper takes a look at the conflict in the Middle East. The history of Israel is examined as well as the legitimacy of the state. International relations theories are used to evaluate the situation. Solutions are proposed. Bibliography lists 8 sources. View Full Description
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Ireland as an Expansion Site »

Number of pages 7

A 7 page paper discussing factors that should be examined when assessing a nation’s suitability as an international expansion site. Ireland has immensely favorable policies designed to encourage business investment there, and it has a well educated and motivated workforce. Long a center of education respected throughout the world, Ireland possesses many qualities ... View Full Description
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Marketing: Mercedes-Benz E Class Versus Lexus Gs Series »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper compares the marketing strategies of these two companies. Specific topics include: target markets; relationship marketing; promotional strategies; marketing mix, such as product, promotion, distribution, selling, public relations, pricing strategy; a comparison of Web sites and the audience they seem to be targeting; international marketing and recommendations for Mercedes to compete better ... View Full Description
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The Euro: Europe’s Move Toward a Universal Currency »

Number of pages 10

A 10 page discussion of Europe’s introduction of the euro. The introduction was an attempt to address the problem of the lack of compatibility between the numerous monetary currencies which exist in an area demarcated by a variety of nations and political interest. Although the euro has the potential to overcome the confusion ... View Full Description
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Commodore International & Harvard Style »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper has two distinct parts. The first part discusses the products offered by Commodore International in 1992 and the challenges facing the company at that time. The second part outlines the Harvard Style of Citation. Only a few of the rules are exemplified due to space limitations. Bibliography lists 3 sources. ... View Full Description
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Number of pages 12

This 12-page paper attempts to answer if there is a need for a new international monetary system. Using the example of currency, the essay supports the thesis that there should be a new one. Also discussed is the IMF's role in an overhauled system. Bibliography lists 5 sources. View Full Description
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The Argument for a Strategic Alliance »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper is written to examine the reasons why a strategic alliance may be the best option for a company that has a first mover advantage want to grow quickly, but is hampered by lack of international experience and resources. The bibliography cites 10 sources. View Full Description
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Number of pages 7

This 7 page paper chronicles the underground beginnings of rock and roll in Mexico to the rise in popularity of Mexican Rock and Roll to the point that its influences became international. Loads of quotes from texts. Bibliography lists 4 sources. View Full Description
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Global Management: Communication Structure »

Number of pages 5

5 pages. This paper is being prepared in order to help structure the communication needed with international clients. Visiting with clients from Bonn, Milan, and Instanbul means there will be cultural complications in some ways due to the fact that there is no translator that will be accompanying those on the trip. ... View Full Description
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Commodore International: Case Study »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper analyses a case study scenario provided by the student. The time is the early 1990s when Commodore International's Amiga computers offered multimedia capabilities with exceptionally good graphic integration. The computers were popular in Europe but not in the U.S. This essay includes: problem definition, alternative solutions, critical success factors, evaluation of ... View Full Description
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“Our Posthuman Future (Consequences of the Biotechnology Revolution)”: A Discussion of the Concerns Expressed in the Book by Francis Fukuyama »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page discussion of the many considerations encompassed by biotechnology. Genome studies, in particular, present a number of concerns, both philosophical concerns and ethical concerns. These same studies, however, present phenomenal possibilities for our future, possibilities which have the potential to be far more positive than negative in their overall manifestations. ... View Full Description
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International Expansion Brand Strategies »

Number of pages 4

This 4 page paper uses Nike as an example to examine the strategy that may be used by a company expanding and operating in international market. The paper outlines the two main choices of standardisation or customisation and then looks at Nike’s own stratagem and how it may be classified, giving examples of the ... View Full Description
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Sigma Theta Tau International »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page paper describing Sigma Theta Tau International, Inc. (STTI), the Honor Society for Nursing. Described by one author as the nurses’ equivalent to Phi Beta Kappa, STTI is an exclusive organization that holds to exacting qualifications and criteria. The paper includes information on the organization’s history, services it provides for members ... View Full Description
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Exchange Rate Difficulties »

Number of pages 3

A 3 page paper assessing the origins of the UK’s current position in international trade. The purpose here is to assess the statement, “The United Kingdom does not have balance of payments problem but exchange rate problem,” and the paper concludes that this statement is true. Any problems with foreign trade today are ... View Full Description
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Is Culture the Ultimate Barrier to International Marketing? »

Number of pages 6

This 6 page paper looks at the barrier to international marketing and considers issues such as the use of brands, market entry, internal distribution, payment arrangements, product and promotion, as well as the different legal issues. The bibliography cites 10 sources. View Full Description
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Number of pages 5

This paper examines the impact of the euro six months after its hard currency launch of January, 2002. The main premise of the paper is that while multinational companies and international banks have seen little difference, the impact has been more psychological and consumer-oriented. Bibliography lists 4 sources. View Full Description
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China's Entrance into the World Trade Organization »

Number of pages 5

5 pages. China's entrance into the World Trade Organization is going to have international implications on the way that country does business, as well as impacting other countries as well. This paper explains what it means to the business community now that China has been allowed entrance into the World Trade Organization. ... View Full Description
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International Efforts to Improve Human Rights »

Number of pages 7

7 pages. There are many watchdog groups throughout the world that have been organized to protect and improve human rights. Have these been effective? This paper addresses that question and discusses such things as Amnesty International, the African Charter, the Human Rights Committee, The UN Commission on Human Rights and others. ... View Full Description
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The Influence of Countries and Sectors on Global Equities »

Number of pages 24

This 24 page paper provides an overview of five different sectors and two indices derived from the Morgan Stanley Capital International(MSCI). The paper demonstrate that in the final analysis, countries do matter. The influence of different markets, regions and nations are discussed inclusive of factors such as currency problems, unemployment and the effect of 9/11. ... View Full Description
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National Identity & International Exhibitions »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page research paper that discusses the manner in which nationalism was expressed at the Paris Exposition Universelle held in 1900. While the ostensible reason for this huge world's fair was to encourage peaceful idealism, it was also an occasion marked by intense nationalism. The writer argues that the nations that constructed exhibits at ... View Full Description
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Analysis of International Trade Sanctions »

Number of pages 9

9 pages. This paper focuses on NAFTA as well as the trade sanctions with China and the effects this has on the international trade situation. Explanations are geared toward the gains from trade sanctions as well as the winners and losers from tariff barriers to trade. The net gains and losses due ... View Full Description
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The Marketing of Heineken »

Number of pages 10

This 10 page paper considers the Harvard Business School case of Heineken N.V. looking at aspects of international marketing as they apply to this company. The writer considers the way in which the product is limited by the requirements of the company in maintaining brand image and value and the way in with it is ... View Full Description
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