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Term papers on International law

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John Locke’s “Second Treatise on Government”: Locke’s View of Human Nature and the Only Legitimate Form of Government »

Number of pages 4

This is a 4 page paper discussing human nature and government based on mutual consent from John Locke’s his “Second Treatise on Government” (1690). John Locke within his “Second Treatise on Government” covers the development of the need for civil government based on the laws of Nature and those of man. Firstly, in Nature, all ... View Full Description
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Modern Day Police: Enforcers Of The Law Or Glorified Social Workers? »

Number of pages 10

10 pages in length. At one time police officers were well-respected, well-trained components of society whose only objective was to uphold the law. The held authority to address a given situation with the proper and appropriate discipline – verbal, physical, incarceration or otherwise – and they were supported by the whole of law ... View Full Description
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Russia: Overview of National Ideology & Interests, Power, Threats, Domestic Factors, Commitments, Military Strategy and Foreign Policy »

Number of pages 7

This is a 7 page paper discussing the interest, ideology, threats, domestic factors, commitments, military strategy and international policy of the “new” Russia. Within the past century, Russia, the largest country in the world in area with a population of over 144,500,000, has undergone a great deal of structural change. The Russian Empire under the ... View Full Description
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The Silk Industry: Brief History, Modern Day Markets, Trade and Production »

Number of pages 7

This is a 7 page paper discussing the silk industry. Originating in Ancient China, the Chinese silk industry alone still maintains an annual global market of over $2 billion. While China still remains the largest exporter of raw silk and Japan is its largest consumer, silk is still one of the most popular natural fibers ... View Full Description
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The Organizational and Cultural Climate of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) »

Number of pages 5

This is a 5 page paper discussing the organization and the cultural climate of the RCMP. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) as the national policing force in Canada has grown in its organization and outreach capacities considerably since its formation in 1873. Originally formed to patrol the Prairie regions and establish relationships with the ... View Full Description
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The Impact of the New Digital Media on Globalization »

Number of pages 8

This is an 8 page paper discussing globalization and the affect the new digital media has had on the process. Examples using different companies and countries are included. Globalization is a term which was previously only used in regards to certain industries such as the oil or automotive industries and has since becomes widely used ... View Full Description
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Volunteerism and Service in France, Chile and the United States »

Number of pages 5

This is a 5 page paper comparing volunteerism in France, Chile and the United States. Volunteerism and community service are not international trends and are unheard of in many countries. In the United States at least 49% of the population has claimed that they have volunteered at least once in a community based organization or ... View Full Description
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The History of London as a Center for Trade and Finance »

Number of pages 8

This is an 8 page paper discussing the developmental of London as an international center for trade and finance. Since the invasions of the Romans until the international commerce market which stands today, London has long been considered the center of international trade and finance. The strategic location on the Thames River and the early ... View Full Description
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Media: Portrayal Of White Suspects Compared To Black Suspects In The Criminal Justice System »

Number of pages 11

11 pages in length. One of the most damning aspects of racial stereotypes is the manner in which all members of a particular race become grouped together for the actions of a relative few. By casting the negative light of racial profiling toward being Black, Mexican, Asian or any number of other ethnic ... View Full Description
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Hugo Black: From KKK to Civil Rights »

Number of pages 15

15 Pages. Hugo Black was born in Alabama in 1886. After getting a law degree he spent time practicing law and then Black, an active Democrat, was elected to the United States Senate in 1926. Black was known to be a big fan of Franklin Roosevelt and his New Deal. ... View Full Description
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Police Ethics »

Number of pages 14

14 pages in length. Law enforcement exists in order to provide community protection and ameliorate situations that prove to threaten social accord. When the very individuals who are supposed to uphold this duty are the ones perpetuating the problem, the fine line that already exists between criminality and lawfulness becomes blurred to such ... View Full Description
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Guns in Cockpits: Different Points of View »

Number of pages 5

5 pages. Should airlines pilots be allowed to carry guns in the cockpits of commercial airliners? No matter what the opinion there are now laws in effect allowing this. There are as many different opinions on this question as there are gun laws. This excellent paper gives the facts on this ... View Full Description
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Questions of English Tort Law »

Number of pages 9

This 9 page paper answers two questions set by the student, both concerning tort law. The first advised different victims of an accident of any potential claim and looks at physical, psychological and purely economic harm. The second question evaluates a statement made by McNair J in the case of Bolam v. Friern (1957); “The ... View Full Description
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Pat Parker & Associates: Case Study »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper is a Harvard case study of Pat Parker, a lawyer who conducts political oppositional research and prepares reports. The work is by contract between Parker and the candidate's campaign. The scenario is that Parker previously provided a report to a campaign, two years later, a group of lawyers who supported the ... View Full Description
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“Southern Labor and Black Civil Rights: Organizing Memphis Workers” »

Number of pages 6

A 6 page review of the book by Author Michael K. Honey. Honey outlines the societal conditions which were at play in 1930s Memphis Tennessee in comparison to the various laws which were on the books to protect black rights. The contention is made that custom can, and does, sometimes outweigh law. ... View Full Description
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Copyright: Legal Meaning for Business »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page paper discussing copyright law’s implications for business and innovation. Copyright law dates from the earliest days of the United States. It is the right of the creator of a work to benefit and profit from that work for a specific length of time, after which it reverts to the public ... View Full Description
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Altering Policy Through Court Appointments »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page paper arguing that Court appointments provide an effective means of changing policy. Each of the justices of the Court obviously knows the letter of the law being used to assess the merits of the cases they hear. Final outcome often depends on the results of previous appointments made to the ... View Full Description
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Labor Laws And Collective Bargaining »

Number of pages 12

A 12 page paper that begins with a comprehensive explanation of the labor laws that govern employer-employee relationships, i.e., the National Labor Relations Act and the Taft-Hartley Act. This is followed by an examination of collective bargaining and current thoughts about this process, how the power has shifted in management-labor relations and the shifts during ... View Full Description
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The USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 »

Number of pages 8

An 8 page paper. On October 26, 2001, President Bush signed into law the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT ACT) Act of 2001. This is a controversial Act that continues to be debated. This essay explains some of the many provisions included in the ... View Full Description
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Sexual Harassment Laws »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper provides a comprehensive history and background of the sexual harassment laws in the United States. The essay begins by reporting how and when the term sexual harassment was coined and the fact that the issue is not a new one. At least one author has traced serious incidents of sexual harassment ... View Full Description
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The Need For Change in Intellectual Property Protection »

Number of pages 4

This 4 page paper looks at statement that Intellectual property laws were devised in a print-based environment and have only adapted partially to sound and vision recording. They are of only limited relevance to the world of e-commerce and either the law will have to adapt or much intellectual property will become worthless. The bibliography ... View Full Description
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Sociology of Crime »

Number of pages 8

Sociology of Crime: This 8-page essay discusses a number of issues inherent in the sociology of crime, including types of law, judicial history, and a chronological look at the prevalent theories used to delineate both the causal factors and patterns of aberrant human behavior. Fundamental to our own system of justice, (and thereby the subsequent ... View Full Description
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Sex & Race Discrimination Protection in UK »

Number of pages 9

A 9 page research paper that explores British legislation on these issues. Great Britain has had specific legislation in place for over 30 years that prohibits discrimination due to sex, martial status, or race, color, national origin or ethnicity. Considering this fact, the question arises as to how well these laws have been working. After ... View Full Description
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Pollution And A Hypothetical Landowner: Implications Of The Law »

Number of pages 5

5 pages in length. The environment around Fred Smith's land has been in trouble for a long time due to decades and decades of misuse, exploitation and degradation, which have ultimately placed a tremendous burden upon the land and air resources. Re-establishing what has already been destroyed, as well as protecting what still ... View Full Description
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Junk E-Mails »

Number of pages 26

This 26 page paper considers the legal aspects of unsolicited e-mails using US law. The writer focuses on e-mails that advertise pornography, however, many of the issues raised are applicable to all junk or spam e-mails sent. The writer considers the use of federal and state laws, the use of trespass to chattel and the ... View Full Description
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Should Euthanasia Be Legalized »

Number of pages 37

A 37 page paper that discusses legalizing euthanasia. This is a heated debate that has raged for at least two decades. The writer provides a general introduction to the topic of euthanasia and physician assisted suicide, definitions of the different categories of euthanasia, claims of opponents and supporters of legalizing euthanasia, activities within the U.S., ... View Full Description
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Violence, Television, And Government Regulations »

Number of pages 15

A 15 page paper. Concerns about the amount and effects of television violence are not new; the issue was first raised in Congress in 1950. This paper begins with a Prospectus of the paper. The headings of the main paper include: an introduction that includes the research question and answer; a review of the literature ... View Full Description
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Sweden: Political Classification »

Number of pages 7

7 pages in length. The writer discusses how Sweden's government, Riksdagen, is a unicameral system that has been in existence since 1970, drawing its political power from being a parliamentary democratic monarchy with three hundred forty-nine members where the Head of State is the king, but he has no authority in the governing of ... View Full Description
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Number of pages 25

This 25 page paper deals with the larger issues portrayed in the works of Charles Dickens. His direct commentary about the social evils present in the Victorian court systems, the hypocrisy of the wealthy and the unnatural and hideous conditons of the workhouses as a result of the 1834 Poor Law Amendment Act. Examples and ... View Full Description
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The Contribution Made by Religion to Democracy »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page report discusses the role of religion and its contribution to the concept of democracy. Religion has played an important role in the development and the ongoing support of democratic principles. Religion and democratic politics have had difficulty coexisting, because one suggests an unyielding body of law, a peremptory understanding of what is right ... View Full Description
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Unionization Among Health Care Professionals »

Number of pages 19

A 19 page paper discussing the trend of unionization among all health care workers, focusing primarily on the movement among physicians to be allowed to organize for collective bargaining. Distressed that insurers and HMOs have such an overpowering say in how they treat their patients and how they set their fees, the nation's doctors ... View Full Description
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Gwendolyn M. Parker “Trespassing: My Sojourn in the Halls of Privilege' »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page report discusses Parker’s unique story of the life she has lived as a result of her solidly middle-class upbringing where education and achievement were constantly emphasized. She grew into a smart and self-confident young woman with a deep rooted determination to demonstrate her ability and intelligence and was admitted to Harvard. She ... View Full Description
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Elder Abuse »

Number of pages 8

Most people are aware that there are laws that exist to protect children and animals from abuse. Many are not aware that there are laws that protect adults such as the elderly and disabled. Few people are aware of the magnitude of the problem or the consequences. Elder abuse affects all the ... View Full Description
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Women & The US Justice System »

Number of pages 16

A 16 page research paper. The topic of women and the US Justice System is indeed a broad one, containing several aspects that cannot be ignored by any discussion of both the role of and the effects on women. It is necessary to look at women on each side of the judicial bench—how ... View Full Description
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The Affect of Technology on the Modern Practice of Law »

Number of pages 14

A 14 page contention that technology has impacted the manner in which law is practiced in a multitude of ways. From the perspective of the forensics which can be used to prove innocence or guilt, to the way we communicate with other law professionals or even our clients, to the way we conduct our ... View Full Description
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Technology and the Modern Practice of Law »

Number of pages 19

A 19 page contention that technology has impacted the manner in which law is practiced in a multitude of ways. From the perspective of the forensics which can be used to prove innocence or guilt, to the way we communicate with other law professionals or even our clients, to the way we conduct our ... View Full Description
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Italian And Mexican Migration To The U.S. »

Number of pages 24

A 24 page paper. Following a general introduction, this essay reports the immigration patterns of first Italians and then, Mexicans. The decades of significant immigration, the reasons for Italians and Mexicans leaving their homelands, the types of jobs they took in the U.S. and the locations of most immigrants of each nationality are reported. The ... View Full Description
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Forensic Psychology »

Number of pages 5

5 pages in length. The field of psychology is comprised of many subcategories in order to address various and distinct aspects in a more appropriate way. Forensic psychology is somewhat different from other sectors of the field by virtue of its intrinsic connection to the criminal justice system, an alliance that provides for ... View Full Description
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Statutory Law Does not Reflect Social Change »

Number of pages 4

Brown v. Board of Education passed into law in 1954, Miranda v. Arizona in 1966, and the Warren court has been out of existence for decades. New laws passed in the U.S. include all kinds of dictatorial aspects including the issue of Homeland Security where the Privacy Act has usurped all rights to an individual’s ... View Full Description
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Lawyer's Workday »

Number of pages 4

4 pages in length. This lawyer's area of law defending the homeless, a population of people who are often denied their inherent rights because of their economic and residential situation. Also known as a street lawyer to industry insiders, this type of lawyer spends most of his time sifting through mounds of paperwork ... View Full Description
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Workplace Sexual Harassment: Implications »

Number of pages 5

5 pages in length. One might readily argue how Maria is confusing sexual harassment with gender/racial discrimination, a distinction that may ultimately cost her the suit. Being that sexual harassment is defined as any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature – verbal, visual or physical - Maria may have great difficultly proving that ... View Full Description
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Can a Contractor Escape Liability? »

Number of pages 4

This 4 page paper considers a case supplied by the student. A contractor has undertaken work installing lighting negligently and using faulty fuses. The result is damage to property and injury to people. The contractor is trying to avoid liability with exclusion clauses in the contract. The paper considers the situation with reference to the ... View Full Description
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Recruiting, Hiring and Retaining Women in Law Enforcement »

Number of pages 15

A 15 page account of a study investigating working conditions within a metropolitan police department in the Southeast, specifically as they relate to acceptance of women on the force. There has been and continues to be a movement away from the paramilitary view of law enforcement as agencies seek to become an integral part ... View Full Description
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"Internet and Computer Law: Cases-Comments-Questions": A Discussion of the Principles Illuminated by Authors Peter B. Maggs, John T. Soma, and James A. Sprowl »

Number of pages 12

A 12 page discussion of the ease with which private and proprietary information can be unscrupulously gleaned from the multitude of computerized digitized files which exist in the contemporary world. The laws which exist for the purpose of protecting our privacy and the ownership of intellectual property have proven to be a little real ... View Full Description
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Agreement and Battle of the Forms; A Case Study »

Number of pages 18

This 18 page English law paper examines the factors that determine when an agreement is made and how the terms and condition are determined. Using a case study supplied by the student where an order is made and fulfilled with the goods are delivered as ordered with the exception of the package sizes, the writer ... View Full Description
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Contract and Agency Law; Case Study »

Number of pages 17

This 17 page paper English law paper considers a case supplied by the student. A contract is created for overalls to be supplied. The first problem is that one consignment is destroyed in a fire on the way to be delivered. The second problem is the agent assures the buying company they are suitable for ... View Full Description
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Sexual Harassment Case Study »

Number of pages 6

A 6 page paper. Using a scenario provided by the student, which is briefly outlined, a case study analysis is performed. In this scenario, a co-worker violates sexual harassment laws and policies. It is not the first time but only one other formal written complaint was made. Eight other women are interviewed, all of whom ... View Full Description
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Impact Of Foreign Direct Investment On China's Economy »

Number of pages 23

A 23 page paper. China began its "open door" policy in 1979 when the government adopted The Law of the People‘s Republic of China on Joint-Ventures using Chinese and Foreign Investment. Over the next 15 years, other laws and regulations were adopted that encouraged foreign investment. The policies adopted over that time are discussed, including ... View Full Description
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Japanese American Immigration »

Number of pages 3

A 3 page overview of the problems confronting Japanese who wished to immigrate to the U.S. in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. This paper explores three specific articles located on the World Wide Web and discusses the validity of the authors of those papers to write on their chosen subject. The ... View Full Description
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Lost Dog Laws »

Number of pages 5

This is a 5 page paper which discusses the topic put forth in the Animal Law Review concerning the laws regulating lost dogs. The bibliography has 1 source. View Full Description
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