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Term papers on International law

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Fathers Rights »

Number of pages 6

This 6 page paper examines the rights of fathers in the context of the following quote “Unless there are cogent reasons against it, the children of separated parents are entitled to know and have the love and society of both their parents. In particular, the courts recognise the vital importance of the role of non-resident ... View Full Description
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Affirmative Action And Diversity Hiring - Law Enforcement »

Number of pages 25

A 25 page paper. This paper begins with a historical overview of Affirmative Action in the U.S., laws, executive orders, intent and interpretation. The next section discusses what diversity hiring really means and includes some examples of private sector companies and their efforts towards diversity. The differences between affirmative action and diversity are explained. ... View Full Description
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The Constitutionality of Sex Offender Laws »

Number of pages 4

This 4 page paper examines sexual offender registry laws with a focus on Maryland. It is argued that such laws are constitutional. Bibliography lists 6 sources. View Full Description
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The Computer In Criminalistics »

Number of pages 3

3 pages in length. Staying one step ahead of the criminal has long been the first line of defense for law enforcement officers; when intelligence is gathered that precludes the ability for the offender to actually commit the crime, it serves to establish a pattern by which subsequent foils can also be utilized. ... View Full Description
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The Lawmaking Process In The U.S. Government »

Number of pages 11

11 pages in length. Law - from conception to implementation - requires a long, complex process that is often sidetracked by any number of obstacles. To traverse the intricate weave of internal avenues a bill must travel in order to become a law is to appreciate the tremendous effort involved with establishing the ... View Full Description
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The Use Of Nonlethal Force By Police »

Number of pages 4

4 pages in length. The extent to which excessive force is inherent to the fundamental structure of any law enforcement agency is both grand and far-reaching; that offenders erect myriad barriers for police officers to straddle in the attempt to apprehend speaks to the undeniable correlation between force and capture. However, this is ... View Full Description
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Labor Law Issues »

Number of pages 3

This 3 page paper provides a general overview of labor law. How various issues such as unions and OSHA laws fit in are examined. Bibliography lists 3 sources. View Full Description
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Criminal Justice Policy Change: Open-System »

Number of pages 6

6 pages in length. Community interactivity where criminal justice is concerned has become a critical component in the ongoing struggle to balance the ever-lopsided presence of perpetrators to law enforcement officers. Until recently, the aspect of a closed-system approach was looked upon as the most appropriate way to protect society against criminal infiltrators, ... View Full Description
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Bobby Joe Long »

Number of pages 3

3 pages in length. Bobby Joe Long may well have faded away into the chasm of undiscovered serial killers were it not for the blazing trail of evidence he inadvertently left behind the many scenes of his brutal crimes. Yet, there is some agreement among those in the psychology field that serial killers ... View Full Description
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Conflict Of Interest: Part of Police Department Culture »

Number of pages 5

5 pages in length. Conflict of interest is a common occurrence whenever someone knowingly relinquishes his ethical fortitude in exchange for blatant abuse of power, influence or other aspect inherent to the position. While this unsavory reality is more than apparent in such areas as politics and big business, it is disheartening - ... View Full Description
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12 Angry Men/TV's Law and Order »

Number of pages 3

A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses the defendant is seen in the film 12 Angry Men (1957, directed by Sidney Lumet) and in an episode of TV's Law and Order. In the film, the defendant is a young Puerto Rican teenager. The defendant is only briefly glimpsed at the beginning of the film, as ... View Full Description
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James Q. Wilson's "Just Take Away Their Guns" - Critical Analysis »

Number of pages 5

5 pages in length. Firm in his stance, James Q. Wilson argues in no uncertain terms how the prevalence of gun-related crime is not associated with the weapon but instead the socioeconomic and cultural factors of a given community. This is precisely the message Wilson (1994) sends to his readers in an article ... View Full Description
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History of British Theatre in the Twentieth Century »

Number of pages 28

This 28 page paper examines the development of the theatre in England during the twentieth century. The paper considers the different styles seen, looking at realism, abstract, suggestive and interventionist theatre. This is considered in time order and also incluides elements such as the ay staging took place, lighting and general technology impacted on production. ... View Full Description
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Persuasion Narrative of the AFL-CIO »

Number of pages 10

A 10 page paper discussing the AFL-CIO's web pages supporting and arguing for increase in the minimum wage. The paper includes discussion of economic concepts of supply and demand and what can be expected to happen after raising minimum wage. The AFL-CIO site combines questionable numbers with statements that violate all of the ... View Full Description
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Alaska Senate Bill 56: A Policy Analysis »

Number of pages 10

A 10 page consideration of the provisions made by the law resulting from Senate Bill 56. This law allows more judicial discretion in criminal sentencing. At the same time, however, it introduces a prime environment for perverse incentive and injustice. Bibliography lists 10 sources. View Full Description
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Corporate Law and Governance in the UK and Pakistan »

Number of pages 44

This 44 page paper examines corporate legal and governance in the UK and Pakistan. The paper looks at the legislative environment fist. The paper looks at the role of the law and argues that there are commonalities but in Pakistan there is a greater emphasis o the law as establishing and setting the standards for ... View Full Description
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The Use of Software in the Legal Profession »

Number of pages 3

This 3 page paper examines the use of Microsoft Office Access and Summation in the context of the law firm. How law firms make use of computer software is the subject of this paper. Bibliography lists 3 sources. View Full Description
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Family Law Case Study »

Number of pages 11

This 11 page English law paper looks at a case study supplied by the student and answers family law questions with specific attention paid to the Children’s Act 1989. The paper advises a mother who wants to escape her violent husband and take her children wither, but is worried about money. The paper then advises ... View Full Description
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Criminal Procedure And Evidence »

Number of pages 6

6 pages in length. Criminal procedure encompasses myriad components that work in tandem to uphold the law and at the same time catch the perpetrator. Stage one is where the crime is first recognized or detected, with law enforcement officials utilizing the 'everyone's a suspect' approach before zeroing in on any particular individual. ... View Full Description
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Article Critique Of Cole's "The Torture Memos: The Case Against The Lawyers" »

Number of pages 4

4 pages in length. David Cole's interpretation of how the United States government is shirking responsibility for torture-related decision-making is both astute and accurate; the entire situation has fallen into a chasm of political muck in an attempt to save those who are truly responsible from prosecution. The higher up the food chain ... View Full Description
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State And Federal Anti-Drug Legislation »

Number of pages 5

5 pages in length. America's massive efforts to quell the presence of illegal substances have proven historically ineffective; any beneficial outcome of the war on drugs has been dubious at best and an undeniable failure at worst. Despite attempts from both a state and federal perspective, it can readily be argued how the ... View Full Description
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Australian Contract Law - Offer, Acceptance, Mistake and Mis-description »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper looks at two contract law case studies. The first case sees a seller advertise goods through a newspaper, and refuse to sell them when the buyer arrives. This is a case concerning offer and acceptance and is analyzed in order to assess whether or not a contract has been formed. ... View Full Description
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Alabama V. Billy Bob »

Number of pages 6

6 pages in length. The desire to capture and prosecute criminals is an all-consuming venture for every common, hard-working police department; there is not an officer or special agent who wants the criminal mind to outsmart law enforcement operations. However, there are times when dubious tactics are used in the often overzealous attempt ... View Full Description
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Pharmaceutical Industry/Business Law »

Number of pages 15

This 15 page research paper begins by briefly summarizing a New York Times article that reports a massive layoff of pharmaceutical workers in New Jersey due to a merger. The information in this article relates to the information discussed in chapter 17 of Beatty and Samuelson's text on business law, Introduction to Business Law, in ... View Full Description
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NCLB and High Qualified Teachers »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page research paper that discusses the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), which was enacted by Congress in 2002, and which requires among its provisions that all teachers, as of end of 2005-6 school year, should be "highly qualified," that is, meet the defining list of requirements listed in the law ... View Full Description
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Changes in Industrial Relations in Australia »

Number of pages 11

This 11 page paper looks at changes in the law with a focus on The Workplace Relations Act of 1996 . The changes are discussed within the context of the economic history of Australia. Bibliography lists 9 sources. View Full Description
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Depression: A Deeper Understanding »

Number of pages 12

12 pages in length. The recent passage of a law to mandate better mental health insurance coverage and treatment begins a new journey in the decades-long struggle to provide appropriate care for those who are ashamed by the stigma of mental diseases like depression. The new law is unprecedented in its power to ... View Full Description
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Cases in Australian Tort Law »

Number of pages 6

This 6 page paper considers a number of events applying tort law. Bill holds a garage sale, Mavis trips and on an uneven pavement on the property while distracted and Doreen hit by a falling ceiling tile and subsequently dies. In addition to this a feed company has sold genetically modified feed to a chicken ... View Full Description
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How The Law Reasons About Bioethical Issues And The Criteria »

Number of pages 8

8 pages in length. The law found itself in a quagmire of unfamiliar territory throughout the twentieth century as man's progression as a species challenged many long-standing believes, assumptions and legal tenets. While legal interpretation depends upon those making such determinations, technology has presented some difficult cases before the court for which there ... View Full Description
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Criminal Law; Physical Harm Case »

Number of pages 4

This 4 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student. The case looks at criminal law and potential offences resulting from physical harm. The first part of the case sees a person harmed as a result of a thrown bottle, with the defendant claiming they meant to frighten and not harm. The ... View Full Description
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Welfare Reform 1996 - The Law And Its Impact »

Number of pages 15

A 15 page paper. This essay provides a brief historical account of welfare assistance in this country with a greater focus on the 1960s and 1970s. The essay then provides a comprehensive outline and discussion of The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996. Some of the key elements in the Act ... View Full Description
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Eight Factors Of Irony And Complexity: Influence Upon Cycles In Mexican History »

Number of pages 8

8 pages in length. Much like Murphy's Law by virtue of its facilitating effect for change but at the same time more comprehensive in nature, the eight factors of irony and complexity have proven to be an instrumental force in the formation and subsequent progress - or failure - of man's entire growth and ... View Full Description
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Sworn Strength And Its Impact Upon Crime: Times Have Changed »

Number of pages 12

12 pages in length. The extent to which sworn strength has historically helped to fortify both the impact on and fear of crime is irrefutable; that sworn peace officers have more hands-on experience and are privy to situations/circumstances their unsworn counterparts will never possess speaks to the critical element that serves to instill fear ... View Full Description
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Opposing Laws Against Gay Marriage »

Number of pages 3

3 pages in length. Man is constantly reinventing itself as a species in order to maintain an ongoing and progressive status; if he were remain idle without benefit of continued growth and advancement as a collective of living beings, he would soon cease to exist. Whether social, political, economic, cultural or technological, progression ... View Full Description
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Global Maritime Security Issues and the International Maritime Organization’s International Ship and Port Security (ISPS) Code »

Number of pages 5

In five pages this paper examines the ISPS framework the IMO established to combat global maritime terrorism in a summary of issues, challenges, and ways to address them. Four sources are listed in the bibliography. View Full Description
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Is Libel Law a Restriction of the Freedom of the Press? »

Number of pages 10

This 10 page paper considers the statement “The English Law of libel and defamation represents an unwarranted restriction on the freedom of the press and the broadcast media”. The paper looks at both sides of the argument and uses numerous cases to illustrate points raised. The bibliography cites 6 sources. View Full Description
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Power Of The Supreme Court »

Number of pages 3

3 pages in length. The decisions of recent Supreme Court cases revolve around a society that has become somewhat extremist. No longer do benevolence and humane ethics rule the land, but rather legal infiltration must work in tandem with a society lost to individualism. Issues such as gun control, presidential privilege, indiscriminant ... View Full Description
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The Role of Law and the Community and the Due Process Model: Examples of Each Found in the Cinema »

Number of pages 6

This is a 6 page paper discussing the concepts of the role of law in a community and the due process model as found in examples in film. Tutorial language appears in square brackets throughout the text to assist in the writing process. Several factors which are relevant to the law and crime are often ... View Full Description
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Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper analyzes Alexander Hamilton's Federalist Paper number 22. Each theme is discussed in full and then applied to the creation of various laws which are still in effect today. Bibliography lists 4 sources. View Full Description
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The Changing Relation Between American Law And The American Economy Over The Course Of The 20th Century »

Number of pages 5

5 pages in length. The writer discusses how the extent to which one can gauge the impact of the changing relation between American law and the American economy over the course of the twentieth century is by many things, not the least of which is by examining Keynesian philosophy. Earl Warren's equality style ... View Full Description
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The Constitutionality of the New York Smoking Ban »

Number of pages 10

This 10 page paper evaluates the constitutionality of the 2003 smoking ban. Various cases and other state laws are discussed. The first, fifth and fourteenth amendments are highlighted. Bibliography lists 10 sources. View Full Description
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Law Enforcement and the Media »

Number of pages 14

A 14 page paper which examines how law enforcement is portrayed by the media, how it affects the public’s perception of police departments, how several famous cases have been covered and the significance of racial and sexual prejudice. Bibliography lists 13 sources. View Full Description
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Is There Justification for the Doctrine of Adverse Possession? »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper considers if, in today’s society there is justification for the doctrine of adverse possession to continue under UK law. The paper defines adverse possession and looks at both sides of the argument, including the perception of property theft, aspects of public interest and government policy. The bibliography cites 8 sources. View Full Description
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The Law of Equity; Its’ Development as Indicated by the Evolution of Injunctions »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper discusses the statement that “equity is not past the age of childbearing”. The appeach is taken by looking at the development of the law of equity and injunctions, the new types of injunctions and the way in which the criteria for the granting of injunctions has developed to ensure the ... View Full Description
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Proceeds of Crime Act 2002; An Annotated Bibliography »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper is an annotated bibliography that outlines ten different sources that examine the application and impact of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 that came into effect in the UK in 2003. Sources quoted include online sources, book and articles in law and accounting journals. View Full Description
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Questions and Answers on Globalization and Economics »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper presents information on a variety of subjects in Q&A format. Concepts are defined and explored. Some concepts discussed include competition, national sovereignty, globalization, economic clusters, free trade, the law of diminishing returns and more. Bibliography lists 1 source. View Full Description
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NY State Factory Investigating Commission »

Number of pages 3

A 3 page research paper that explains the origins and achievements of the New York State Factory Investigating Commission (FIC). Begun in reaction to the tragic Triangle Shirtwaist fire of 1911, the FIC was eventually responsible for having 36 new laws passed to protect workers and the public health. Bibliography lists 3 sources. View Full Description
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Kissinger on Trial »

Number of pages 4

A 4 page essay that looks at two texts, Christopher Hitchens' The Trial of Henry Kissinger and Peter Maguire's Law and War, an American Story. The writer draws on these texts to examine whether or not Kissinger should be brought to trial for immoral actions committed during the Vietnam and cold war eras, as ... View Full Description
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Private security forces and the police »

Number of pages 7

A paper which considers the role of private security forces with relation to both the police force and the community as a whole, and investigates how they can be effectively integrated in law enforcement and community policing initiatives. View Full Description
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Two Critical Perspectives of William Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page paper which examines how the play can be regarded as a commentary on the law and its limits and also as a political allegory. Bibliography lists 4 sources. View Full Description
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