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Term papers on International law

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Number of pages 6

This paper examines some of Aristotle's philisophical foundation for political beliefs -- including the idea of nature (and natural laws) underlying the political order of his ideal polis. The three "rungs" of this ladder include the individual/family, the village and the state. Bibliogrpahy lists 1 source. View Full Description
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The Evolution of the Doctrine of Consideration »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper examine the doctrine of consideration in UK law and discussed how it has developed though the interpretation of the courts. The writer cites numerous cases and argues that its’ importance is lessening. The bibliography cites 7 sources. View Full Description
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Minor Use of the Internet/Legal Issues »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page research paper that offers an overview of legislation designed to protect minors using the Internet. The writer also discusses the law pertaining to minors and contracts. Bibliography lists 7 sources. View Full Description
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The Implications of Cheating in Dental School »

Number of pages 30

This 30 page paper focuses on the ethical problems that come with cheating in dental school. Many of the concepts may be applied to other professions such as medical or law school. Academic integrity is discussed in a general sense as are the implications that cheating has for professionals. Bibliography lists 12 sources. ... View Full Description
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Breach of Fiduciary Responsibility (Evaluation of Case Study) »

Number of pages 23

This 23 page paper evaluates a case submitted by a student. The case is outlined and then evaluated according to state and federal law. The case involves a corporation doing business in Colorado but domiciled in California. Facts of the case include, briefly, two partners who raise money for a business venture, but then take ... View Full Description
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Company Law and its’ Impact on Corporate Strategy »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper considers how company law in the UK aid wit the formation of better business strategies. The paper focuses on the duties of a director and breach of care, and how this may be used with a resource based view of the company. The bibliography cites 10 sources. View Full Description
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Loans, Leases and Hire Purchase »

Number of pages 16

This 16 page paper considers the difference between these three forms of financing, looking at their structure, the legal implications (Under UK Law), and their advantages and disadvantages of each of these forms of borrowing. The bibliography cites 10 sources. View Full Description
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How the Laws Regulating Companies can Influence and Enhance A Corporation’s Strategy »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper looks at UK law and considers how it may be used to help and enhance corporate strategy. The writer uses the Copyright, Designs and Patents Bill 1988, the Case of Dyson and Hoover and the role of directors to illustrate the points raised. The bibliography cites 10 sources. View Full Description
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Judicial Review »

Number of pages 10

This 10 page paper consider the circumstances in which there may be the right to apply for judicial review under UK Law. The bibliography cites 15 sources. View Full Description
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The Bahamas; Background to the Legal System »

Number of pages 24

This 24 page paper consider the legal background in the Bahamas. The paper consider the way in which there is a separation of the powers, the rule of law and the way in which the systems are reflective of the former colonial power. The writer also argues that there has been a lack of reform ... View Full Description
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A Case for Reparations »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper looks at the history of American society and argues in favor of reparations. Several important historical situations are discussed inclusive of Jim Crow laws, court cases, and how the Supreme Court views the concept of reparations. Bibliography lists 7 sources. View Full Description
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Number of pages 5

This paper examines land use regulations and whether they help or hinder economic development. Examples used include how Rhode Island has upgraded its laws to be more fair in the area of land use, and how one city managed to drive away a business because of its land use ordinance. Bibliography lists 5 sources. View Full Description
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EU Law; Gender Discrimination »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper considers EU law regarding the inequality of treatment for women employees. Looking as some specific examples Article 141 is examined along with relevant directive and numerous cases. The bibliography cites 7 sources. View Full Description
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Can Bill Clinton Sue for Libel Over Monicagate? »

Number of pages 6

This 6 page paper delves into U.S. libel law and looks at a variety of articles and web information to conclude that Bill Clinton really does not have a case. The concept of libel is examined. Bibliography lists 5 sources. View Full Description
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Staffing Plan For Organization »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page paper that basically discusses the hiring process, i.e., a plan for hiring for a company. The writer begins by discussing the need for first determining the skills, knowledge and characteristics needed instead of just filling positions. The steps in the hiring process are described. The writer also discusses the need to know ... View Full Description
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Criminal Investigations of Domestic Violence: »

Number of pages 10

This 10 page paper examines how domestic violence cases are investigated. This paper present the problem of domestic violence, some history of the subject and the changing view of domestic violence within the law enforcement system. Bibliography lists 7 sources. View Full Description
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EU Law; Discrimination due to Nationality »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper is a comprehensive look at the way that EU citizens can expect to be treated in each nation state. This examination is undertaken using relevant articles, directives and regulations, as well as making extensive use of case law. The bibliography cites 7 sources. View Full Description
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Wynn And Wiggins' "The Five Biggest Ideas In Science": Overview »

Number of pages 7

7 pages in length. The writer briefly reviews model of the atom, periodic law, big bang theory, plate tectonics model and the theory of evolution. Bibliography lists 9 sources. View Full Description
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Immigration: A New Immigration Bill »

Number of pages 2

2 pages. This is a summary of an article concerning immigration to the United States. This one-page summary gives a synopsis of the article that is an interesting one concerning the 'Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Bill' and whether it is an immigration policy that truly will make a difference in ... View Full Description
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Abortion: Definitions and Ethics »

Number of pages 8

An 8 page discussion of abortion. Defines abortion as the termination of a pregnancy and contrasts governmental policy with ethics. Provides a review of important case law in abortion but concludes that while abortion may be legal under some circumstances it is never ethical. Bibliography lists 4 sources. View Full Description
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Business Law; Similarities and Differences between the US and Portugal »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper considers the way in which business law in both of these countries is similar and also how it differs, including the cultural influences. The bibliography cites 4 sources. View Full Description
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Euthanasia in the Netherlands »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper consider how euthanasia has been legalised in Holland and considers if the Dutch system for the practice of active euthanasia morally sound, if it incorporates adequate safeguards against abuse and if it should be used as a basis for the introduction of similar laws in other countries, such as the United ... View Full Description
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Number of pages 5

This paper examines a series of essay questions, including the concept of "fair use" in copyright laws and the idea of "reporter protection" during a courtroom trial. Bibliography lists 5 sources. View Full Description
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Number of pages 7

This paper examines the 1967 President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice, the history of the commission and the impact of its recommendations. Bibliography lists 4 sources. View Full Description
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EU Law; Competition Policy »

Number of pages 6

This 6 page paper considers the statement "Competition is the best stimulant of economic activity….. but is not, however, regarded as an end in itself. It is one of the most important means by which an integrated market is achieved" by looking at relevant competition policy and application under European Union Law. The writer ... View Full Description
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Contemporary Legal Thought; The Role of the European Union in Globalisation »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper considers how the EU has, or has not, been able to influence the process of globalisation and the role that the legalisation has played, supporting or harming the trend. The writer considers the direct sand indirect effect of supernational laws, and how this may manifest in the future. The bibliography cites ... View Full Description
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The Development of Industrial Relations; The Impact of the Move from Collectivism to Individualism »

Number of pages 9

This 9 page paper considers the way in which industrial relations have changed due to increased emphasis on individualism. The writer considers the way in which the law and social attitudes have been interrelated and the way in which new forms of collectivism which embody co-operation and consent are also accompanied by an increased legal ... View Full Description
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European Trademark Law »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper focuses on a specific regulation regarding the labeling of a cheese product in relation to its country of origin. Several aspects of European Community law are discussed and remedies for the problem are discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources. View Full Description
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The Role of Consent in Non-Fatal Offenses »

Number of pages 5

5 pages. The role of consent in non-fatal offenses plays a big part in how a crime is tried by jury. While one would assume that giving one's consent would seem to make something not a crime, as in the way of sexual offenses, there have been many surprising outcomes in trials by ... View Full Description
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Sovereignty in the United States »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper looks at the Constitution, Constitutional law and sovereignty. Several related questions posed by a student are answered. Bibliography lists 1 source. View Full Description
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Action in the Devil's Den: A Civil War History »

Number of pages 8

8 pages. The Union dispositions in Devil's Den including Ward's Brigade and Smith's Battery are explained fully in this paper as well as the breakdown of coordination as Hood attacked during the advance of Law's and Robertson's Brigades. Bennings arrival and the final outcome are included. The final section of the paper ... View Full Description
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Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper discusses Charles Dickens' book, Oliver Twist. Themes and an overview of the plot are given. Examples, cited, and quoted. Poor Law of 1834 are applied as well as relevance to the theme of the poor in the story. The novel is thoroughly analyzed for its social commentary. Bibliography lists 1 source. View Full Description
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UK Contract Law; Mistake »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper considers the different types of mistake in common-law and uses this to consider whether or not England and Wales should adopt a doctrine of Common Mistake. The bibliography cites 7 sources. View Full Description
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Family Law »

Number of pages 14

This 14 page paper considers several questions regarding the claiming of maintenance, the share of a family home, the splitting of a pension and hidden assets In a divorce. The writer then consider the assessment of child maintenance and related issues for an unmarried couple. The paper is written with consideration of UK law and ... View Full Description
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Cameras Should be Mandatory in Interrogation Rooms »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper takes a look at the use of cameras in law enforcement. The thesis of the paper is that not only should cameras be mandated during interrogations, but also, that it should be a part of the people's constitutional guarantee. Bibliography lists 7 sources. View Full Description
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Hate Crimes »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper considers what is meant by hate crimes, the way in which they occur, and gives examples, before looking at the causes of these types of crime. The writer includes the subject of desensitisation, examples set by authority, general prejudice, the role of law and societal acceptance and expectations. The bibliography cites ... View Full Description
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Data Protection in the EU »

Number of pages 7

This 7 page paper considers the potion of EU law concerning the protection of data. The writer looks at this generally as well ad the application of this to the Internet. The bibliography cite 14 sources. View Full Description
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Nursing Ethics and Professional Dilemmas »

Number of pages 8

An 8 page overview of the myriad of professional dilemmas which sometimes confront the nursing profession. The author emphasizes that the profession has in place a framework of laws and ethics which allow us to decide the right direction when confronted with these dilemmas. At the center of this approach is the realization ... View Full Description
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Misrepresentation; UK Law »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper considers the concept of misrepresentation. The writer defines it, then looks at the different elements with relevant case law in order and applies it to a specific case. The bibliography cites 8 sources. View Full Description
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Neo-Marxian, Conflict Theory And Functionalism »

Number of pages 5

5 pages in length. The writer discusses how a world system perspective adds to Classical Marxism, as well as addresses the differing approaches between conflict and functional theories as they relate to law and social class. Bibliography lists 4 sources. View Full Description
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Transsexuals in the Workplace: Discrimination Issues »

Number of pages 14

14 pages. This paper focuses on the issues of transsexuals in the workplace. Discrimination, constitutional law, social and political aspects of the employment of transsexuals are all topics that are discussed in this extensive and interesting research paper. Bibliography lists 9 sources. View Full Description
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Rape: An Ethical Reason for Abortion? »

Number of pages 6

A 6 page discussion of the ethics of abortion is concerned. The author of this paper examines both the pros and cons surrounding the issues of abortion, pointing out that there could indeed be many problems with pregnancies which result from rape. The conclusion is presented, however, that abortion is against natural law ... View Full Description
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Should the Church Stop Gay Marriages? »

Number of pages 5

5 pages. This paper argues that the government and/or church or religious institutions should have the power to stop same-sex marriages. According to Canadian and United States research materials there are many people that feel the same way. The laws are in many cases in complete agreement with this feeling. Bibliography lists ... View Full Description
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Number of pages 5

This paper supports the thesis that during the period of segregation in the United States, Black people were forced to live under laws in which they had no say. This paper uses articles to prove the thesis through example. Bibliography lists 6 sources. View Full Description
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Farrakhan v. Secretary of State for the Home Dept. »

Number of pages 9

A 9 page research paper that discusses the 2001 decision of the British High Court concerning Farrakhan v. the Home Secretary. Farrakhan is a black Muslim leader who is known to be racist (against whites) and anti-Semitic. The decision reversed a 15-year ban on Farrakhan in the UK. The writer defends the decision as good ... View Full Description
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The Effects of Court Decisions on the Deductibility of Educational Expenses »

Number of pages 10

This 10 page paper emphasizes the role of the Supreme Court in making law regarding the deductibility of educational expenses. Homeschooling, religious issues and other applicable topics are discussed in conjunction with this tax-related matter in education. Bibliography lists 6 sources. View Full Description
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A Generation of Roe v. Wade »

Number of pages 6

A 6 page paper discussing the history of and legal arguments used in the landmark Supreme Court case. Whether abortion is right or not and constitutes a moral decision is still a matter of debate, but it is no longer a matter of law. That debate was settled by Roe v. Wade more ... View Full Description
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Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of Belgium Case C-478/980 »

Number of pages 9

This 9 page paper reviews and discusses this case that involves the imposition of barriers to prevent the free movement of capital. The defence in this case was claimed to be the requirements of the barrier to prevent tax evasion and maintain a taxation system. This case can be seen as a prime example of ... View Full Description
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Number of pages 7

This 7 page paper discusses cheating and the ethics of cheating in the corporate and federal worlds. Canadian Laws and Quebec's Civil Code are exampled, as well as examples from corporate settings. Bibliography lists 5 sources. View Full Description
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Police Misconduct »

Number of pages 5

5 pages. This paper deals with the topic of misconduct among law enforcement officers, unnecessary use of force and police review panels. This is an unfortunate but still occurring problem in many cities. Bibliography lists 5 sources. View Full Description
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