

Check our our list of essays, term papers, legal briefs, thesis and dissertations.

Term papers on International law

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Leadership for Law Enforcement »

Number of pages 3

This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of leadership in law enforcement. Effective strategies are discussed. Bibliography lists 2 sources. View Full Description
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Contract law and Promises »

Number of pages 6

This is a 6 page paper that provides an overview of contract law. The matter of the enforceability of verbal agreements is explored. Bibliography lists 2 sources. View Full Description
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Ensuring Security in a Small Firm »

Number of pages 3

This 3 page paper provides an overview of the major views regarding how to ensure security in a small law firm. This paper considers the use of technology and the implications. Bibliography lists 3 sources. View Full Description
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Personal Statement Letter for Law School »

Number of pages 3

This 3 page paper provides an overview of one student's personal statement and letter for law school. This paper relates the basic elements that a student should consider when writing this type of paper. View Full Description
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Criminal Law Information »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper provides an overview of a group of questions about criminal law. This paper uses case examples to support the assertions presented. Bibliography lists 3 sources. View Full Description
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Higher Education and Law Enforcement »

Number of pages 9

This is a 9 page paper that provides an overview of law enforcement policy proposals. A proposal to incorporate higher education into officer training is explored. Bibliography lists 3 sources. View Full Description
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Communal Property and the Importance of Economics »

Number of pages 3

This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of the importance of economics to everyday reality. Issues such as communal property law as well as scarcity and demand are explored. Bibliography lists 5 sources. View Full Description
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Private Security for Law Firms »

Number of pages 3

This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of security needs at law firms. Internal and technological threats, as well as the issue of liability are examined. Bibliography lists 5 sources. View Full Description
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Morality and the Law »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper looks at whether there is a connection between mortality and the law, looking at the ideas of legal theorists such as Fuller, Dworkin, Hart and Devlin. The bibliography cites 8 sources. View Full Description
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Ethical Behavior in Community Corrections »

Number of pages 7

This 7 page paper explores the ethical foundation of this branch of law enforcement. The author emphasizes that despite many efforts to make it a thing of the past, corruption is alive and well in community policing. Bibliography lists 7 sources. View Full Description
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Principles of the Constitution »

Number of pages 4

This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of the principles of the Constitution. Also examined is the process through which a bill becomes law. Bibliography lists 4 sources. View Full Description
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Gun Law's Impact on Gun Violence »

Number of pages 15

A 15 page research paper that offers and extensive literature review that addresses the impact of state gun law on gun-related violence. The writer argues that, based on this research, strict gun control lowers gun violence levels. Bibliography lists 10 sources. View Full Description
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Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide: Moral and Legal Considerations »

Number of pages 3

In three pages this paper expresses the writer’s beliefs about euthanasia and its justification, considers euthanasia within the context of “special populations,” and discusses physician-assisted suicide law in the writer’s home state of Washington. Four sources are listed in the bibliography. View Full Description
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Plessy v. Ferguson/Outcomes of this Precedent »

Number of pages 3

This 3 page research paper addresses the US Supreme Court decision in this landmark 1896 case. The writer argues that while it resulted initially in oppression for African Americans in the form of Jim Crow laws, eventually the groundwork laid by this case resulted in the success of the Civil Rights movement. Bibliography lists 3 ... View Full Description
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White Collar Crime: A Paradox in American Justice »

Number of pages 12

This 12 page paper provides an overview of white-collar crime and its perceived seriousness in America. This paper relates the attitudes of the American public, law enforcement and the courts to white-collar crime and how its perceived seriousness has changed recently. Bibliography lists 10 sources. View Full Description
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Police Crisis Intervention »

Number of pages 6

A 6 page research paper describes the role of police in crisis intervention. The writer addresses the role that law enforcement and other front-line personnel play in regards to crisis intervention, describing the issues, plans, steps and training that front-line personnel should receive in regards to crisis intervention. Bibliography lists 7 sources. View Full Description
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Workplace Supervision Dictatorships Democracies and Teams »

Number of pages 3

This 3 page paper contends that dictatorships in the workplace only lead to decreased productivity. Examples from law enforcement are used, however, to demonstrate that democracies don’t really work either. Teamwork is a reliable alternative. Bibliography lists 2 sources. View Full Description
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Gender and Race Discrimination Case »

Number of pages 4

This 4 page paper looks at a case provided by the student and considers a case where there is a claim of racial and gender discrimination. The paper, which is made up of four PowerPoint slides and speaker notes looks at the concept of gender and racial discrimination why it is outlawed and at a ... View Full Description
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History Of Contract Law »

Number of pages 3

This 3 page paper provides a brief overview of the history of contracts and contract law. The writer also explains the Uniform Commercial Code and why it was important. Bibliography lists 6 sources. View Full Description
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Civil Order Control »

Number of pages 4

A 4 page research paper that discusses the function of civil order control by law enforcement officers and describes how this function is accomplished in various countries, such as the US, France, Germany, Japan, China and Saudi Arabia. Bibliography lists 3 sources. View Full Description
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Family Nurse Practitioner »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page paper that discusses different issues. The first topic is the Casuistry ethics approach, which is explained and discussed. Other topics focus on setting up a family nurse practitioner clinic in Louisiana, including the laws governing such enterprises. Components of the business plan are identified and the write comments on the characteristics ... View Full Description
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Aspects of Corporate Law »

Number of pages 15

This is a 15 page paper that provides an overview of corporate law. Many different terms are defined and example cases are cited. Bibliography lists 15 sources. View Full Description
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Evidence and its Impact upon Law »

Number of pages 15

This is a 15 page paper that provides an overview of evidence in law. Different types of evidence and their influence on society and individuals are explored. Bibliography lists 15 sources. View Full Description
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An Overview of Constitutional Law »

Number of pages 13

This is a 13 page paper that provides an overview of Constitutional law. All three branches of government are covered. Bibliography lists 15 sources. View Full Description
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The Balance of Employment Law »

Number of pages 15

This is a 15 page paper that provides an overview of employment law. The main topic of discussion is the balance of interests of employers, workers, and society at large. Bibliography lists 20 sources. View Full Description
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Ethics in the Legal Profession »

Number of pages 4

This 4 page paper provides an overview of three rules of the ABA that impact lawyers and three ABA rules that impact law firms. This paper outlines these rules and provides examples. Bibliography lists 6 sources. View Full Description
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Human Resource Manager At Immigration Law Firm »

Number of pages 3

A 3 page paper that reports the responsibilities, skills, knowledge, and requirements for the HR manager at an immigration law firm. Bibliography lists 2 sources. View Full Description
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Examining Landlord and Tenant law in the UK »

Number of pages 13

This is a 13 page paper that provides an overview of landlord and tenant laws in the UK. The focus is on the Landlord and Tenant Act of 1985. Bibliography lists 6 sources. View Full Description
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Samson And Deuteronomic Ideals »

Number of pages 4

A 4 page paper that discusses Samson’s birth, his special place in God’s plan, his first violation of Deuteronomic law, and why he is still considered a hero of faith. Bibliography lists 5 sources. View Full Description
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Fault and Liability for Compensation »

Number of pages 9

This 9 page paper looks at the legal concept of fault, and how it is in most instances of tort when assessing whether or not there will be a liability for compensation. The requirements for fault are considered as well as the criticisms leveled at the concept by Atiyah (1980). The paper is written with ... View Full Description
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Fiduciary Relationships and Duties »

Number of pages 9

The case of Goldcrop Exchange Ltd (in receivership) [1994] 2 All ER, saw Lord Mustill state that the presence of a contractual relationship would not automatically exclude the presence of fiduciary duties. This 9 page paper looks at the concept of fiduciary duty, where and how it arises, and the way it may be seen ... View Full Description
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Should the Increase in the Minimum Threshold for Creditor Petitioning for Personal Insolvency Be Extended to Commercial Insolvency? »

Number of pages 22

This 22 page paper looks at insolvency in Australia and considers the 2010 amendment which increased the minimum threshold for a creditor petition. The change is examined in the context of insolvency law and the potential for a similar amendment to be applied to commercial insolvency legislation is assessed. The bibliography cites 16 sources. ... View Full Description
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Do We Have the Right to Burn an American Flag? »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper argues that Constitutional law protects our First Amendment right to free expression even when that expression involves the desecration of an American flag. Bibliography lists 6 sources. View Full Description
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A Philosophical Overview of Politics and Ethics »

Number of pages 15

This is a 15 page paper that provides an overview of politics and ethics. The paper examines how government proceeds from a philosophical worldview, as well as tensions between political and ethical laws. Bibliography lists 4 sources. View Full Description
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Information And Electronic Privacy »

Number of pages 3

A 3 page paper. Information privacy is a growing concern. This essay reports the laws that are intended to protect an individual’s information, including electronic/digital information. Bibliography lists 4 sources. View Full Description
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The Role of Law Enforcement Officers in the Courtroom »

Number of pages 3

This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of the role of law enforcement officers in the courtroom. Proper standards of testimony are explored in the context of a real trial. Bibliography lists 3 sources. View Full Description
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A Summary of Civil Procedure »

Number of pages 10

This is a 10 page paper that provides an overview of civil procedure. A detailed summary of all aspects of civil procedure is based on a reading of the Gilbert Law Summaries. Bibliography lists 2 sources. View Full Description
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Styles of Communication in the Criminal Justice System »

Number of pages 3

This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of communication in criminal justice. The value of communication in law enforcement is also discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources. View Full Description
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Insurance Companies Cannot Reject Pre-Existing Conditions »

Number of pages 8

An 8 page paper that begins with a definition of pre-existing condition. The essay reports statistical data regarding the prevalence of pre-existing conditions. The writer discuses the effect of the new law, how it will affect quality, arguments for and against the mandate. Bibliography lists 6 sources. View Full Description
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Duties of Directors after the Centro Case »

Number of pages 9

This 9 page paper looks at an article reviewing the Centro case, Australian Securities and Investments Commission v Healey [and others] [2011], reviews the case and the contents and discusses the findings and why this may mean for the way directors duties are interpreted in Australian courts. The way that the findings fit in with ... View Full Description
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Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act »

Number of pages 3

A 3 page paper that explains what this act did for copyright protection. The paper discusses the pros and cons of copyright laws and whether they encourage or discourage creativity. Bibliography lists 7 sources. View Full Description
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Human Trafficking »

Number of pages 9

This 9 page paper considers the statistics on human trafficking and the laws that have been enacted to address it in the US. The author argues that all forms of human trafficking should be punished equally. Bibliography lists 3 sources. View Full Description
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Examining the Microsoft Antitrust Lawsuit »

Number of pages 3

This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of antitrust laws. The Microsoft case is used as an example of the deficiencies of the legal system to meaningfully judge modern industries. Bibliography lists 5 sources. View Full Description
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Stun Guns/Video Surveillance in Law Enforcement »

Number of pages 4

A 4 page research paper that presents the pros and cons of stun gun and patrol car video surveillance by law enforcement officers, arguing in favor of their use. Bibliography lists 4 sources. View Full Description
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Stun Guns and Surveillance in Law Enforcement »

Number of pages 4

This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of technology in law enforcement. Ethical concerns over the use of stun guns and surveillance equipment by police are examined. Bibliography lists 3 sources. View Full Description
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OSHA Inspections »

Number of pages 11

This 11 page paper provides an overview of OSHA including the law under which this Administration was created. The paper discusses inspections, employer rights and responsibilities following inspections, types of violations and potential penalties, contesting any part of the citation, the occupational Safety and Health Review Commission, and a case study. Bibliography lists 8 ... View Full Description
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Law Enforcement and Communication »

Number of pages 8

This is an 8 page paper that provides an overview of the importance of communication to law enforcement. The role effective communication plays in interviews, interrogations, conflict resolution, and report writing is explored through a hypothetical scenario. Bibliography lists 4 sources. View Full Description
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Observations from Fluid Dynamics »

Number of pages 6

This is a 6 page paper that provides an overview of fluid dynamics. The spouting can experiment provides a basis for exploring proportionality and Bernoulli's law. Bibliography lists 8 sources. View Full Description
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Forensic Science in the 21st Century »

Number of pages 9

This 9 page paper outlines the many advancements that have been made in forensic sciences and how those advancements impact all levels of law enforcement, security, and criminal justice. The so-called CSI effect is discussed as well. Bibliography lists 6 sources. View Full Description
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Acting in the Color of State Law »

Number of pages 7

This 7 page paper defines what it means to act in the color of the law and outlines the problems that can result. Bibliography lists 7 sources. View Full Description
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