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Term papers on International law

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Utilizing COPPS Philosophy And SARA Method To Address Street Racing And Underage Drinking Problem »

Number of pages 4

4 pages in length. Proactive, prevention-oriented approaches are far superior - and generate far greater results - than the conventional method law enforcement has utilized for centuries. The extent to which the Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving (COPPS) philosophy works in tandem with the SARA method (scanning, analysis, response and assessment) is ... View Full Description
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Cover Letter For Job Application »

Number of pages 4

A 4 page paper that presents a cover letter for the position of instructor or assistant professor in the Criminal Justice Department of a local community college. In this case, the applicant has 15 years experience as a law enforcement officer and will be earning his Ph.D. in Criminal Justice this year. Tutorial comments are ... View Full Description
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Diversity Management Plan »

Number of pages 9

A 9 page paper that begins with a discussion about why diversity is good for business. The major laws that address discrimination are explained as is the difference between diversity and equal opportunity. The writer justifies the need for a diversity management plan at a company, describes and explains the steps involved in developing a ... View Full Description
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Voting and Representation »

Number of pages 7

This 7 page paper discusses voting rights and recent Supreme Court decisions, and also touches on gerrymandering and reactions to it. It argues that politics, not law, is the driving force in the most recent decisions. Bibliography lists 6 sources. View Full Description
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Nathaniel Hawthorne's Use of Puritan Characters »

Number of pages 4

This 4 page paper explores Hawthorne's use of puritan characters in several of his stories, and argues that they are unpleasant and baleful, even though they believe themselves to be following God's law. Bibliography lists 3 sources. View Full Description
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Background Checks: Inherent Obligations »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page exploration of the obligations that are inherent in background checks. Companies have an obligation to both that individual being investigated and themselves to use background information in the most effective way to conduct as thorough as possible of a background investigation. Companies must comply with law and check and recheck ... View Full Description
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Informants: Inside, Periphery And Outside Targets »

Number of pages 4

4 pages in length. Without the help of informants, it is likely that police investigations would suffer to a great extent in light of the tremendous advantage such purveyors of information bestow upon law enforcement activity. From anonymous to citizen to professional to criminal, informants are comprised of various types of individuals who ... View Full Description
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The Law Of Supply And Demand »

Number of pages 4

This 4 page paper explains and discusses the Law of Supply and Demand, choice, decisions, elasticity and inelasticity and provides examples. Bibliography lists 5 sources. View Full Description
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An Argument for Funding Reallocation for Alcohol/Drug Abuse Treatment Programs »

Number of pages 3

A 3 page argument that partial reallocation of the funds that are customarily used in the law enforcement/criminal justice arenas to apprehend and imprison drug and alcohol abusers for their transgressions is necessary. These funds could be no more appropriately used than through well designed and implemented drug and alcohol treatment programs. View Full Description
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Denial of Service Attack using a Third Party Computer as a Zombie; A Potential Legal Culpability? »

Number of pages 3

This 3 page argumentative paper considers a position where a company suffers a denial of service attack (DDOS) and considers if there is any potential culpability if a third party was used as a zombie to carry put the attack. The paper argues the case concerning tort law and the ethical considerations. The bibliography cites ... View Full Description
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Culture And The Creation Of Gender Laws »

Number of pages 4

4 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses the ways in which culture has played an integral role in establishing gender laws. Bibliography lists 5 sources. View Full Description
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Discrimination against Sexual Minorities »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper argues that discrimination against sexual minorities is virulent and harmful, and that it is still on-going, despite laws and regulations specifically outlawing it. Bibliography lists 6 sources. View Full Description
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Multiphasic Sex Inventory II »

Number of pages 5

5 pages in length. Profiling sexual offenders by way of the Multiphasic Sex Inventory II provides a basis upon which law enforcement and the psychological community can better understand what drives certain individuals to behave in such an antisocial manner. This approach, exclusively meant to measure those who have allegedly committed or admitted ... View Full Description
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Why I Want To Be a Law Officer »

Number of pages 3

A 3 page essay that presents a hypothetical personal essay on why an individual would seek a career as a law enforcement officer. No bibliography is provided. View Full Description
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The Mentally Ill in the Criminal Justice System »

Number of pages 10

This 10 page paper looks at the way the mentally ill are treated in the UK criminal justices system. The paper is a literature review for a larger study and includes the definition of mental illness, occurrence and type of mental disorders and the treatment of the mentally ill offenders under the law. The bibliography ... View Full Description
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Extending the Application of Direct Effect »

Number of pages 6

This 12 page paper critically discuss the complexities engendered any the extension of the notion of direct effect to directives under EU law and suggests ways by which the ECJ could and have resolved these complexities. The bibliography cites 18 sources. View Full Description
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The Implications of No Child Left Behind on English Language Learners »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper provides an overview of NCLB and evaluates its effects on ELL programs. How does the law affect schools as it respects Special Ed programs? The paper focuses on ELL and how language plays a part in the problems with NCLB. Bibliography lists 4 sources. View Full Description
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CD and DVD Burning and Copyright Law »

Number of pages 4

A 4 page paper which argues that copyright laws on copying CDs and DVDs should be strict, but allow for certain situations. Bibliography lists 2 sources. View Full Description
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Police Administration And Organization In The United States »

Number of pages 5

5 pages in length. The writer discusses how the hierarchy of law enforcement is essential to the overall administrative and organizational objectives of police departments throughout the United States. Bibliography lists 5 sources. View Full Description
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Scope of OR Nursing Practice »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page research paper that addresses the controversy surrounding the use of unlicensed assistive personnel, technicians or LPNs in the OR rather than RNs. The writer discusses scope of practice, focusing on New York State law, and why this practice is dangerous to patient safety. Bibliography lists 5 sources. View Full Description
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The Case for Christine Busalacchi and Against Nurse Participation in Patient Death »

Number of pages 10

A 10 page paper which the arguments presented by nurses in Missouri and Arkansas, who pleaded a case before the Supreme Court that depriving Christine Busalacchi of nourishment through starvation and dehydration was illegal, inhumane, and unethical. The strengths and weaknesses of the arguments presented in the nurses’ briefs, conflicts of laws or rights ... View Full Description
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Comparing Chinese Contract Law and English Contract Law »

Number of pages 6

This 6 page paper makes a direct comparison of contract law in China and England looking at the basic foundations, the requirements for a contract to be valid and the way in which issues such as fraud, misrepresent, misunderstanding and breach will be dealt with by the courts. The bibliography cites 10 sources. ... View Full Description
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Random Public School Searches/Legality »

Number of pages 7

A 7 page research paper that investigates the constitutionality of school searches. On one hand, school officials are bound legally and morally to respect the rights of students, as they exist under law. Yet, on the other hand, school officials bear the responsibility of providing safe and orderly environments that promote learning for all their ... View Full Description
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The Law Enforcement Profession and the Process of Collective Bargaining with (Emphasis on California) »

Number of pages 32

A 32 page paper which examines the impact of unionization in the public sphere of law enforcement, retracing its history, exploring advantages and disadvantages, and specifically considers how various California police unions have been affected by collective bargaining, including the failed Proposition 75 initiative of 2005. Bibliography lists 20 sources. View Full Description
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Business and Organizational White-Collar Crime »

Number of pages 9

A 9 page paper answering 10 discussion questions about corporate responsibility and conviction for white collar crime, as well as technocrime and which type is worse for the community. Other questions address law enforcement agencies and four crime theories. Bibliography lists 8 sources. View Full Description
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Reconstruction Era 1865 to 1877 »

Number of pages 9

This 9 page paper provides an overview of the Reconstruction era. The essay reports some of the conflicts between President Lincoln and the Congress and between President Johnson and the Congress. The writer reports on the amendments, the civil rights act, the Freedmen's Bureau. The writer also discusses what went wrong, the founding of the ... View Full Description
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VBeem; Shipping Case Study »

Number of pages 10

This 10 page paper is a UK shipping law paper considering a case provided by the student. VBeem have bought goods from Chopstix in Hong Kong who arrange for the carriage. The goods are spoilt in transit and VBeen want to take action against the carrier, but the bill of lading states that will not ... View Full Description
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Montaigne’s Quest for Change »

Number of pages 9

The desire for change was Montaigne’s burden. “In this university,” Montaigne writes, “I suffer myself to be ignorantly and negligently led by the general law of the world . . . 'tis folly to hope it . . . . .” Under consideration, "Of Experience" and "Of Custom" to discuss Montaigne's writing and his beliefs. ... View Full Description
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Treatments for Dyslexia »

Number of pages 4

This 4 page paper provides an overview of dyslexia and looks at American laws regarding treatment in the classroom. Various studies are looked at in terms of what works best. Solutions to the problem are ambiguous. Bibliography lists 6 sources. View Full Description
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Number of pages 3

This 3-page paper discusses performance and breach from a business contract law point of view, and discusses each and how they impact a business. Bibliography lists 1 source. View Full Description
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Arguing an Australian Betting Charge »

Number of pages 6

A 6 page paper providing possible arguments that prosecution and defense attorneys might use in a charge brought against an unlicensed betting bookmaker in Australia. The law provided is a fictitious one, as is the case on which the paper is based. The purpose is to illustrate what arguments that each side could ... View Full Description
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Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper discusses Section 13 of Australia's Motor Traffic law. A ficticious case is discussed and argued. Bibliography lists 5 sources. View Full Description
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Environmental Law in the EU »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper considers the way the polluter pays principle and the precautionary principles appear in EU environmental law. The paper considers the attitude of member states and the trend towards a duel approach. The bibliography cites 3 sources. View Full Description
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Medicare Fraud and Abuse »

Number of pages 8

The 1990s into the new century have seen a cleanup of Medicare fraud and abuse through various case law filed under the False Claims Act (FCA) 31 U.S.C. Section 3729 et seq., and subsequent passage of privacy acts. Two of these cases were U.S. v. Barry Weinbaum, et al. and U.S. ex rel. James F. ... View Full Description
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Free Movement of Goods and Competition law »

Number of pages 14

This 14 page paper is written in two parts and looks at EU law. The first considers a case supplied by the student. A company is being charge an import duty by another member state and another country is charging a company to undertake safely checks on the products. The case is considered with reference ... View Full Description
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Capitalism: Democracy’s Bane »

Number of pages 6

Martin Luther King, Jr. said that anyone living in the states should never be considered an outsider, but Henry David Thoreau points out that the United States is not truly a society of people, but a country made up of individuals with only their own needs to consider, under the law. As such, their capitalist ... View Full Description
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RM Law Implications post-Arthur Anderson and Enron »

Number of pages 7

In the wake of corporate malfeasance at Arthur Anderson, new laws have been passed to protect the public. The most important of these was spelled out in the Sarbanes-Oxley act, an act governing how paper (memorandums, correspondence, and any other paper) will be treated in the future. Taking a quick walk through why the act ... View Full Description
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The Legal Framework of Ancient Rome Ancient »

Number of pages 6

Rome has influence many subsequent societies. This 6 page paper considers how the legal system developed in Rome, with the concept of rights and the doctrine of innocent until proven guilty. The paper starts with the period of the kings and the rule of life and continues through the recording of law in the twelve ... View Full Description
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Property Law and the Human Rights Act 1998 »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper considers the way that the Human Rights Act may create change in property law in the UK. The paper argues that there is a bias towards the wishes and rights of property owners, but that this is changing gradually. The argument uses multiple cases to illustrate points raised including Royal Borough ... View Full Description
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Copyright Law and the Internet »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper considers the position of web page content under UK laws. The paper looks at a case supplied by the student. The first issue concerns content created by a subcontractor without a written contract and who owns the copyright. The second issue looks at the copying of photographs form a different website ... View Full Description
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Economic Loss in Tort »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper considers a case supplied by the student where a doctor gives wrong information to a potential employer, loosing the potential employee the job. The paper considers if, under English law, a case for pure economic loss could undertaken. The paper cites numerous cases before a conclusion is reached. The bibliography cites ... View Full Description
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Living the Three Laws of Robotics »

Number of pages 4

Through Robbie and QT-1, Isaac Asimov spins the human lesson utopian tale of a society that would live under only three laws: harm no one, do our jobs, and preserve ourselves for the protection of all. If we did so, the world would be a better place. Bibliography lists 1 source. jvIRobot.rtf View Full Description
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Institutional Racism Within Law Enforcement: »

Number of pages 4

This 4 page paper examines the problem of institutionalized racism, and how police officers specifically are affected. This paper highlights the many evidences of racism that continue to exist within law enforcement, despite claims to the contrary. Bibliography lists 3 sources. View Full Description
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The History, Role, and Accomplishments of Professional Organizations in Education »

Number of pages 15

A 15 page discussion of the importance of teachers' groups. The author emphasizes that these groups can be very diverse yet can play a tremendously important role in the shaping of policy and even law relating to education. Bibliography lists 12 sources. View Full Description
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The Impact on s138 of the Evidence Act 1995 »

Number of pages 12

This 12 page paper consider s138 of the Evidence Act 1995 (NSW) or (CTH) and critically discusses how this section of legislation and cases such as Bunning v Cross (1978) 141 CLR 54 and Ridgeway v Queen (1995) 129 AR 41 impact on operational investigations and their officers. Numerous cases are cited to illustrate points ... View Full Description
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Contract Law Cases; Unfair Contract Exclusions and Faulty Goods »

Number of pages 3

This 3 page paper looks at two contract cases. In the first an electrician undertakes work negligently that results in a fire and tries to rely on an exclusion clause to relive him of any liability. The second case considers a microwave oven that catches fire on first use. Both cases are discusses using English ... View Full Description
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Number of pages 4

This 4-page paper focuses on the issue of why the Second Amendment is both the most used and least effective argument for gun control, and why it has made America's gun control laws so weak. Bibliography lists 1 source. View Full Description
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Business Law »

Number of pages 4

This 4 page paper considers articles supplied by the student to assess the way business law in the US is currently operating, with a critique of the approach that is taken by many in the business world. The bibliography cites 4 sources. View Full Description
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Do They Hear You When You Cry By Kassindja & Bashir »

Number of pages 3

This 3 page paper discusses Kassindja and Bashir's book, Do They Hear You When You Cry, the true account of Kassindja's plight to escape Female genital mutilation in Togo, Africa. The writer's thesis is that strangers will come forward to help an individual who is experiencing injustice and brutality. The writer also reports how this ... View Full Description
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Risk assessment and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations »

Number of pages 11

A paper which looks in detail at the Risk assessment and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, with particular reference to the concepts of "sufficient" and "suitable" as used in the Regulations, and the way that these have been interpreted in recent case law. Bibliography lists 25 sources View Full Description
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