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Term papers on International law

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Soccer as a Type of Nationalism: International Perspectives, Soccer Fans and National Identity »

Number of pages 20

This is a 20 page paper discussing soccer as a national identity as portrayed by soccer fans in different countries in addition to national pride and political perspectives. Soccer, referred to as football on an international basis, has become one of the most prominent symbols of nationalism within recent years. Whether soccer teams are representing ... View Full Description
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The Economic Impact of World Trade Organization (WTO) Membership on China »

Number of pages 4

This is a 4 page paper discussing the economic impact of China’s WTO membership. Light tutorial language is inserted in square brackets throughout to aid in the writing process for customers. After over fifteen years of multilateral and bilateral negotiations with members of the GATT and then WTO member nations, China was accepted as a ... View Full Description
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Jan Brunvand’s Works on Urban Legends, “The Vanishing Hitchhiker” and “The Baby Train”: Development of Changes in Format and Presentation »

Number of pages 5

This is a 5 page paper discussing the differences found in Brunvand’s “The Vanishing Hitchhiker” and “The Baby Train”. Jan Brunvand’s text “The Vanishing Hitchhiker: American Urban Legends and Their Meanings” (1981) introduced a generation to contemporary American urban legends, their origins, their development, and contained detailed accounts as to the depth of research in ... View Full Description
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Three Major Challenges to the Global Political Economy: International Trade Policies, Globalization in Developing Countries, and Sustainable Development »

Number of pages 5

This is a 5 page paper discussing three of the major challenges to the global political economy. Recent developments in the global economic community have led to several concerns and challenges which must be met politically and economically in order for an effective transition to take place among all nations active in international trade and ... View Full Description
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Territorial Maritime Dispute Between Nicaragua and Columbia Including Additional Aspects on Disputes with Honduras and the 200 Nautical Mile Boundary »

Number of pages 8

This is an 8 page paper discussing the maritime territorial disputes between Nicaragua and Columbia and Nicaragua and Honduras. Nicaragua currently has two territorial dispute cases before the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The first case forwarded in December 1999 was for the need of a determination of the delimitation of maritime zones between Nicaragua ... View Full Description
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Problems with the Process of Democracy in Zambia and Zimbabwe »

Number of pages 11

This is an 11 page paper discussing the problems facing the process of democracy in Zambia and Zimbabwe. The concept of democracy as representative government and the observance of human rights has long been considered one of the major issues in regards to the countries of Zambia and Zimbabwe. Since their independence, Zambia in 1964 ... View Full Description
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The Life and Works of Arthur Miller »

Number of pages 7

This is a 7 page paper about the life and works of Arthur Miller. Arthur Miller was one of the major playwrights in the 20th century and continues to be one today into the beginning of the 21st century. Born in New York and educated in Michigan, Miller returned to New York to write and ... View Full Description
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Marketing Online Payment Services: Part II »

Number of pages 8

An 8 page paper discussing a marketing plan for WorldPay, an online payment service focusing on business-to-business transactions. The paper adds discussion of the marketing mix and benefits to client companies to general background discussed elsewhere and not included in this paper. The paper concludes that WorldPay also needs to stress that its ... View Full Description
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Mexico: Analysis Of Economic Collapse »

Number of pages 60

A 60 page comprehensive paper about the economic crises in Mexico. Historically, Mexico has experienced an economy that is either boom or bust. In the last three decades, for instance, there have been periods of significant growth only to be interrupted by five different economic collapses. The last collapse of the macroeconomy was 1994-1995. This ... View Full Description
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Issues in HRM »

Number of pages 25

This 25 page paper is written in two parts. The first part of the paper examines the difference between human resource management and personnel management. This includes the roles and objectives, but also the perspectives and attitudes that accompany the differences. The second part of the paper then looks at international human resource management ... View Full Description
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Financial Analysis: Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels »

Number of pages 10

A 10 page paper discussing the financial results at this Hong Kong hotel group following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Room rates and occupancy rates were recovering slowly by the end of 1Q2002, and to the point that the hotels' management could have been justified in raising rates on its guest rooms. ... View Full Description
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ISO 9000 And The Internal Audit »

Number of pages 9

This 9 page paper explains the ISO, the International Organization for Standardization, which is a non-governmental organization that was established in 1947 and which develops standards of quality. The ISO 9000 Quality Standards were initially launched in 1987, modified in 1995 and again in 2000. This essay explains what the ISO 9000 is and the ... View Full Description
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Using the Internet to revolutionize Electronic Data Transfer »

Number of pages 10

This 10 page report discusses applications of the Internet in the evolution of electronic data transfer. Asynchronous transfer mode, changes in the international standards for computer networking and Internet all have had and will continue to have a significant impact on the future of EDI (electronic data interchange) and allowing the framework by which it can ... View Full Description
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Testing Dow Chemical’s Commitment to the Triple Bottom Line »

Number of pages 8

An 8 page paper elaborating on the problem statement, hypotheses, sampling and statistical method used in the companion paper, KSmgmtDowTBL.rtf. The proposed method is that of applying regression analysis to Dow’s stock price performance after April 1994, the date that the company announced it would halt production of 1,1,1 trichloroethane by December 1995, years ... View Full Description
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Breaking With Moscow »

Number of pages 5

5 1/2 pages in length. Reviews the book "Breaking With Moscow" by Arkady Shevchenko. Discusses the international relations in regard to Shevchenko's defect to the United States. At age forty-seven Arkady Shevchenko was a twenty-two year veteran of the Soviet Foreign Service. From late 1970 until 1973, as an adviser to ... View Full Description
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The Power and the Glory: Historical U.S. Role in World Environment »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page discussion of the historical role of the U.S. in world affairs. This paper notes that the U.S. as equally regarded as the most powerful nation in the world and the most glorious by most of her citizens. This role, however, has required both perseverance and strength to maintain in terms ... View Full Description
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Business Management Strategies: The Taekwondo Industry »

Number of pages 5

This is a 5 page paper discussing business management strategies in regards to the taekwondo industry. Despite all of the traditional business management initiatives many companies undertake when opening new businesses such as good marketing and promotion strategies and following the guidelines required by any industry, many companies still fail in spite of their good ... View Full Description
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Forcing Change in Chinese Manufacturing Sweatshop Conditions »

Number of pages 6

A 6 page paper discussing alternatives for effecting change in Chinese manufacturing practice. The paper discusses three alternatives: international pressure from the WTO; Congressional import embargoes; and pressure from US retailers selling Chinese-made goods. Pressure from the WTO should be undertaken, but only as a long-term plan for improvement. Because China ... View Full Description
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International Trade Of Endangered Species And The Bush Administration: Elephant Tusks »

Number of pages 11

11 pages in length. Examining the Bush Administration's approach toward international trade of endangered species gives one a significantly better understanding of how mankind's selfishness has created a perilous situation for the animals. Changes in climate, destruction of habitat and loss of food source have all occurred at the hands of man, a ... View Full Description
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What Should Japan do Now? »

Number of pages 10

A 10 page paper discussing the impasse at which Peru and Japan have arrived concerning extradition of Peru’s former president Fujimori, who Peru has charged with gross corruption and crimes against humanity. Fujimori was born in Peru of parents who had immigrated from Japan. They registered his birth, resulting in dual citizenship. ... View Full Description
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Globalization’s Effects on Culture »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page paper discussing this controversial point. Multinational organizations have found over the years that it is to their benefit to work within the local culture rather than against it. Globalization does affect local culture, but many of the changes involved can be seen as being positive ones. Today’s multinationals increasingly ... View Full Description
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Advertising: History, Overview, Future Trends »

Number of pages 48

A 48 page overview of advertising. Merchants and manufacturers have been advertising their products and services literally for hundreds of years. Though advertising never has been as intense as it is in today’s hypercompetitive environment, it nonetheless has been instrumental in the success (and failure) of many, many businesses over the years. ... View Full Description
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Breaking Up Hanson PLC »

Number of pages 8

An 8 page paper discussing the growth and breakup of the former international conglomerate. Hanson is living in a high-tech world with a decidedly low-tech focus of brick and gravel. The company’s focus on Great Britain and the US also prevents its highway-building operations from being as profitable as they could be in ... View Full Description
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What Is Nationalism? »

Number of pages 9

9 pages in length. Nationalism may have originally intended to draw people together, but many believe it has accomplished just the opposite, proving to pull people apart who would otherwise have no reason to battle. Indeed, it serves to divide what should be united a society. People are forced to observe beliefs ... View Full Description
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Digital Rights Management »

Number of pages 12

A 12 page paper discussing the present state of development of this technology. Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a proactive approach to protecting intellectual property that exists in digital – i.e., downloadable – form. National and international copyright protection has been found not to be enough to protect the rights of those owning ... View Full Description
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Skills And Characteristics Of The Multinational Manager »

Number of pages 8

An 8 page paper. The fact that so many firms are multinational businesses means that managers who are capable of managing in a different cultural environment are needed. Since all large major corporations are, in fact, multinational, this inherently establishes the need for individuals who are capable of managing effectively outside their own home country. ... View Full Description
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International Labour Organization »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper provides a history of the International Labour Organization (ILO), which was first established as part of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. The ILO then became the first specialized agency of the United Nations. This essay discusses the motivations for creating this organization, the purpose and goals of the ILO, its ... View Full Description
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A Backhanded View of Business Ethics »

Number of pages 4

A 4 page paper discussing aberrations of business ethics promoted by two self-proclaimed “theorists.” Albert Carr, Norman Gillespie and Peter Drucker all maintain very different views of the role that ethics and ethical behavior play in the conduct of business. The purpose here is to examine and assess the position of each, determining ... View Full Description
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New Zealand’s Free Trade »

Number of pages 13

A 13 page paper examining New Zealand’s growing influence in international trade. New Zealand eliminated its last few trade restrictions in the late 1990s to become one of the least-regulated countries in the world in terms of trade regulation. It has an active import-export market; Australia, the United States and Japan comprise its ... View Full Description
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Four Dissertation Proposals »

Number of pages 16

This 16 page paper outlines four potential dissertations that concern accounting issues between the UK and one or more Arabic nations. The proposals have an outline question, consideration of the theoretical basis, a short literature review and a suggested schedule. The subjects are; 1. Environmental accounting in two different areas, 2. Accounting and terrorism, 3. ... View Full Description
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Powerful And Rich Countries: Do They Create Governmental Corruption In Third World Nations Or Merely Exacerbate Existing Practices? »

Number of pages 10

10 pages in length. Power, in general, is not necessarily threatening when employed as a means by which to provide accepted global boundaries; however, it is when those boundaries are overstepped that power must adopt a more threatening countenance. The very nature of globalization has rendered the notion of power a casualty of ... View Full Description
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The Marshall Plan And The Truman Doctrine: Motivation For The Change In United States Foreign Policy From Isolationists To Internationalists »

Number of pages 12

12 pages in length. The United States of America carries with it the reputation of political benevolence; no other nation in the world has bestowed international economic assistance to anywhere near the extent to which America has. Looking back upon the motivational factors of such financial generosity, one can readily assert that the ... View Full Description
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“Structural inequalities and poverty” »

Number of pages 5

A five page paper which looks at the issue of poverty on both a national and international scale and considers some of the ways in which structural inequalities can be addressed. Bibliography lists 6 sources View Full Description
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The Use of Technology in Investment and International Trade »

Number of pages 6

6 pages. With the advent of the Internet and interactive websites, our lives are becoming more tied to our computers than ever before. One of the most exciting and popular concepts is that of e-trading; that is, electronic stockbrokers and investing online. Not only is this useful in the trading of U. S. stocks, but ... View Full Description
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“British perspectives on international terrorism” »

Number of pages 6

A six page paper which looks at the diversity of views amongst the British public with regard to the campaign against international terrorism, and considers the fact that there is no consensus of opinion with reference to the effectiveness of overt military action against terrorism. Bibliography lists 5 sources. View Full Description
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“US foreign policy in reference to international terrorism and Afghanistan” »

Number of pages 7

A seven page paper which looks at foreign relations between the USA and Afghanistan in the past and currently, with specific reference to US foreign policy regarding the Afghan government, international terrorism, bin Laden and the ramifications which the recent terrorist attacks have had in terms of American relations with both East and West. Bibliography lists ... View Full Description
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Combating terrorism and global warming »

Number of pages 11

An eleven page paper which looks at the way in which different nations and different international blocs view the problems of combating terrorism and global warming, and the various strategies which have been proposed for each. Bibliography lists 5 sources. View Full Description
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Internet: freedom of expression »

Number of pages 7

A seven page paper which looks at the social and legal issues surrounding the question of freedom of speech on the Internet, with regard to the difficulties of policing the medium and the various forms of international legislation which are applicable to Internet content. Bibliography lists 4 sources View Full Description
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Argentina: An Economic Nightmare »

Number of pages 12

A 12 page review of the historical and contemporary reasons behind the current state of economic strife being experienced in Argentina. This paper emphasizes that while Latin America’s “free market avatar” may have been hoped to have been a shining model of a republic but the free market simply has not worked. While ... View Full Description
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The Influence of International Organizations on National Policies -- Street Children and Drugs »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page report discusses street children in several Latin American nations and the lives they live in which drug use is often the only escape or pleasure they know. In some places in the world, drugs are all that matters to children who live on the street. And why should they expect something more ... View Full Description
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Marketing Plan - Journal Of Cleaner Production: »

Number of pages 15

A 15 page paper that presents a marketing plan for the entitle journal. The Journal of Cleaner Production is published by Elsevier Science, Ltd., who describes this journal as an interdisciplinary, international forum for the exchange of information on the technologies, concepts and policies designed to help ensure progress towards sustainable societies. The journal is ... View Full Description
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An Analysis of Yugoslavia’s History: 1918 to 1991 »

Number of pages 8

This is an 8 page paper analyzing the history of Yugoslavia and its divisions of nation states and provinces within the years 1918 to 1991. After World War I, Yugoslavia was formed and over the course of the next 70 years underwent radical changes in its national borders. Up until the socialist republic in 1946, ... View Full Description
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The Entertainment Industry: America Vs. EU »

Number of pages 5

5 pages in length. When it comes to the myriad differences between America and Europe, one might not immediately consider the entertainment industry to be among the more important aspects separating the two entities. However, The EU and the United States have long been at odds with each other with regard to content; ... View Full Description
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The Evolution of General Electric's International Presence »

Number of pages 10

A 10 page paper discussing the world's most admired company (Fortune, 1998 and 1999), where it came from and how it has attained its position in the world. As did much of American manufacturing in the 1970s and 1980s, GE had its share of difficulties. It was accused of being a behemoth beyond ... View Full Description
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Contracting in the International Marketplace »

Number of pages 19

A 19 page paper discussing cultural, political, ethical and currency issues in international business. Economic forecasters only altered their estimates of the growth of the US economy after it refused to expand at the expected annual rate of between two and three percent in the mid-1990s. Overall growth has been much greater than ... View Full Description
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Indonesia's Annexation Of East Timor: Climax Of Conflict »

Number of pages 9

9 pages in length. It has been twenty-five long years that Indonesia has sought to control the tiny, impoverished island of East Timor. Battles between the world's fourth most-populous nation and the rest of the world have been an ongoing event ever since Indonesian leaders set their sites on the seemingly valueless piece ... View Full Description
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Economic Marketing Considerations for Multinationals »

Number of pages 11

An 11 page paper discussing the effects of varying levels of economic development on marketing efforts and the chances for their success in international markets. The economic inequalities that have always existed are becoming even more pronounced in many regions of the world, and marketers need to be realistic in the possibilities that exist in ... View Full Description
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Developmental Dynamics and Growth in the Kingdom of Jordan »

Number of pages 10

This 10 page report discusses a number of factors associated with the changing demographics of the nation of Jordan and their impact on development issues. Jordan is a small country that has had to creatively make the most of its limited resources and markets. Most international economic analysts believe Jordan’s economy may be, in the ... View Full Description
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Building the Denver International Airport »

Number of pages 6

A 6 page paper examining some of the problems of project management in constructing and then opening Denver International Airport (DIA). Depending on the point of view and level of responsibility in the project, evaluations of DIA range from glowing to descriptions of pork-barrel politics complete with outright fraud. Before construction was ever ... View Full Description
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MCI WorldCom - Sprint Merger: Implications for the Industry »

Number of pages 10

A 10 page paper discussing implications of the merger for both the national and international telecommunications industry. Announced October 5, 1999, the combination of MCI WorldCom’s global presence and Sprint’s strength in wireless technology promises enhanced growth for both sides, particularly in wireless communication and Internet access, which is expected to provide the greatest ... View Full Description
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