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Term papers on International law

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Issues in International Marketing Efforts »

Number of pages 9

A 9 page paper discussing factors that must be considered and evaluated before entering an international market. Assessment areas such as demand, competition, legal requirements and cultural differences are obvious, but they all hold areas that may not be quite so evident. Economic conditions within emerging markets change so frequently that they may ... View Full Description
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Radek Sikorski’s “Full Circle: A Homecoming to Free Poland” »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page report discusses Radek Sikorski, author of “Full Circle,” ideas surrounding the concept that a nation may be restored in much the same way a fine old building can be restored, especially if that building is seen as a home not just a structure. He uses his stories of the reconstruction of the ... View Full Description
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The Footwear Industry in India »

Number of pages 5

A five page paper which looks at the growth and development of the footwear manufacturing industry in India, including investment and training initiatives, and considers ways in which the industry can be made more competitive in the international market. Bibliography lists 4 sources. View Full Description
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Honduras and El Salvador and the Soccer War of 1969 »

Number of pages 12

This 12 page report discusses the events surrounding the 1969 war that took place between Honduras and El Salvador after the qualifying tournament for the World Cup in soccer. Despite the passion of the fans, much greater forces were at work than simple sports fanaticism. The underlying issue was - and always has been ... View Full Description
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The Miracle of Medjugorje »

Number of pages 6

This 6 page report discusses the miracle of the appearance of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje, Herxegovina, in 1981. Since then, more than 15 million people from around the world have visited Medjugorje, a town with a permanent population of about 1,000, and have turned the nightly apparitions into an international phenomenon beyond the ... View Full Description
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Commercial Burglaries & Robberies / The Result Of Organized Crime? »

Number of pages 15

In this 15 page paper, the question of what is meant by 'organized crime' is explored with particular reference to commercial burglaries and robberies. Several different types of criminal organization are discussed, from the organized efforts of individual criminals and affiliated acquaintances ('teams' or 'partners in crime') to more professionally organized 'gangs,' 'rings,' and ... View Full Description
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Business and Economy in Oman »

Number of pages 10

A 10 page paper discussing the economy-building activities of one of the Gulf states. The Sultanate of Oman is a small country nearly equating in land mass to the US state of Kansas, bordering Saudi Arabia on the East. Sultan Qaboos bin Said determined shortly after coming to power in 1970 that Oman's ... View Full Description
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World War I »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page paper discussing the domestic and international causes of WWI. From those we examine the after effects which led to the somewhat stable order that existed in the post war countries of Russia and the United States. Much like any after math of war, there must be some adjustments that allow for the ... View Full Description
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George C. Herring's America's Longest War »

Number of pages 5

US involvement in the Vietnam Conflict occurred for a number of reasons that were more complex than simply the desire of the United States to prevent the spread of communism. In his work America's Longest War, Herring reflects on a number of common war theories to explain US involvement and to define the essence ... View Full Description
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Yugoslavia: The Place, The People, The Crisis »

Number of pages 8

An 8 page paper discussing the ongoing crisis between the Serbs and Kosovo. Some analysts attribute the reasons for today's war to the events of the 'Field of Blackbirds' battle of 1389, but that portion of history only colors the current crisis without fully explaining it. The Kosovars refused international attempts at peace ... View Full Description
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Today's China in Light of the Past »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page paper discussing modern China with reference to long-standing beliefs and practices. As a culture both ancient and so new as to be positively modern, China remains a study in contrasts. Guangdong International Trust & Investment Corporation (GITIC) was forced by the government to go bankrupt when it was not destitute, but the ... View Full Description
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International Exchange Rates / Formulas »

Number of pages 17

This 17 page research essay describes and explains the factors involved in determining international exchange rates using Krugman's formulas as a point of reference and emphasis. The Bretton-Woods Agreement is first described in terms of its articles referring to exchange rates; the collapse of Bretton-Woods is discussed along with the results of the breakdown in ... View Full Description
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Cost Effective Multinational Marketing »

Number of pages 7

A 7 page paper. With increasing numbers of companies taking on a more international focus, many businesses are attempting to streamline their marketing activities in order to be able to take advantage of the cost savings potential of designing only one major marketing approach for the purpose of serving in several national markets. With the ... View Full Description
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Investing in Terra Statuary »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page paper discussing the wisdom of investing in the company that at present holds great promise but no profits, and is located in a region of the world noted first for its pristine environment, but second for its bent toward political instability. Terra Statuary is located in the country of Terra Gloria, ... View Full Description
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Marketing Sunscreen In The Caribbean Common Market »

Number of pages 10

A 10 page analysis of the market climate in Jamaica and the Bahamas for the introduction of a high-end sunscreen product. The tourist trade in the entire area is growing, and both countries are attracting visitors from areas that were formerly uncommon for the islands of the Caribbean, such as of the Western European nations ... View Full Description
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Logistics in Liner Shipping »

Number of pages 13

A 13 page paper discussing the logistics of liner shipping. As businesses all over the world continue to seek ways to increase the efficiency of all aspects of their operations, the world’s most efficient ports can be expected to attract the greatest amount of international shipping business. Logistics of moving goods from one ... View Full Description
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International Trade: CIF Incoterms 2000 »

Number of pages 10

A 10 page paper discussing the rights and responsibilities born by each party involved in an international trade transaction. The seller shipped a complete order under the terms of the CIF Incoterm 2000, securing the minimum amount of insurance coverage required by the shipping term. The buyer had opportunity to secure additional insurance ... View Full Description
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Increasing Wine Sales through Employee Training »

Number of pages 15

A 15 page paper discussing the state of the global wine industry; the benefits of training employees; and current changes in wine consumption in Singapore to assess the likely outcome of training wait staff in their employers’ wine selections. There appears to be a wealth of opportunity to increase wine sales in Singapore’s restaurants, ... View Full Description
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Achieving Effectiveness Through Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management »

Number of pages 10

A 10 page paper discussing the influence of these two factors in achieving success in international business. There is a lag time between establishing strategy for the future and arriving at that time that formerly was referred to as “the future.” During that lag time, HRM is obliged to have identified the organization’s ... View Full Description
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A Study of Globalization »

Number of pages 9

This 9 page paper looks at different aspects of globalization. The paper starts wit the reasons behind the drive towards internationalization and the rise of the global enterprise, then at the obstacles to overcome including political and cultural constraints and environmental complexity. The paper then considers how a company can plan to succeed with a ... View Full Description
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General Aviation’s Place »

Number of pages 13

A 13 page paper discussing the pistonprop aspect of general aviation, that segment of the airline industry that is quite active yet receives little attention. General aviation includes all the flights that are not regularly scheduled or military in nature. At one New Jersey airport servicing only general aviation, the number of takeoffs ... View Full Description
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General Aviation’s Place »

Number of pages 10

A 10 page paper discussing general aviation, that segment of the airline industry that is quite active yet receives little attention. General aviation includes all the flights that are not regularly scheduled or military in nature. At one New Jersey airport servicing only general aviation, the number of takeoffs and landings in 2000 ... View Full Description
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Calculating the Cost of Capital for Multinational Organizations »

Number of pages 20

This 20 page paper examines the different ways of calculatingthe cost of capital for a multinational company where there are many different risk factors that can impact on costs, such as exchange rate risks. The paper considers the methods which include looking at the cost of equity and the cost of debt, with consideration ... View Full Description
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The World Bank from the Tao Perspective »

Number of pages 4

A 4 page paper comparing World Bank involvement with principle of the Tao. If a nation lacks capital in its own right, the next best source is that of foreign direct investment (FDI). FDI support depends on economic conditions and investors’ belief that they can realize financial gains on the capital invested in ... View Full Description
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Interdependence - International Economic Relations »

Number of pages 12

A 12 page paper that discusses globalization and international economic relations with an emphasis on the oil industry. First, the writer reports the latest definition of globalization as one that goes beyond interdependence to one that interlinks countries and the fact that we must expand our concept of globalization beyond economies. The political and economic ... View Full Description
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Business and Globalization Questions »

Number of pages 17

17 pages answering 9 questions focusing on business management and theory, and on globalization’s effects. Questions’ topics include de-industrialization; knowledge management; just-in-time production; hacker ethic; and the new international division of labor. Each of these receive one-page replies; other topics receive longer replies of at least 2.5 pages each. These other questions ... View Full Description
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International Accounting Standards - Enron And Worldcom »

Number of pages 16

A 16 page paper that begins by explaining how accounting standards came to be adopted in the United States in the first place, including the establishment of AICPA, SEC, GAAP and FASB. The essay then discusses the International Accounting Standards (IAS). Four specific standards are outlined: IAS 1, 24, 27, and 31 because they apply ... View Full Description
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Greek Shipping »

Number of pages 80

This 80 page paper examines the Greek shipping market and the need for change in order for Greek shipping companies to survive. The Greek shipping industry is very different to the shipping industry in other countries, which has led to many of the current competitive advantages. However the environment is changing, and this paper ... View Full Description
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Time Warner's International Investments »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper evaluates Time Warner's international investments and also provides an analysis of its particular strategy. Some background information is provided about the company, inclusive of its merger with AOL. Bibliography lists 8 sources. View Full Description
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Choosing a Site for the H Car »

Number of pages 7

A 7 page paper selecting an international site for launching an environmentally-friendly car model. General Motors Holden, Australia (GMH) has developed a hydrogen-powered car (the H car), and originally intended to market it first in Australia. The managing director has requested that the marketing director identify a foreign country that appears to be ... View Full Description
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Population Control - China Vs United States »

Number of pages 10

A 10 page paper. China is the most populated country in the world, the United States is the 3rd most populated. This essay discusses the population control policies in China and why Chinese officials believe these policies are needed for the country. The essay also comments on reports by special committees in the U.S. ... View Full Description
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Third World Debt Relief »

Number of pages 20

A 20 page paper discussing poverty alleviation in developing nations. Developed nations have been lending to poor ones for years, with the intention of assisting them achieve economic growth. The purpose of the desired growth is to lift the people of these nations from the abject poverty in which so many live. ... View Full Description
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Banana Yoshimoto/Tsugumi, Kitchen & N.P. »

Number of pages 4

A 4 page essay that examines the fiction of Japanese writer Banana Yoshimoto, specifically looking at Goodbye Tsugumi, Kitchen and N.P. as being representative of her fictional style. The writer argues that Yoshimoto writes from the heart, offering her readers insight into the minds, as well as the lives of her protagonists. It is this ... View Full Description
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Silicon Valley’s Effect on the National Economy »

Number of pages 7

A 7 page paper discussing the bursting of the technology bubble in 2000, offshoring of technical positions to India and the resulting effect on the national economy. These events did not only affect the federal government’s tax revenues, but also the strength of the dollar in international markets and the nation’s balance of payments. ... View Full Description
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Marriott Compensation Benefits »

Number of pages 9

The right compensation benefits package can be the difference between success and failure in a company, especially one that deals in customer service. If the right people are not drawn to a company, it can falter and quickly fail. In fact, one of the most successful companies in the world was doing just that in ... View Full Description
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Business Culture and Etiquette In Germany and Russia »

Number of pages 20

A 20 page paper examining the business culture and business etiquette in Germany and Russia, focusing on those issues that foreign business people should know in order to avoid inadvertently offending business people in either country. The paper includes assessment of each in terms of Hofstede’s cultural analysis as a means of estimating the ... View Full Description
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Plan for Textile Production in Benin »

Number of pages 15

A 15 page paper providing a plan for a US textile manufacturer to expand to the West African nation of Benin. Africa is the most promising of all the continents to which MidSouth Textiles could expand. Costs are rising where they are not already high, and MidSouth needs to locate in an area ... View Full Description
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Adolf Hitler and His Impact on the International System »

Number of pages 14

A 14 page overview of Hitler's impact on the international system. Hitler convinced the German people that his intent was to improve German economics. His real intent was to overthrow the world. Bibliography lists 7 sources. View Full Description
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Dollarization in Ecuador »

Number of pages 3

A 3 page paper answering 6 questions regarding Ecuador’s dollarization. The value of the Ecuadorian sucre collapsed after a series of natural, political, economic and banking disasters. Much of the economic activity that means the most to Ecuador is international trade. If they conduct their transactions in dollars, then there is less ... View Full Description
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Admiral Cheng Ho »

Number of pages 3

A 3 page brief of the accomplishments of this Chinese admiral. Cheng Hu's voyages served to emphasize the value of international trade and even the importance of Chinese conquest over the more vulnerable and economically valuable areas of her extensive travels. Bibliography lists 3 sources. View Full Description
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International Students - Barriers To Using Academic Libraries »

Number of pages 20

This 20 page paper explores the problems international students have using American academic libraries. Typically, when we think of barriers, we think about language but it goes much further than just a different language. There are both nonverbal and verbal communication factors. Another barrier is cultural differences and yet another is the differences between the ... View Full Description
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Comparative Analysis of U.S. Banking Industry with Rising Interest Rates and Exchange Rate of the U.S. Dollar »

Number of pages 60

A 60 page paper discussing aspects of the state of the banking industry and examining the three leading competitors in the industry. Of all of the trends affecting today’s banking industry, consolidation and currency issues are of greatest interest here. Bank of America appears to have less interest in operating internationally than do ... View Full Description
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HR Considerations: Expanding from India to China »

Number of pages 18

An 18 page paper discussing options available to an Indian company seeking to enter China. Delhi Manufacturing is a small manufacturing company in India with no international operations, and is planning to enter China as part of its stated strategic plan. Outlined here are several alternatives available to the company in terms of ... View Full Description
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The New York City Public Library And Adult Literacy »

Number of pages 26

A 26 page paper that begins with a definition of literacy, the three types of literacy assessed and scoring processes. National and international literacy rates are then reported along with the negative effects of illiteracy. The paper then changes to report the history of the New York Public Library, which provides services in Manhattan, the ... View Full Description
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International Strategy and Foreign Policy of Azerbaijan »

Number of pages 7

A 7 page paper discussing the current state of international affairs in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is an old culture but a relatively young nation. Gaining independence first in the early years of the 20th century, it was a member of the Soviet Union for the duration of that nation’s history. Azerbaijan has struggled ... View Full Description
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Globalization--Good or Bad? »

Number of pages 10

A 10 page research paper that examines the question of whether or not opposition to globalization, free trade and the WTO is justified. The writer argues that examination of this question shows that the answer is quite complicated, and that a clear "yes" or "no" is not possible. It is true that globalization and free ... View Full Description
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Marketing Hurricane Island Outward Bound School »

Number of pages 10

A 10 page paper discussing the history and line-of-business marketing efforts of this Maine location of an international organization. Outward Bound is a program that challenges people of all ages, skill level and backgrounds to move beyond their traditional “comfort zones,” to challenge themselves physically and emotionally to discover positive qualities about themselves of ... View Full Description
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Globalization In The Airline Industry »

Number of pages 4

4 pages in length. Inasmuch as the airline industry is "central to the globalization taking place in many other industries" (Alonzo et al, 2006) due to its role in bringing about such critical global elements as economic growth, trade and international investment, it stands to reason how its impact upon tourism is in direction ... View Full Description
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USA Patriot Act »

Number of pages 5

5 pages in length. Set in motion shortly after the terrorist attacks of 911, the USA Patriot Act sought to equalize the playing field with regard to the very real potential for duplicate assault against Americans on their own soil. The extent to which the Act serves to intercept terrorist activity, protect national ... View Full Description
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Fax International: A Case Analysis »

Number of pages 5

This is a 5 page paper which examines the business plan and strategy of a telecommunicaitons business planned entrance into the international market. The bibliography has 5 sources. View Full Description
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