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Term papers on International law

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Rape »

Number of pages 20

20 pages in length. The issues of gender, patriarchy and sexual violence are inextricably intertwined within the complexities of social existence. That women have always had to confirm their worth as human beings serves as a significant indicator to the overwhelming oppression thrust upon the female gender by means of physical and emotional ... View Full Description
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Power of Unwritten Law: Oedipus Rex »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page paper which examines the theme of the power of unwritten law in Sophocles' play "Oedipus Rex." No additional sources cited. View Full Description
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A Child’s Emotional Needs and Juvenile Delinquency »

Number of pages 18

This 18 page report discusses the fact that juvenile delinquency is directly related to a child not having his or her emotional needs met at a very early age. Issues associated with juvenile delinquency are always multi-faceted and present numerous challenges to parents, educators social service agencies, law enforcement, the court systems and, of course, ... View Full Description
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Journalistic Autonomy in Egypt »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page paper discussing the state of media freedom in Egypt for the purpose of determining Egypt’s media system type. The paper concludes that Egypt’s system is a transitional one. Formerly repressed, it has enjoyed more freedom than nearly any other Middle East nation in the past. The Mubarak regime, however, ... View Full Description
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Promissory Estoppel »

Number of pages 8

8 pages in length. "Promissory estoppel has a dubious pedigree, moreover it is in practice almost unnecessarily." The truth of this statement speaks to an undefined area of contract law where people sue when an unenforceable contract has been breached. By showing that an individual detrimentally relied on a promise made by ... View Full Description
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Who is in charge of Moral Standards as regards Pornography? »

Number of pages 8

8 pages. Pornography is difficult to define to everyone's satisfaction. To see a naked body in a centuries-old painting is not necessarily considered pornography. For the naked body to be displayed on the pages of a magazine causes some to call that pornography. Those who fight the pornography laws cite the 'right ... View Full Description
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Divine Right Of Kings »

Number of pages 12

12 pages in length. The chaotic aspect of seventeenth century politics led to two completely disparate approaches to political order: natural laws and divine rights. As humanity's natural rights evolved up to the time of Hugo Grotius, two equally adamant opinions continued to linger. It was through Grotius' enlightened philosophies that the ... View Full Description
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“Organised Crime and the Criminal Justice System” »

Number of pages 9

A nine page paper which looks at the way in which law enforcement agencies and the criminal justice system could reassess their priorities in terms of dealing with organised and local crime, with particular reference to drug trafficking and drug abuse. Bibliography lists 3 sources. View Full Description
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The Use of Computer Technology by Police Departments »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper takes a look at the latest technology and how computers are used in investigations and in the prevention of crime. Ways in which law enforcement agents utilize computers is the focus of this paper. Bibliography lists 4 sources. View Full Description
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Women Are Underutilized In The Labor Force In Taiwan: Tutorial »

Number of pages 60

A 60 page research paper. This is a tutorial paper for a research study investigating the titled topic. The paper also includes the degree of gender discrimination in education, work and in the society, including the violence women face continually. Subheadings include: Introduction, Research Questions, Definitions, Literature Review, Methodology, Results, Analysis and Conclusion. The ... View Full Description
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Prisoner Rights »

Number of pages 12

12 pages in length. When an individual commits a crime, the legal system prosecutes the criminal and ultimately incarcerates him. The very foundation of such a sequence of events is meant to humble the offender and remove any social rights he had while on the outside. That prisoners believe they are entitled ... View Full Description
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Female Correctional Officers Should be Used in Male Institutions (Prisons) »

Number of pages 5

In 5 pages, the author posits that female correctional officers should be used in male correctional institutions (prisons). "Should female correctional officers be used in male institutions (prisons)? The answer to this question is a resounding, 'Yes.' There are several reasons for this. 1). It is discriminatory to not use ... View Full Description
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US Postal Service Competition from Private Carriers »

Number of pages 11

An 11 page paper discussing whether competition from private-sector delivery services such as Federal Express and UPS adversely affects the ability of the US Postal Service to maximize profits. Priority Mail and Express Mail are add-on services of the USPS, but the primary business of private-sector delivery services such as Federal Express and UPS. ... View Full Description
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Moral Traditions »

Number of pages 5

Man is able to take into consideration the motivations as well as the consequences of their decisions and behaviors. Man has the ability to reason, as opposed to acting from natural instincts or compulsion. Thus, the biological imperatives are supplanted by the ethical considerations of moral judgment. Kant, in The Foundation Of ... View Full Description
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The Revolutionary War: Its Impact Upon The Lives Of War Veterans »

Number of pages 5

5 pages in length. After the War of 1812, Congress passed a law allowing all those who suffered disabilities as a result of military service during the Revolutionary War to apply for a pension. As well, widows who had lost their husbands as a result of the war could also apply for assistance. ... View Full Description
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Microsoft and the Sherman Act (1890) »

Number of pages 15

A 15 page paper discussing the Justice Department's antitrust suit against Microsoft from a common-sense basis, concluding with observations on the advisability of continued investment in the company. Not every law used against Microsoft in the government's antitrust trial is more than a century old; the Clayton Act is also involved, and it dates ... View Full Description
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Development Of The Juvenile Justice System: The Role Of Class And Race »

Number of pages 5

5 pages in length. Just how much the juvenile justice system is bound by societal and cultural determinism is easily answered merely by witnessing the manner in which the role of class and race have played an integral part. Battling the social element is not easy, inasmuch as there are a number of ... View Full Description
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The Death of Amadou Diallo - Who Was Responsible? »

Number of pages 10

This 10 page report discusses who was responsible for the shooting death of 22 year old Amadou Diallo, an immigrant from Guinea, in February of this year. The four police officers indicted for the killing have been charged with “intentional murder and murder with depraved indifference to human life.” Diallo had no criminal record ... View Full Description
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Collective Bargaining in Professional Sports »

Number of pages 15

This 15 page report discusses the various issues associated with collective bargaining in the professional sports world. Issues that have been of concern to Major League Baseball, the National Hockey League, the National Football League, and the National Basketball Association and the players associated with each organization are discussed. Labor law and related regulatory ... View Full Description
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History of Jews in China »

Number of pages 15

This 15 page report discusses the history of the Jews in China. Approximately 1,000 years ago, of Jewish traders from the Middle East who settled in the Sung dynasty's imperial capital of Kaifeng along the Yellow River in east central China. They openly prayed in Hebrew, observed Jewish dietary laws, circumcised their newborn sons and ... View Full Description
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Augustinian Laws And Women »

Number of pages 8

8 pages in length. The philosophy in question is that of Augustinianism, the theory of Christian Idealism, which is based upon the theology of Augustine of Hippo (354-430) who is considered to be the greatest theologian of the early church. His theory is that of reality, absolute theism. Reality is God, who ... View Full Description
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Criminal Justice System / Significant Challenges Confronting Corrections in the Twenty-First Century »

Number of pages 7

In 7 pages, the author discusses three significant challenges confronting corrections in the 21st century. "The criminal justice system is comprised of the police, the courts, and the department of corrections. The criminal justice system is a checks and balance system, in that each component defines the others. These components work independently ... View Full Description
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Paradise Lost: The Child Murders At Robin Hood Hills »

Number of pages 5

5 pages in length. Less than a decade ago, three eight-year-old boys were found brutally murdered in West Memphis, Arkansas. Their bodies were savagely mutilated. Inasmuch as the horrific crime put the entire town into shock, what was even more shocking was the manner by which law enforcement officials went about prosecuting ... View Full Description
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Factors That Might Make Children In Institutional Care More Vulnerable To Abuse »

Number of pages 10

10 pages in length. In today's world of institutional care, one might readily surmise that abuse or neglect of children is more common than one wants to admit. Although laws have been passed pertaining to health reform in this area, the extent to which this abuse occurs is sometimes not reported, particularly when such ... View Full Description
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Supreme Court Cases »

Number of pages 8

8 pages in length. Within the past several years, the Supreme Court has had to grapple with many controversial issues and decide accordingly the best way to appease both the law and the public. A number of such issues have represented the changing times where individuals are routinely forced to seek legal guidance ... View Full Description
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Cohabitation / Problems »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page paper discussing the problems that can arise from living together without marriage. Living together has caused far more controversy than just the value of maintaining laws that are no longer enforced. The focus here is its effects on traditional marriage and social issues. Though the most common opinion is that ... View Full Description
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The Supreme Court And Campaign Finance: Infringement Upon Democratic Process? »

Number of pages 10

10 pages in length. When the Supreme Court of the United States initially placed restrictions upon the issue of campaign finances, the country cried foul with regard to constitutional rights. Imposing monetary limits on what political candidates could spend, said some, was going against the very grain of American freedom. Political contributions ... View Full Description
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Prohibition and Social Change: Then And Now »

Number of pages 10

10 pages in length. Prohibition was instrumental in creating a significant amount of social change during and after its existence; depending upon one's opinion, those changes have been construed as both good and bad. Initially, with the act of drinking being illegal, it forced people into the underground and made them imbibe with ... View Full Description
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History of Jews in China »

Number of pages 10

This 10 page report discusses the history of the Jews in China. Approximately 1,000 years ago, of Jewish traders from the Middle East who settled in the Sung dynasty's imperial capital of Kaifeng along the Yellow River in east central China. They openly prayed in Hebrew, observed Jewish dietary laws, circumcised their newborn sons and ... View Full Description
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Early Law / The Rights Of A Patron »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page paper discussing the relationship between the Digest that was part of the Corpus Iuris Civilis ordered recorded by Emperor Justinian of the early Byzantine Empire, c. 534. Only two Articles of the body of civil law of the Empire are examined here (Articles XIV and XV), but their relationship to the ... View Full Description
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Executive Press Censorship & War / Adding Salt To The Wound? »

Number of pages 7

7 pages in length. There were three primary concerns for instituting executive press censorship during Operation Desert Storm: the questionable tactics the media use to purportedly report the truth; the very real chance of classified information reaching enemy hands; and the ever present possibility of reporters getting harmed or even killed while covering the ... View Full Description
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Age Discrimination »

Number of pages 5

5 pages in length. Age discrimination has become more than a minor inconvenience throughout the twentieth century; indeed, the issue has become such a hot potato within the workplace that laws have been forced into existence as a means by which to address the problem. In order to help protect those who stand ... View Full Description
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The Benefits Of Legalized Drugs »

Number of pages 8

8 pages in length. Of all the hotly debated topics looming over society today, there is one that has divided friends, family and lawmakers alike: the notion of legalizing drugs as a means by which to lower the crime rate and reduce the inherent negativity associated with drugs. To legalize drugs would be ... View Full Description
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Management's View of the UPS Pilots' Contract Demands »

Number of pages 6

A 6 page paper. The Independent Pilots Association (IPA) representing UPS' 2039 pilots allowed a by-mail survey of their members last August (1997) following the end of the Teamsters' strike against the company in the same month. Though UPS offered pay raises for their pilots of between 36 and 94%, the pilots nonetheless rejected UPS' ... View Full Description
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Supreme Court Usurps Individual Rights »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page paper that argues the following: over the years, individual rights have been denied by the Supreme Court. In the criminal justice system, this has lead to the relaxing of laws to the extent that our Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights have been seriously infringed upon. All rights to personal freedoms in the ... View Full Description
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The Job Of An FBI Agent »

Number of pages 3

3 pages in length. Never before has the demand for FBI agents been as great as it is now, after the tragedy of September 11th. The fight against global terrorism has made this particular career choice one of the most crowded -- yet at the same time wide open -- fields in the ... View Full Description
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Should Minors Those Under The Age Of Fifteen Be Allowed To Access Counseling Without Parental Consent? »

Number of pages 10

10 pages in length. No matter what age, people must have access to professional counseling in order to address whatever emotional issues stand between them and a vibrant, healthful life. Moreover, they are fully entitled to complete privacy when it comes to telling others that they are seeking counseling, leaving it up to ... View Full Description
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Mackie's "The Argument From Queerness" »

Number of pages 3

3 pages in length. John L. Mackie ascertained that humanity's moral judgments are founded in nothing more than a "mistaken belief in objective value" (p. 94). According to Mackie, if objective moral truth did, indeed, exist, people would then live their lives in accordance to just one moral body of law. However, ... View Full Description
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Contracts A Case Study of International Requirements and a C.I.F Contract »

Number of pages 17

This 17 page paper is written in two parts. The first considers why terms of contracts between parties in different countries need to be clear, why they need to be clear and what they should contain. This includes the consideration of jurisdiction and how case maybe brought in different countries, even if a contract specifies ... View Full Description
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Prison Overcrowding »

Number of pages 15

15 pages in length. The United States lays claim the world's highest incarceration rate as a direct result of federal minimum sentencing requirements mandated by law in the 1980s. The result is that state correctional prison budgets are exploding and the national inmate population currently stands at no less than one million prisoners. ... View Full Description
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Crime and Campaign Promises »

Number of pages 8

An 8 page paper discussing the dichotomy between campaign promises relating to crime and actual observed results. We expect political candidates to lay out for us the reasons we should vote for them rather than for their opponents, and candidates oblige this expectation by making promises during their campaigns outlining the things they will ... View Full Description
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Policy and Politics in Early Childhood Education in the UK »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page paper illustrating why workers in early childhood education in the UK need to be informed of political and policy matters related to child abuse and neglect. The UK has no national law requiring professionals to report any suspected child abuse. It has implemented seemingly every other approach to reducing the ... View Full Description
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Krispy Kreme Expands To Japan »

Number of pages 8

An 8 page paper that begins with a brief overview of where Krispy Kreme has located its stores and which countries they are considering. The paper discusses different entry methods to the Japanese market, including different kinds of joint ventures, franchising and wholly owned subsidiaries. The writer explains some of the laws and regulations that ... View Full Description
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Pregnancy Discrimination Act Of 1978 »

Number of pages 4

4 pages in length. Discrimination in the workplace has long been an issue of inequity and prejudice toward certain groups or individuals; that laws now exist to deter such undemocratic policymaking speaks to the tremendous need to pioneer for major change with regard to discriminatory practices. Historically, pregnant women have been discriminated against ... View Full Description
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Adult Child Abuse: Case Study »

Number of pages 11

11 pages in length. Thirty-one-year-old Geraint Jones is accused of an offence of indecent assault against his eleven-year-old niece, Eleri, which allegedly occurred when Eleri came to stay with Jones and his family for a weekend. Jones, who currently lives with his partner Jane Williams and their two children Megan (10) and Bethan ... View Full Description
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Suicide - Catholic Teaching »

Number of pages 9

A 9 page paper. The Roman Catholic Church considers any type of deliberate suicide, any act that is not meant to preserve life, including assisted suicide a grave sin. This essay looks at suicide in terms of both Christian teaching and Catholic teaching. The writer discusses the formation of conscience, conscience, natural moral law, and ... View Full Description
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President Lincoln Did Manipulate The Confederate States Into Firing The First Shot »

Number of pages 16

16 pages in length. Lincoln's participation in – and the ultimate outcome of - the American Civil War has long been heralded as a watershed in United States history. That slavery was finally looked down upon in the eyes of the law spoke to a social and cultural enlightenment never before known to ... View Full Description
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Operations Management »

Number of pages 15

This 15 page paper responds to four questions that address how certain environmental events or conditions would affect operations management in corporations. The first question discuses the effects of an increase or decrease in tariffs. The beef industry and the higher tariff in Japan is used as an example. Second, what effect would more stringent ... View Full Description
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Suing The Gun Manufacturer »

Number of pages 4

4 pages in length. Police officer Whiteman was shot with a Heckler & Kosh semi automatic assault rifle, which – after being purchased legally - had been unlawfully modified to allow fully automatic firing. Officer Whiteman, who was shot during a shootout with bank robbers, wants to sue the gun manufacturer. In ... View Full Description
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Hardin's Theory Of "The Tragedy Of The Commons" And Policy Prescriptions - Correct And Reasonable? »

Number of pages 7

7 pages in length. The extent to which man has threatened his own existence by way of overpopulation, overfarming, overuse of natural resources and ignoring the unspoken law of the land – social responsibility, is both grand and far-reaching, and eloquently drawn together in a nice, neat package written by Garrett Hardin. That ... View Full Description
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