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Term papers on International law

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Do Lawyers Operate In The Public Interest? »

Number of pages 28

This 28 page paper sets out to consider the proposition that lawyer operate in the public interest. The paper starts this by defining the role of the lawyer, which includes the UK definitions of both barristers and solicitors. Following this the meaning of public interest is discussed with reference to different perspectives, and the ... View Full Description
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Food Contamination and Tort Law »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page discussion of tort law as it relates to food contamination. The author outlines a fictional case involving contaminated ice cream. An analysis is presented regarding the burden of proof facing the plaintiff in regard to proving negligence on the part of the ice cream manufacturer. Bibliography lists 4 sources. View Full Description
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Women, Work And The Family »

Number of pages 4

4 pages in length. Developing opportunities have become a major social challenge for corporations. Barriers to women's equal participations in the work place are yielding to the forces of economic change, greater need for skilled people in all categories, the demands of women to be treated equally and the presence of equal opportunity ... View Full Description
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Liebeck v Mcdonald's »

Number of pages 15

A 15 page paper that provides an ethical analysis of this famous case of the spilled coffee. The facts are first related and discussed, including those that did not get published in the media. For example, Liebeck, the plaintiff, was not driving the car and the car was not in motion when the coffee spilled. ... View Full Description
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Race, Politics and National Structures »

Number of pages 7

A 7 page paper discussing the origins of racism and its effects in politics. Despite federal laws disallowing it, the realities of today’s living arrangements is that, in cities, Blacks and whites still are separated by political boundaries, as surely as they were separated in the years surrounding the Civil War. The overrepresentation ... View Full Description
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Chaucer/Significance of Love in 2 Poems »

Number of pages 14

A 14 page research paper that argues that love plays a pivotal thematic role in two of Geoffrey Chaucer's greatest poems, The Book of the Duchesse and The Parliament of Fowles. While Chaucer is acknowledged as one of the greatest and most eloquent advocates of love in English literature, in these poems, he qualified ... View Full Description
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Implied Terms Of Contract »

Number of pages 18

An 18 page paper that discusses certain aspects of contract law in the United Kingdom. Implied terms of a contract are those that are not expressly written in the document. Courts typically determine whether or not a term is implied by the contract. This essay defines and explains terms, the evolution of the interpretation of ... View Full Description
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A Case for Judicial Review; Assessment and Alterantives »

Number of pages 20

This 20 page paper looks at a case study provided by the student where a dependant wife is entitled to compensation under the Trinidad and Tobago Criminal Injuries Compensation Act No 21 of 1999. The board to which the wife should submit an application has not yet been set up, despite years passing since the ... View Full Description
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Mandatory DNA Testing at the Point of Arrest? »

Number of pages 4

A 4 page contention that the collection of DNA during the earliest phases of an arrest is unacceptable. While DNA evidence is highly regarded as a phenomenal tool in the address of crime, to enact laws which allow the collection of DNA from an individual at this early of a stage in an arrest ... View Full Description
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Employment Law and the Human Resources Manager »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper looks at 3 aspects of UK employment law as it relates to a human resources managers. The first part of the paper critically evaluates the legislative framework for employment within the UK, and analyses its' relationship to the range of human resource processes a manager may be required to perform. The ... View Full Description
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BMW; HRM, Discrimination and Divergence »

Number of pages 21

This 21 page paper looks at BMW in the UK and their HRM practices to assess how they embrace diversity and fulfil the legal for anti discrimination requirements. The paper begins with an outline of BMW in the UK and the way that have developed the employment relationship. The paper then considers the legal requirements ... View Full Description
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Ownership, Risk And Title To Sue With Respect To The Carriage Of Goods By Sea - The Case of the UK »

Number of pages 52

This 52 page paper (not including the table of contents) examines the positions of ownership risk and title under English Shipping law. The paper starts with by examining the purpose of the bill of lading before considering the current legislation under which action may be taken, including the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1992 ... View Full Description
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The Tort of Negligence »

Number of pages 9

This 8 page paper, 6 pages of essay plus 2 page annotated bibliography, looks at a case study supplied by the student. A restaurant spills hot soup on a patron which burns them. Then the waiter suggests that whilst the patron is visiting the restroom they could pout some moisturiser on, which is in the ... View Full Description
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Case Study Analysis Related to the Do Not Call List »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper looks at a Broward county case related to a business that violated the Do Not Call dictum. While Florida law is the focus of this case, Supreme Court decisions regarding the subject are also discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources. View Full Description
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Alternatives to Animal Testing »

Number of pages 4

A 4 page research paper that examines the issues surrounding alternatives to animal testing. Examination of why researchers should consider alternatives to animal testing in laboratories show that the arguments against this practice are persuasive and backed up with empirical research. These arguments state that (1) animal testing is often simply an entrenched procedure, which ... View Full Description
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Global Justice & Women/Issue of FGM »

Number of pages 3

A 3 page research paper that addresses female genital mutilation (FGM) as an ongoing global justice issue pertaining to women. Throughout the globe, women are still discriminated against and are cast into the role of second-class citizens, but on a more basic level, women -- worldwide-- are routinely the victims of institutionally sanctioned violence. In ... View Full Description
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Claim Of Policy Essay: Drunk Driving »

Number of pages 8

8 pages in length. There is, perhaps, nothing more eye opening to the brevity of life than witnessing – or being victim to - an automobile accident, particularly when such a catastrophe is caused by a drunk driver. Not only does it immediately wrench one from the idle comfort that inconspicuously shields people ... View Full Description
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Gender Discrimination In The United Kingdom »

Number of pages 12

A 12 page paper. The gender pay gap in the UK is the widest of any country in the European Union. About 30 percent of managers and administrators in the country are women but they are concentrated at the lowest levels of management. Further, they are paid 24 percent less than male counterparts. This essay ... View Full Description
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The 1960s and 1970s: Impacts to Society and Law Enforcement »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page discussion of the many impacts the 1960s and 1970s brought to society and law enforcement. The author contends that the Civil Rights era and the vehement sentiments which existed in regard to U.S. participation in Vietnam made for a volatile environment and one in which many of our most basic Constitutional ... View Full Description
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Legal Aspects of the Faith-Based Initiative »

Number of pages 10

A 10 page paper assessing the legality of faith-based initiatives as promoted by the Bush administration. The merits and dangers of government support for faith-based initiatives could be discussed for so long that no one is able to accomplish any good, and still without arriving at any common ground to which all could freely ... View Full Description
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TJ Hickey's Death And Racism »

Number of pages 13

13 pages in length. "Racism is transmitted both through the unconscious use of racist stereotype as well as through white people's refusal to think about the power of their own place in the world" (Elder, 1998, p. 26). The unfortunate set of circumstances that led to the death of Aboriginal youth TJ Hickey ... View Full Description
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Hypnosis : Science Or Magic? »

Number of pages 31

A 31 page comprehensive essay on hypnotism that includes these subheadings: Introduction, Myths About Hypnosis, Brief History of Hypnosis, Theories of Hypnosis, What Happens in the Hypnotic State, Hypnosis in Medicine, and Conclusions. Hypnosis remains a topic of debate even after advanced imaging systems have shown there is a change in the brain when the ... View Full Description
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Air Quality Laws Need to be Strengthened »

Number of pages 4

This 4 page paper examines air pollution, the laws on the books and why they need to be enforced. Recent legislation is discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources. View Full Description
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The Differential Strike Patterns of Korea and France »

Number of pages 8

Sonn (1997) calls Korea a late bloomer in the area of labour strikes, so it is particularly interesting that Korea labour is beginning to join the capitalist based globalisation movement to adopt flexible modern strike models, when France, the originator of the revolution, the striking of labour against the central government for better working conditions ... View Full Description
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The Arbitrary Nature of the Death Penalty »

Number of pages 3

This 3 page paper examines capital punishment. Black's Law Dictionary is used to define the term arbitrary and the discussion on the arbitrary nature of the death penalty begins. Several examples are provided. Bibliography lists 3 sources. View Full Description
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Canada - Labor Issues »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper addresses this question: Should companies who profit from "slave labor' pay reparations? First, clarification, the term is used euphemistically, not literally. The topic deals with individuals who are paid below minimum wage without benefits or overtime. The essay first provides data reporting the numbers and percentage of persons who fit this ... View Full Description
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Parliamentary Sovereignty and the Human Rights Act »

Number of pages 6

This 6 page paper considers the following quote by Lord Hoffman and discusses how if it is still accurate now the Human Rights Act 1998 is in force; ""Parliamentary sovereignty means parliament can, if it chooses, legislate contrary to fundamental principles of human rights. The Human Rights Act 1998 will not detract from this power ... View Full Description
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No Child Left Behind Act »

Number of pages 11

This 11 page paper considers ethical issues related to the NCLB Act. The essay begins with the major provisions of the Act and the funding levels for 2004. The ethical issues raised are: Chicago's refusal to stop their public tutoring program paid for with NCLB funds (they failed to meet the criteria to continue funding ... View Full Description
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Copyright Fair Use Model: Education »

Number of pages 3

Title 17 of the U.S. Code states copyrights are not infringed in the act of fair use in an educational setting. This includes reproduction of audio and written works used solely for the purpose of education. However, there are provisions to use; it is limited. For example, if an educator copies materials for class use, ... View Full Description
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Germany’s Economic Position »

Number of pages 3

A 3 page paper discussing Germany’s recent economic history and current position in late 2004. Germany has been dispensing with structural rigidities governing labor and business operations for some time, and it is showing signs of climbing out of the bottom of the business cycle. Germany needs to continue to become more business-friendly. ... View Full Description
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Regulatory Influence on Bank Strategy »

Number of pages 10

A 10 page paper discussing the effects that new regulatory measures have had or may have on banks’ determination and implementation of strategy for the future. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act was signed into law in 1999, but it did not become official until 2004. Replacing the Glass-Steagall Act of 1934 that prevented banks from ... View Full Description
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Will the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Prevent or Give Investors Warning of Enron Type Scandals »

Number of pages 50

Investors are impacted when a major company, such as Enron fails due to inventive, creative or manipulative accounting supported by the corporate governance environment. This 50 page paper considers if changing the regulatory environment, as attempted in the US with the introduction of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, will either prevent or give early ... View Full Description
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Literature Review: Email Laws »

Number of pages 4

4 pages in length. The tremendous impact computers have had upon today's global community represents the staggering progress contemporary society is experiencing. That business is conducted from opposite ends of the planet, people forge lifelong relationships without ever having met and employees work from the comfort and convenience of home via telecommuting speaks ... View Full Description
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Law of Evidence »

Number of pages 10

This 10 page paper looks at evidence and the burden of proof under English law. The first part pf the paper looms at where the burden of proof lies, and how this would need to take place along with potential defences, such as provocation, loss of control and insanity. The second part of the paper ... View Full Description
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Airport Master Plans: Overviews of Qatar's New Doha International Airport (DIA) and Ontario International Airport (ONT) in Ontario California »

Number of pages 6

A 6 page discussion of the importance of master plans in airport design and function. This paper provides insight into the specifics included in the master plans for these two facilities. Bibliography lists 4 sources. View Full Description
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Commercial Contract Case »

Number of pages 19

This 19 page UK law paper is written in three parts. The first and main part of the paper concerning a commercial contract with a potential breach of contract following the breakdown of machinery when it was used in an unusual fashion. The buyer stipulated the use of the machinery before it was bought, but ... View Full Description
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The Chicago School Of Criminology: Influence »

Number of pages 9

9 pages in length. Espousing environmental reasons over and above the conventionally accepted morality rationale, the Chicago School of Criminality changed the very nature of how society viewed – and thereby approached treatment for – criminal behavior. Criminal activity is a way of life for many people who fail to adhere to strict ... View Full Description
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Arizona Laws: Protecting Animals »

Number of pages 5

5 pages in length. The pursuit for animal protective legislation has been an ongoing – if not frustrating – quest for virtually every American society; while significant inroads have been made in many national communities where such atrocities as cockfighting, animal abuse/cruelty felony status and pet shop conditions are concerned, there is still a ... View Full Description
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Exegesis - Faith In Galatians »

Number of pages 10

A 10 page paper. When Paul spoke of faith in terms of righteousness, did he mean faith in Christ or faith of Christ, i.e., Christ's faithfulness? This is the emphasis of this essay. The essay begins with an introduction to Galatians. Issues discussed include the difference in Paul's opinions of the law found between Galatians ... View Full Description
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Ethics: Religious Discrimination »

Number of pages 7

A 7 page paper discussing the ethics of religious discrimination that a company wants to commit but has not yet done. Its receptionist has converted to Islam and has adopted the full attire of an orthodox Muslim woman, projecting an extreme image for visitors to the company's headquarters. The company wants to place ... View Full Description
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Advertising to Educate and Benefit Consumers »

Number of pages 4

A 4 page paper discussing the benefits of using advertising to educate consumers. Educating consumers is a point of advertising's classic rules, but advertisers have moved increasingly further away from that rule in recent years as they strive merely to put brand names in front of consumers. As is the case with anything ... View Full Description
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Reporting Abuse And Duty To Protect/Warn: California & Arkansas »

Number of pages 6

6 pages in length. The prevalence of abuse throughout the United States is not restricted to any age group, gender or ethnicity; that abuse crosses all lines of demarcation speaks to an equal opportunity offense where verbal or physical harm often goes undetected when the victim is either unable or unwilling to report the ... View Full Description
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Civil Monetary Penalties and Relevant State Statutes »

Number of pages 3

A 3 page paper discussing the Office of Inspector General (OIG)'s apparent reversal of itself in gainsharing arrangements between hospitals and physicians that strive to hold the line on spiraling health care costs. The paper demonstrates that OIG has not been inconsistent, that its initial rulings addressed treatment of individuals and that its subsequent ... View Full Description
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Business Form of Maryland's New Durable Medical Equipment Company »

Number of pages 4

A 4 page paper choosing a business form (LLC) for a new company and assessing the liability positions of senior managers at HealthSouth and RiteAid, two businesses operating a corporate form that could not protect senior management from charges of various types of fraud. HealthSouth's Richard Scrushy was the first to be tried under ... View Full Description
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The Late Shipping of Substandard Goods: A case Study »

Number of pages 9

This 9 page paper examines a case where a company based in Jedda had contracted to sell dates to a London compnay. The agreement has been written as a CIF contract referencing INCOTERMs wit the agreement that the dates will be shipped in September, but are not shipped until October 2nd, in addition the bill ... View Full Description
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Endangered Species Act »

Number of pages 4

4 pages in length. The original Endangered Species Preservation Act was passed into law by Congress in 1966, which provided limited protection to species that were native to their given area and equally as limited means for mandated protection. While it was an unprecedented move toward safeguarding with such implementation as land acquisition ... View Full Description
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The Prospects of Promoting Astrology in the City of Dubai »

Number of pages 24

This 24 page paper focuses on whether or not astrology should be a part of doing business in Dubai. The paper argues that it should. Astrology is discussed in depth as well as the ways it can be applied to business. Doing business in Dubai is also a part of the discussion. Attention is paid ... View Full Description
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General Rules of Conflict of Interest: Non-lawyer Employees »

Number of pages 5

This is a 5 page paper that discusses five specific cases and how they relate to the rules of conflict of interest that apply to non-lawyer employees of law firms. The bibliography has 5 sources. View Full Description
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Creon's Reflection »

Number of pages 6

A 6 page paper assessing Creon's view of events and the results of his laws as ruler of Thebes. Antigone is dead because of Creon's trust in political power; grief has claimed both his son and his wife. Perhaps Creon has not taken full responsibility, for he still blames fate for a large ... View Full Description
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Daimlerchrysler AG »

Number of pages 6

A 6 page paper that offers a glimpse into DaimlerChrysler AG, a company formed when Daimler acquired Chrysler in 1998. The writer reports the most recent revenue figure, the size of the company and its products and services. The writer also explains German corporate governance and points out some differences between that the U.S. corporate ... View Full Description
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