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Term papers on International law

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Taking Video Games to China »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page paper discussing some of the "knowledge tools" that may be needed by an Indian company seeking to market video games in China. Some of the knowledge tools that the Indian company will need include theory (supply and demand, comparative advantage); legal information; demographic data; cultural information; and an assessment of emerging ... View Full Description
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The Lemon Test »

Number of pages 3

This 3 page paper explores the Lemon v. Kurtzman decision in the context of three questions submitted by a student. This paper evaluates three scenarios in light of this law that supports the separation of church and state in the school system. Bibliography lists 2 sources. View Full Description
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Legal Or Ethical Issue Pertaining To The Role Of Faculty Member In Higher Education »

Number of pages 7

7 pages in length. Sexual harassment on college campuses falls within the boundaries of both legal and ethical considerations, inasmuch as there are laws prohibiting any interaction of an intimate nature between faculty member and student, as well as the unwritten codes of behavior that should be inherent to every civilized instructor. The ... View Full Description
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Tenure Laws In Georgia And Tennessee: Opinion »

Number of pages 3

3 pages in length. Having tenure is looked upon more as a right than a privilege; a profession where one can be locked into job security until reaching retirement is an opportunity handed to very few industries. While teaching is certainly an honorable occupation and one very much lacking talented candidates to fill ... View Full Description
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Civil Rights in the Nineteenth Century »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper looks at Jim Crow laws, the Civil War era, and various cases such as Plessy v. Ferguson and the Dred Scott Decision. Civil rights are evaluated in the context of nineteenth century cases. Bibliography lists 3 sources. View Full Description
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Death Tax Changes »

Number of pages 4

4 pages in length. Death tax - also known as estate tax - is a form of taxation that only occurs after one is deceased and one's assets have been calculated. Depending upon how one's assets are left prior to one's demise, the amount of death tax to be paid is determined as ... View Full Description
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California Police Officers: Certain Physique And Weight Management »

Number of pages 6

6 pages in length. The last one hundred years have served to transition the overall duties of police officers from highly physically demanding to duties shared between physicality and technology. Typically, big, strong men were representational of the early 1900s police force when walking was the only way in which to patrol the ... View Full Description
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Small Business Management »

Number of pages 20

This 20 page paper discusses several issues related to small business management. Customer service and the importance of establishing policies and rules for employees in terms of proving excellent customer service. How a company can evaluate the effectiveness of adverting and promotions, including comments on cumulative effects. The table of contents of an employee handbook, ... View Full Description
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Variation of a Trust »

Number of pages 6

This 6 page paper looks at a case supplied by the student. A beneficiary with a lifetime interest in a protective trust wants to vary the terms of settlement when he dies and the property will pass absolutely so that the property does not pass until to his child until they are 33 years of ... View Full Description
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American Colonies' Divergence from England »

Number of pages 8

An 8 page research paper that examines the similarities and differences between England and her American colonies in 1750. The writer argues that by 1750, the English speaking colonies of North America, instigated and maintained under the auspices of the British crown, had diverged from many of the English norms of that era. Naturally, the ... View Full Description
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Probable Cause & Vehicles »

Number of pages 3

A 3 page research paper that examines the legality of a case scenario. In this scenario, officers become suspicious of the behavior of two suspects in an area of a city known for drug trafficking. The officers follow the suspects' car and order the suspects to vacate the vehicle. Several loaded magazine clips are in ... View Full Description
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Company Law; Preference Shares and Winding-Up Orders »

Number of pages 10

This 10 page paper looks at to case studies covering English company law concerning preference shareholders in dispute with directors that also own 80% of the company’s ordinary shares who want to override the wishes of the preference shareholders. The paper advises the preference shareholders. The second part of the paper then looks at a ... View Full Description
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Ageism »

Number of pages 8

8 pages in length. There are many ideals and attitudes for which North America is considered a precedent setter, not the least of which includes efforts to improve the workplace both personally and professionally, institute stronger health-related laws such as with smoking bans in public establishments, as well as leading the way toward more ... View Full Description
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Company Law; Preference Shares and Winding-Up Orders »

Number of pages 10

This 10 page paper looks at to case studies covering English company law. The first case concerns preference shareholders who are in dispute with directors that also own 80% of the company’s ordinary shares. The directors want to change the rights associated with the preference shares without the consent of the preference shareholders and are ... View Full Description
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Employment Discrimination Laws: Who Is Protected And Methods For Guaranteeing That Protection »

Number of pages 3

3 pages in length. The extent to which employment discrimination has long been an ongoing social ill is both grand and far-reaching; that myriad federal laws have been enacted over the last fifty years to ensure equity in the workplace speaks to overruling the intolerance toward various segments of society. Under the umbrella ... View Full Description
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Mental Illness, Crime and the Criminal Justice System in the UK »

Number of pages 36

This 36 page paper examines the links between mental illness and crime and how this is dealt with in the UK criminal justice system. The paper starts by defining mental illness, looking at general definition and then at the legal definition used in the UK. The paper then considers what types of illness are classified ... View Full Description
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Influence of Ben Jonson »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page research paper/essay. Beginning in 1642 and for the next eighteen years, the theaters of England were officially closed under the restrictions of Puritan rule (Restoration Drama). There were, of course, evasions of the law, but whatever performances were given were held in secret in private homes. In 1660, the Stuart dynasty was ... View Full Description
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Medical Case Study »

Number of pages 7

This 7 page advises a patient according to English law. The fictitious case concerns Mrs Jarvis a 44 year old woman has gone into hospital to have a hysterectomy due to endometriosis. She has agreed to the operation after being told she is infertile. During the operation the surgeon finds she is pregnant, but continues ... View Full Description
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Shareholder Power »

Number of pages 4

This is a 4 page paper which examines the power of shareholders to removel directors of boards with or without cause primarily under Delaware Corporate Law. The bibliography has 6 source. View Full Description
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Nietzsche's Objections To Democracy: Criticism »

Number of pages 6

6 pages in length. Nietzsche might be considered an anarchist when it comes to the notion of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as it relates to his fellow human beings. Declaring that the human race – more specifically those who comprise the upper echelon of social class – should be under ... View Full Description
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Justice As It Relates To Human Personality »

Number of pages 3

3 pages in length. When the time comes where man and machine morph into one entity devoid of any individuality, this is the point at which laws can be justified on the basis of personality since there will be but one static, emotionless imprint to represent human nature. Until this time, however, the ... View Full Description
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Number of pages 3

3 pages in length. The human circulatory system can be compared to a continuously looping freight train whereby deliveries are made on a regular basis without ever coming to a stop or even slowing down; provisions for a healthy body are dropped off by red blood cells at various ports and then distributed even further ... View Full Description
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Islamic Microfinance and Egypt »

Number of pages 27

This 27 page paper considers the concept of Islamic microfinance and whether or not it would be suitable for use in Egypt. The paper starts by defining micro-finance, looking at what it is and how it is used, and the requirements for any type of financing or loans to be compliant with Islamic law. ... View Full Description
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The Supreme Court: Role Played In The American Political Process »

Number of pages 3

3 pages in length. The omnipotent influence held by nine individuals on the United States Supreme Court gives one pause when considering the ever-changing values of judicial activism and restraint; depending upon who is appointed to occupy one of these lofty positions, the impact of Court rulings can sway to either end of the ... View Full Description
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Legal Malpractice Case »

Number of pages 7

This seven page paper is based on a fictitious case study provided by the student. An employee is injured while working for employer and hires a lawyer to sue the employer. The employer makes a settlement offer, which the lawyer does not communicate to the employee. Subsequently the employee loses the court case and gains ... View Full Description
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Rousseau v. Wordsworth/Neo-Classical v. Romantic »

Number of pages 3

A 3 page essay that contrasts and compares works by Rousseau and Wordsworth and argues that they are representative of their respective eras. In his Discourse on Inequality, the French neoclassical philosophy Jean-Jacques Rousseau examines the factors that create societal inequities in order to determine if there is any foundation for inequality between human beings ... View Full Description
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McDonald's and Obesity; A Case Study »

Number of pages 4

This 4 page paper looks at the problems faced by McDonald's and its’ association with unhealthy food and obesity. Answering questions set by the student paper discusses the problems of using a cartoon character to advertise to children, the potential of a law banning fast food advertising to children, whether or not advertising should be ... View Full Description
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Juvenile And Adult Court: Comparison »

Number of pages 8

8 pages in length. Juveniles have historically found protection under the law with regard to being tried as adults when they have committed adult crimes. Contemporary society, however, witnessed a significant change in attitude toward some offenses whereby juveniles now can be tried - and convicted - as an adult. The extent ... View Full Description
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An Overview of the Sixth Amendment »

Number of pages 3

This 3 page paper provides an overview of the sixth amendment and how it applies to criminal law. Each protection is discussed. Bibliography lists 2 sources. View Full Description
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Sophocles, Gilman & Browning/Oppressed Women »

Number of pages 8

An 8 page research paper/essay that discusses three works that highlight the subjugated role of women in history. It has only been within the last century and also only within the context of the Western industrialized countries that women have gained equal rights with men before the law. Throughout history, the norm has been ... View Full Description
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The Bible, Koran, And Divine Comedy »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page paper. Each work is discussed separately in terms of their contribution to modern society. The influence and impact of the Bible itself can be found across life from culture to law to literature and so on. The contribution of the Koran itself is more difficult to determine although many individual Muslims ... View Full Description
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Gideon’s Trumpet & Constitutional Law »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page research paper that discusses Gideon’s Trumpet by Anthony Lewis, which is an expertly written, comprehensive account of a landmark case in constitutional law, Gideon v. Wainwright, which was heard by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1963. Clarence Earl Gideon was a prisoner in the Florida penal system who felt that his constitutional ... View Full Description
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Discovery Of Gold: Accelerated California's Drive For Statehoood »

Number of pages 3

3 pages in length. Amid ethnic intolerance, intense competition, logistical nightmares, exponential population growth and complete absence of law and order, California was ultimately transformed from a raucous collection of cultures hell-bent upon grabbing a quick fortune at the first hint of gold to a solid and progressive cultural Mecca whose statehood marked it ... View Full Description
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Nursing Philosophy for Professional Practice »

Number of pages 7

A 7 page research paper that discusses a student-formulated professional philosophy of nursing practice, which is that making clinical judgment decisions in nursing care should be comfort based and founded on an understanding and knowledge of the patient’s continuous evolving physical and mental state. This examination of literature discusses how this philosophy can be ... View Full Description
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Digital And Psychological Profiling Of Cyber Crime »

Number of pages 10

10 pages in length. Witnesses are often the single most important elements of securing a conviction or realizing an acquittal; without these observers to testify as to what they saw, heard or know, myriad court cases would either go unsolved or erroneously resolved. With the technological age, however, has come an entirely different ... View Full Description
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Commercial Law Questions »

Number of pages 3

This 3 page paper looks at three law questions and gives simple answers. The first looks at whether an author could be sued for breach of contract for failing to deliver a book on time after being in an accident unable to write while in a coma. The second questions consider copyright on a photograph, ... View Full Description
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Children And Moral Recognition »

Number of pages 3

3 pages in length. After extensive research, Piaget identified a distinct recognition between right and wrong beginning at about five years old, noting how children considered rules both "rigid and unalterable" because they were put in place by authority figures such as parents. Moreover, the fact that children at this age are challenged ... View Full Description
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Discrimination Of Women In Law Enforcement »

Number of pages 11

11 pages in length. Gender inequity is a social ill that even now as mankind moves into the twenty-first century is still as prevalent as it was fifty years ago. Even though the feminist movement garnered some tremendous strides for gender discrimination in developed countries, it has not had a noticeable impact upon ... View Full Description
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Contingent-Fee Arrangement Versus "Loser Pays" »

Number of pages 5

5 pages in length. The American public cannot watch late-night television without being overwhelmed with a barrage of legal counsel commercials advertising their contingent-fee agreement; for a large chunk of the plaintiff's settlement - anywhere from twenty-five to fifty percent - the company will represent that individual for no upfront costs. While logic ... View Full Description
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Genetic Engineering: Ethics »

Number of pages 3

3 pages in length. The list of options was rather long as the couple sat in the waiting room filling out their paperwork. There for their first in vitro fertilization procedure, they were faced with a number of choices pertaining to the baby they would eventually create: sex - female; hair color - ... View Full Description
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Children: To Spank Or Not To Spank »

Number of pages 3

3 pages in length. Disciplining children has become more and more challenging with the ever-growing perception that spanking is both abusive and unnecessary. Each side of this hotly debated topic maintains reasons why it is either beneficial or detrimental to use spanking as a means of appropriate discipline, citing such aspects as later ... View Full Description
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Cyborg or Quality of Life? »

Number of pages 13

A 13 page paper discussing where IT should go in supporting "bionics" research. Biomedical and biomechanical research is totally dependent on the availability of high-volume and high-dependability computing systems. The fears of creating a cyborg are ill founded. Though they make great entertainment and provide many ideas for philosophical exercise, they cannot ... View Full Description
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Crime And Youth: How Family Relations Contribute To The Development »

Number of pages 12

12 pages in length. Figuring out what makes people commit crimes has been the focus for ages of civilized societies. From the ancient Greeks who first introduced the concept of law to the twenty-first century, myriad theories have been developed as a way in which to explain how and why some people fall ... View Full Description
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Application of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties »

Number of pages 20

This 20 page paper considers a fictitious treaty between 4 states that are all party to the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, where 8 years after the treaty came into affect there are disagreements. One state is arguing that they were coerced into accepting the terms by the other states through the ... View Full Description
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Scientific Determinism: Undermines Basic Principles? »

Number of pages 4

4 pages in length. The nature of scientific determinism is such that people all follow the same path of existence no matter how they are or where they live; their lives are governed solely by the forces of universal law. As such, each individual life is predisposed to the causes that compel him ... View Full Description
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Addressing A Recurring Crime: Teen Rebelliousness »

Number of pages 6

6 pages in length. To say the relationship between youth and police is a strained one is to oversimplify the socioeconomic and sociopolitical components of virtually every global community. Teen angst coupled with negative environmental influences can create an exaggerated perception of juvenile autonomy that inevitably lands youthful offenders squarely in the lap ... View Full Description
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Federal Shield Law: A Journalist's Right »

Number of pages 6

6 pages in length. Protecting the identity of confidential sources is as much a part of journalism as the notion of freedom of the press is a critical component of the First Amendment. That discretion should be left up to the reporter with regard to which sources he safeguards is a fundamental tenet ... View Full Description
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Euthanasia »

Number of pages 9

A 9 page research paper that examines the ethical issues associated with the issue of euthanasia, which are frequently addressed in contemporary society due to the fact that modern medical innovation has made it possible to prolong life in situations where, in previous eras, death would have been swift and inevitable. As this suggests, ... View Full Description
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Irish Police Culture »

Number of pages 7

A 7 page research paper that examines this topic. The police culture in Ireland has evolved greatly over the course of the last decade. During that time, the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) and the Garda Siochana na hElreann ("Guardians of the Peace of Ireland") have both gravitated away from policing that focuses primarily ... View Full Description
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Economic Principles Applied to Pharmaceutical Companies »

Number of pages 11

This 11 page paper applies a number of economic principles to pharmaceutical companies in the way in which they produce and then sell drugs. Pharmaceutical companies can produce drugs for only pennies a pill. These companies are protected by patent laws for new drugs they develop and with a patent protecting their product; ... View Full Description
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