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Term papers on International law

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Moral Relativism »

Number of pages 3

3 pages in length. Given the interpretive nature of moral relativism, it is difficult to impose one's ethical perspective upon another whose choices do not abide by one's standards. Global societies embrace a significant diversity when it comes to moral relativism, and no single community can claim a higher measure of morality than ... View Full Description
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Actual Innocence »

Number of pages 3

A 3 page book review of the text Actual Innocence. The Innocence Project is a program based at the Cardozo Law School in New York, which is run by Barry Scheck and Peter Neufeld. Jim Dwyer is a columnist for The Daily News, a New York newspaper (Boyer). Their book, Actual Innocence, describes some of ... View Full Description
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Sunderland Development Properties Ltd. »

Number of pages 9

This 9 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student. A director of a firm wants to issue more shares, but minorities of shareholders do not want the issue to go ahead. The first part of the paper looks at the rights of minority shareholders and considers what actions they may ... View Full Description
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Continued Controversy Over The Eighth Amendment »

Number of pages 5

5 pages in length. Protecting the rights inherent to every United States citizen is the foundation upon which the nation's Constitution was originally drafted; without this historic document and its subsequent amendments, the founding fathers realized the potential for America becoming a land held hostage by power, greed and injustice. Interestingly, this seems ... View Full Description
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Complexity Of Gangster/Criminal Theme In Film »

Number of pages 3

3 pages in length. The intrigue of living outside the law serves as a basis upon which gangsters films harbor a certain complexity. A criminal element coupled with dark, seductive and intelligent antagonists whose sole purpose in life is to get something for nothing leads viewers on a nonstop chase whereby the gangster ... View Full Description
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Privatizing Law Enforcement And Leaders Adhering To Strict A Strict Code Of Ethics »

Number of pages 3

3 pages in length. Those who represent the guiding social forces of a civilized society maintain a special accountability where behavior is concerned; not only are community and global leaders alike expected to adhere to a strict code of ethics while in such an influential position, but they are also expected to harbor a ... View Full Description
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Gun Control And Campus Violence »

Number of pages 3

3 pages in length. The debate over gun control, an ongoing thorn in effecting social policy upon which both sides can agree, has taken an unprecedented turn toward implementing stronger safety measures in light of violent incidents that have occurred on a number of college campuses. Critics have long argued how those who ... View Full Description
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Montessori: Children Have Their Own Laws Of Development »

Number of pages 4

4 pages in length. The foundation behind Maria Montessori's approach to teaching is based upon the child possessing his own laws of development and as such, it is imperative for adults to allow this individual progression to occur at its own pace and not impose external pressure upon him (Montessori, 2009). Children are ... View Full Description
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Deviance: Mental Illness And Homelessness »

Number of pages 9

9 pages in length. Social and cultural norms are not merely an arbitrary collection of societal standards that have little impact upon how people behave in a given society; rather, they represent the core values of a society that delineate where acceptable behavior ends and deviance begins. Crime is the first thing that ... View Full Description
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Patterns and Development of Power in the 20th Century World »

Number of pages 12

This 12 page report discusses the concept of international power can and the ways in which it is developed and manifested in the context of economic or military superiority. How that power is then applied has meaning for people, politics, and international development across virtually all divisions of the socioeconomic and social spectrum of life. Bibliography lists 4 sources. ... View Full Description
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Reproductive Rights as Human Rights »

Number of pages 18

This is an 18 page paper discussing reproductive rights as a human right. Reproductive rights represents a component of human rights as promoted by the international community in regards to the “right to health and family planning; the right to life, freedom, integrity and security; the right not to be assaulted or exploited sexually; the ... View Full Description
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International Free Trade, WTO and NAFTA »

Number of pages 8

An 8 page paper which examines international free trade, WTO, and NAFTA in regards to economic content. Bibliography lists 8 sources. View Full Description
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International Trade; Exposure to Exchange Rate Risks »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper considers what risks a company trading internationally may face when it comes to currency exchange rates, and how the risks may be minimised with the use of careful hedging. The bibliography cites 1 source. View Full Description
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India’s International Relations »

Number of pages 6

A 6 page paper discussing India in terms of national security affairs research. US relations with India never have been adversarial, though some economic events under previous governments – such as the Indian government’s nationalization of a Coca-Cola factory in the 1970s - have strained relations for a time in the past. India’s ... View Full Description
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Case Study - Lexmark International »

Number of pages 8

An 8 page paper. A case study of Lexington that was prepared at the University of Alabama is the catalyst and exclusive source of corporate information. This essay presents an analysis of Lexmark that includes consideration of the industry, external and internal environments, exogenous and endogenous variables, Porter's five forces, SWOT analysis, competitive advantages, and ... View Full Description
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Technology: What It Means In Relation To Changes In International Economic Thinking »

Number of pages 20

20 pages in length. Technology's reach into the deep recesses of human existence has been both grand and far-reaching. That mankind stands at the crossroads of yet another millennium more economically, socially and industrially advanced than ever before speaks to the significant leaps forward technological advancement has allowed. Bibliography lists 20 sources. View Full Description
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International Trade Questions »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper answers three questions; the first identifies the relevant official bodies in the US that deal with trade dumping complaints and gives examples of such cases. The second question looks at the difference between power-based and rule-oriented diplomacy and gives recent examples of a clash between the two styles, the third question ... View Full Description
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International Economics: US-Singapore Free Trade Pact »

Number of pages 6

A 6 page paper discussing the likely economic effects of a unilateral free trade agreement between the US and Singapore. There are few if any real detriments to freer trade. Though it can create the need for specific industries and organizations to undergo forced change, that change nearly always is positive when approached ... View Full Description
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Constructivist Verses Realist in International Conflict »

Number of pages 4

A 4 page discussion of the way in which the realists verses constructivist schools of thought came into play during the Cold War. The author defines each school of thought and uses the example of the Kennan school of containment to illustrate the philosophical underpinnings. Bibliography lists 4 sources. View Full Description
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Issues in International Trade »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper considers different factors that should be considered by a company seeking to sell multimedia medical products internationally. The paper answers five questions, concerning the political and social implications, the difficulties of delivery, the legal protection of the product in different countries, the ethics of using labour on another country to develop ... View Full Description
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International Accounting Standards »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page paper which examines the move towards international accounting standards. The paper examines the strengths and weaknesses of such an endeavor, discussing the approaches and the experiences of particular countries. Bibliography lists 9 sources. View Full Description
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Brunei Darussalam and Cross-Cultural Issues in International Business »

Number of pages 7

This 7 page report discusses the sultanate of Brunei Darussalam located on the northern coast of Borneo. For the past century, the tiny nation was one of the wealthiest in the world but it has recently had to deal with numerous economic problems and is being forced to change many long-held habits and attitudes. In addition, since ... View Full Description
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Four Dissertation Topics For International Finance And Accounting »

Number of pages 8

8 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses NAFTA, Thai baht collapse, Canadian bank merger and reinsurance as potential topics for dissertation. Bibliography lists 5 sources. View Full Description
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International Sports Federations »

Number of pages 7

This 7 page essay discusses the concept of international sports federations and the ways in which they have a distinctly economic impact on the world. The past few years have not been some of the best for the various international sports federations of the world in terms of their image and prestige. At the core of many ... View Full Description
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Manchester United as an International Business »

Number of pages 44

This 44 page paper looks at Manchester United and consider the way in which it is marketed and looks at Singapore as a target market. The paper conducts a PEST analysis of the potential location and then analyses the industry with Porters Five Forces Models. The marketing and general operations and practices of Manchester United ... View Full Description
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Science Applications International Corp; A Case Study »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper considers the strategic position of this company, looking at the external environment with the use of an external evaluation matrix, the position within the industry using Porters five forces and a competitive profile matrix. The bibliography cites 1 source. View Full Description
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The Shift of Power; International Property Rights »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper considers why and how Britain was able to be the primary enforcer of property rights during the nineteenth century and how the United States was unable to maintain that position by the 1970’s. The bibliography cites 2 sources. View Full Description
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International Trade and the Environment »

Number of pages 5

5 pages. With the improvements being made daily in energy efficiency, the adoption of new conservation measures and environmentalists’ success in replacing oil with cleaner sources of energy, the changes inherent in the OPEC member countries will take more than some simple improvements to sustain the organization. Bibliography lists 6 sources. View Full Description
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Various Types of International Expansion »

Number of pages 10

This 10 page paper delves into a case study of a fictitious U.S. computer manufacturer that wants to expand to Western Europe. Several options are explored, inclusive of exporting and setting up a subsidiary in one or more countries. Bibliography lists 16 sources. View Full Description
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Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper examines the AIDS crisis on a global basis. Includes a brief overview of the disease, causes, transmission and treatments. Global policies via government involvement, scientific community,and analysis of the world AIDS epidemic. Frightening statistics. Bibliography lists 8 sources. View Full Description
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The International Relations Theory of Realism »

Number of pages 10

This 10 page paper provides an overview of the theory of realism. Several examples are provided. Bibliography lists 4 sources. View Full Description
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Number of pages 5

This article describes the steps that need to be considered when a sneaker plant moves into an underdeveloped nation. Bibliography lists 2 sources. View Full Description
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International Business »

Number of pages 6

This 6 page paper considers examples of barrier of trade, using the entrance of Vodafone into China, the potential macro influences that may be felt by any entrant into the US, including cultural, political and economic factors, and then looks at Porter’s strategic groups, giving examples. The bibliography cites 4 sources. View Full Description
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Strategic Brand Management in an International Environment »

Number of pages 16

This 16 page paper considers the way in which a brand may be strategically managed in order to maximize value and return. The writer considers issues such as the decision to standardize or customize brand the brand image in different geographical areas, the importance of positioning and brand extensions. Many examples are cited in the ... View Full Description
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Coca-Cola: International Marketing Strategy Shift »

Number of pages 20

A 20 page paper discussing the shift in Coke’s marketing perspective from a global view to one that is much more local in its approach. The company suffered massive setbacks in Europe when contamination in cans sold in Belgium and northern France sickened consumers. This is one reason for the shift away from ... View Full Description
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International Women’s Issues: Examples from India and the United States »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page discussion of the issues facing women in the United States and India. This paper outlines the patriarchal system which has kept women in subservience in both countries, noting the progress which is being made in each. The author contends that these same issues confront women on an international level but ... View Full Description
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Number of pages 12

Taking information from the text "Management-a Pacific Rim Focus" (3rd edition), this paper explores the idea of systematic environmental analysis in order for a business to be successful in a foreign market. This is one-source essay. View Full Description
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International Business and Employee Considerations »

Number of pages 10

This 10 page report discusses a number of factors associated with transferring an American employee to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Social, cultural, and communication problems are discussed. Bibliography only lists the case study used. View Full Description
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International Trade; Russia »

Number of pages 10

This 10 page paper considers trade patterns n Russia and argues that these are a reflection of the economic instability and may be seen as an indication of the developing nature of the relatively new capitalist economy. The bibliography cites 14 sources. View Full Description
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The Reasons for International Trade and Joint Ventures »

Number of pages 10

This 10 page paper considers the reasons a company will look to internationalise, such as push and pull factors. The writer then considers the different ways in which this may take place, such as exporting, forming a subsidiary company and different forms of joint venture. The paper then considers how a joint venture may be ... View Full Description
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Intellectual Property Rights and International Implications »

Number of pages 15

This 15 page paper looks at the ongoing problem of intellectual property rights in a global economy. Cases are cited and concepts such as software piracy are defined and discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources. View Full Description
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Number of pages 6

This 6.5 page paper deals with the factors that a business must consider when thinking about a move either internationally or within the United States. An analysis of Mexico and Texas as potential sites for relocation are discussed with the pros and cons offered. Summarization of findings and predictions for business trends in the areas. ... View Full Description
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The Globalization of Michael Page International »

Number of pages 24

This 24 page paper evaluates this London-based executive recruitment firm largely in terms of its globalization efforts. Much of the paper outlines its expansion history and evaluates the challenges it has faced while expanding throughout the world. Culture conflicts are duly noted. Bibliography lists 15 sources. View Full Description
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The History and Performance of the International Monetary Fund »

Number of pages 25

This 25 page paper looks at the development and history of the IMF, its' aims and goals, and how they may be criticized as needing reform. The writer then goes on to illustrate this argument for reform by looking as specific countries including the UK, South Korea, Indonesia, Russia and Argentina. The bibliography cites 20 ... View Full Description
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International Political Economy »

Number of pages 8

8 pages. It should be the responsibility of the industrialized world to bridge the gap between themselves and developing countries. By helping the less developed countries become more self-sufficient we are also helping the global economy and ourselves. This paper will further explain these statements in order to better emphasize the fact that ... View Full Description
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The International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU) »

Number of pages 6

This 6 page paper provides an overview of the union. The Triangle Factory Fire is duly noted. Bibliography lists 6 sources View Full Description
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International Alliances »

Number of pages 6

A 6 page paper discussing the apparent dichotomy in nationalist sentiment in the presence of transnational alliances. Nationalism and transnationalism do have a common ground. Singapore would have made its great strides alone, but bringing neighbors along too strengthens the economic and political stability of the entire region, thereby contributing to Singapore's further ... View Full Description
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International Organization »

Number of pages 8

Globalization has been recognized on many levels, one of which is the social and political cohesion of disparate countries through common economic and technological goals. This 8 page paper explores the concept of democracy in terms of the World Trade Organization and the methods and purposes of Amnesty International and Human Rights watch. Bibliography lists 6 sources. ... View Full Description
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Environmental Risk In International Business »

Number of pages 4

A 4 page paper that discusses the kinds of risks faced by multinational companies conducting business in a different environment, i.e., a foreign country. Bibliography lists 5 sources. View Full Description
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U.S. International Strategy »

Number of pages 7

This 7 page paper provides an overview of U.S. foreign policy with a focus on twentieth century history. Alliances are discussed as is the concept of isolationism. Various policies are outlined. Bibliography lists 7 sources. View Full Description
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