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Term papers on International law

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Terrorism: Impediments to International Cooperation »

Number of pages 13

A 13 page examination of the problems inherent in effecting a unified world effort against terrorism. This paper emphasizes that the first obstacle that must be overcome is defining terrorism to the satisfaction of the world entities that are looked at to regulate it. Bibliography lists 14 sources. View Full Description
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Terrorism: Impediments to International Cooperation »

Number of pages 9

A 9 page examination of the problems inherent in effecting a unified world effort against terrorism. This paper emphasizes that the first obstacle that must be overcome is defining terrorism to the satisfaction of the world entities that are looked at to regulate it. Bibliography lists 12 sources. View Full Description
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India and China; International Finance Decisions »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper looks at India and China as a potential destination for a direct foreign investment; it assesses the risks such as politic and exchange rate risk before making a recommendation. The bibliography cites 5 sources. View Full Description
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National and International Counterterrorism Strategy »

Number of pages 7

This 7 page paper discusses various ideas about US strategy for dealing with terrorism and counterterrorism. Bibliography lists 12 sources. View Full Description
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Bribery in International Business »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper looks at a case study provided by the student. An office in the fictional Latin American country of Latino has been undertaking business with the use of ‘bribes’ which are culturally acceptable in the country. The paper answers a series of questions regarding the ethical and legal nature of the payments ... View Full Description
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The Causes of Differences in International Financial Reporting »

Number of pages 7

There are many differences seen in financial reporting and the way it takes place in different countries. This 7 page paper considers some of the influences that will impact on the way differences emerge. The paper looks at the influence of culture, the status of accountants in the country and the stage of economic development ... View Full Description
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The Role of Women in International Management »

Number of pages 3

This 3 page paper examines the role of women in business. One study is the focus of attention but several authors, studies and theoretical material is referenced. Bibliography includes 3 sources. View Full Description
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International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and US GAAP; The Impact on Accounts »

Number of pages 3

This 4 page paper looks at the different influences that may be observed when comparing two companies the same industry which compiled their annual accounts under different accounting regimes. The paper compares IFRS and US GAAP. The bibliography cites 4 sources. View Full Description
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Planning an International Vacation »

Number of pages 3

This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of trip planning. A hypothetical vacation to Germany is planned as an example. Bibliography list 2 sources. View Full Description
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International Accounting Questions »

Number of pages 6

This 6 page paper looks at the definitions of US GAAP, IFRS, GAAS and IAAS and looks at the Norwalk Agreement. The paper then looks at three companies who’s annual reports are prepared under different regulatory regimes; Apple Swatch and Nikon, identifying several differences. The bibliography cites 6 sources. View Full Description
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Number of pages 7

This 7-page paper examines Latin American drug cartels and the lack of success on the war on drugs. Bibliography lists 7 sources. View Full Description
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Wiley International Studies Magnet Elementary School »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page paper that provides a vast amount of data and information about this school. Some of the topics include, school report card, state scores, AYP scores, staff, student population demographics, geographic location, vision and mission, and more information. 1 Table is included. Statistical data are reported. Bibliography lists 8 sources. View Full Description
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MEG International Ltd Case Study »

Number of pages 6

This 6 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student, looking at the problems this IT firm faces in undertaking a re-engineering project to use ‘enterprise architecture as strategy’. Four questions are answered; defining the terms re-engineering and ‘enterprise architecture as strategy’, considering key risk factors, looking at the pressures for ... View Full Description
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A Proposal for Marketing Cape Town to Increase Conference and Exhibition Business from International Organizations »

Number of pages 10

This 10 page paper is a marketing plan to attract more commercial visitors to Cape Town for conferences, exhibition and promotional activities. The plan looks at the location, the target market and suggests a suitable strategic approach. The bibliography cites 9 sources. View Full Description
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Political Risks for International Investments »

Number of pages 15

This is a 15 page paper that provides an overview of political risks to investing in foreign markets. Various methods of analysis are explored, with an emphasis on the most critical factors. Bibliography lists 10 sources. View Full Description
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Australian Foreign Policy and International Influences »

Number of pages 3

This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of Australian foreign policy. Britain influences in World War II are tied to American influences in the Iraq War. Bibliography lists 3 sources. View Full Description
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Counter-Terrorism, International and Domestic »

Number of pages 10

A 10 page research paper that discusses issues, methods, and measures associated with counter-terrorism. Bibliography lists 6 sources. View Full Description
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Cultural Expectations in International Business »

Number of pages 3

This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of the cultural dimensions theory. A hypothetical example is used to show its impact on business. Bibliography lists 3 sources. View Full Description
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Non-Retention of International Students: A Qualitative Study »

Number of pages 17

This is a 17 page paper that provides an overview of non-retention. Qualitative research design explores the topic in depth. A PowerPoint presentation and speaker notes are provided. Bibliography lists 18 sources. View Full Description
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Number of pages 8

This 8-page paper discusses the need for local institutions to be ready for globalization. Bibliography lists 2 sources. View Full Description
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China, the U.S., and Global Economics, Politics and International Relations »

Number of pages 13

This 13 page paper discusses the normalization of relations between the U.S. and China, as well as examining the Chinese economy, its political system and relations with other global powers. Bibliography lists 6 sources. View Full Description
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McDonald's International Strategy »

Number of pages 3

A 3 page paper that begins with a brief introduction to McDonald's. The writer discusses how the company changes and adapts their operations in other countries. Bibliography lists 4 sources. PGglb09.rtf View Full Description
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International Reportage on the U.S. Health Care Crisis »

Number of pages 4

This 4 page paper examines how different nations see the U.S. health care dilemma. Different newspapers are the focus of this investigation. Bibliography lists 4 sources. View Full Description
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Proposal for Greek Organizations in an International University »

Number of pages 10

This 10 page paper provides an overview of a proposal for the introduction of sororities and fraternities at NYIT's Bahrain campus. This paper relates the benefits of this kind of change. Bibliography lists 3 sources. View Full Description
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Immigration, International Adoption, and the Changing American Family »

Number of pages 3

This 3 page paper reviews Yen Le Espiritu's “Mobile Homes: Lives across Borders” and Laura Briggs' “Making 'American' Families”. No additional sources are listed. View Full Description
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International Child Labor Problem »

Number of pages 3

A 3 page paper. Many large American corporations have outsourced to foreign companies who depend on child labor and/or who run sweatshops. This paper discusses the issue of child labor. Bibliography lists 3 sources. View Full Description
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Number of pages 7

This 7-page paper discusses India and trade. Bibliography lists 6 sources. View Full Description
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International Relations: U.S. and Venezuela »

Number of pages 7

A 7 page overview of our historic and contemporary interactions in Latin America. Venezuela's recent actions make her an area of special concern. Bibliography lists 4 sources. View Full Description
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Mercury International, Ltd. (SWOT Analysis) »

Number of pages 3

This 3 page paper provides a SWOT analysis for this case study based on information submitted by a student. Bibliography lists 2 sources. View Full Description
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Twelve International Relations Essays »

Number of pages 47

This 47 page paper provides twelve distinct essays. The paper is divided rather evenly to address the following questions provided by a student: What are the functions that a good theory should fulfill? According to the criteria set out by James Rosenau in thinking theory thoroughly, would you describe yourself as a theoretical ... View Full Description
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Alternative IT Initiative For International Cruise Line »

Number of pages 3

A 3 page paper. A fictional cruise line needs to align information technology operations between centers in two countries. The essay provides three alternatives with advantages and disadvantages of each alternative. Bibliography lists 2 sources. View Full Description
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Considerations for International Expansion »

Number of pages 3

This 3 page paper looks at a range of influences that a business would have to consider when looking at expanding internationally. These include currency exchange rates, culture and language as well as different ways of expanding, such as exporting or franchising. The bibliography cites 2 sources. View Full Description
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Brother International Europe Case Study »

Number of pages 10

This 10 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student. Brother have a problem with their parts supply, the supply is slow, badly managed and resulting in poor employee and customers satisfaction level. The paper looks at the causes of the problems and suggests the way in which these may be remedied. ... View Full Description
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Rosenbluth International (Case Study Analysis) »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper examines this case study provided by a student. Some suggestions are made on how to improve on this company that is already successful. Improving quality is the focus of this paper. Bibliography lists 3 sources. View Full Description
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The International Monetary Fund: Flawed Policies or Harsh Realities? »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page review of the criticism surrounding the IMF austerity plans that arose in the late 1990s. Some have questioned whether this approach was indeed justified as a form of "tough love". Others, however, have contended that it was in effect just a means for IMF to pull out of situation(s) and ... View Full Description
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Transitions in International Compensation »

Number of pages 7

This 7 page paper examines trends in compensation for expatriates. The foreign service premium is discussed. Bibliography lists 7 sources. View Full Description
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Why Pessimism is Better Than Optimism in International Relations Practice »

Number of pages 3

This 3 page paper examines IR theories and compares liberalism and realism. Realism is supported and several theorists are discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources. View Full Description
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Security Analysis of O'Hare International Airport »

Number of pages 6

This 6 page paper looks at security issues at airports in general and O'Hare specifically. A SWOTT analysis of the airport is included. Bibliography lists 9 sources. View Full Description
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Questions in International Business »

Number of pages 7

A 7 page paper answering three questions. One is to devise an expatriate training program; another addresses global ethical standards; the last assesses which currencies to invest in as the US dollar continues its slide against the euro. Bibliography lists 11 sources. View Full Description
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China's Role in the International Steel Industry »

Number of pages 10

A 10 page paper discussing the change in the US steel industry since its rise; the effects of the growth of China's steel industry; and the effects of both on US-China relations. The steel industry has some recourse now that China is a member of the WTO, but in the meantime it still struggles ... View Full Description
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Sustainability, Economic Stability, and Regulation in International Fisheries »

Number of pages 21

A 21 page overview of regulation as it applies not just to the ecological stability of a fishery but as it applies to the economics of that fishery. This paper provides current data on the world's fisheries and compares the current state affairs to the economic guidance contained in the 1776 seminal text "Wealth ... View Full Description
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International Relations and Economics »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page paper examining the role of the US in the future world economy. It appears inevitable that the US is in the closing stages of its economic leadership, but neither is there a single country poised to take the lead. There is a single region, however; Asia will lead in the ... View Full Description
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International Save The Children Alliance »

Number of pages 10

A 10 page paper that begins with a description of this NGO, including its mission statement. The actual relief work is carried out by the different national/regional Save the Children organizations. The essay reports revenue amounts, some of the many partnerships and the major purposes of the organization. A focus is placed on efforts in ... View Full Description
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Anti Terrorism in Australia in an International Context »

Number of pages 14

This 14 page paper looks at different aspects of the way in which Australia is dealing with terrorism. The first part of the paper looks at the US and the UK in terms of community and legislation order to gives a framework and context against which Australia may be judged. The paper then looks at ... View Full Description
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Brother International(Case Study Analysis) »

Number of pages 10

This 10 page paper examines a case study submitted by a student. Suggestions are made on how to resolve problems and create a sustainable, well functioning company. Concepts such as management, vision and centralization are discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources. View Full Description
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International Perceptions of the Legitimacy of the American Democracy »

Number of pages 5

Since the start of the most recent Gulf War, the countries of the world have placed the United States under close scrutiny. Once self-proclaimed as one of the foremost democratic countries of the world, recent events in political history have led some to believe that the American democratic process no longer represents the kind ... View Full Description
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An International Relations Model to Combat Problems in Africa »

Number of pages 3

This 3 page paper outlines the problems in Africa and goes on to provide solutions for the struggling continent. Attention is placed on the failure of IMF. Bibliography lists 2 sources. View Full Description
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The Body Shop; International Expansion »

Number of pages 20

This 20 page paper examines the process of internationalisation seen with the expansion of Anita Roddick's Body Shop. Starting out in 1976 as a single outlet this has grown to a chain of franchises across 49 countries. The paper looks a the way this has been achieved with the use of competitive advantages and the ... View Full Description
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International Perceptions of the Legitimacy of the American Democracy »

Number of pages 10

A 10 page paper discussing the worsening perception of the rest of the world of the legitimacy of democracy in the United States. Domestic legalities of the President's actions have little bearing on how subsequent action was seen by the rest of the world, however. US stature has eroded in the eyes of ... View Full Description
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Did The Insertion Of Nuclear Weapons Into International Relations In 1945 Cause The Cold War? »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page paper considers the background to the Cold War and considers if the development of nuclear weapons can be seen as the cause or the catalyst that triggered the cold war between the US and the USSR. The bibliography cites 8 sources. View Full Description
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