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Term papers on International law

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Achebe’s “Things Fall Apart” »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page paper which examines how family, law, religion, and government functioned before and after the intrusion of the European missionaries in Chinua Achebe’s novel “Things Fall Apart.” No additional sources cited. View Full Description
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Arguments Used Against and For Same Sex Marriages »

Number of pages 5

This is a 5 page paper presenting 8 points used in favor of same sex marriages and 8 points used opposing same sex marriages. The opening paragraph presented by customer outlines both sides of the argument but the conclusion is meant to oppose the legalization of same sex marriages in Canada. Discrimination against same sex ... View Full Description
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“Women in Control?” by Frances Heidensohn »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page review of Frances Heidensohn’s book “Women in Control? The Role of Women in Law Enforcement.” Bibliography lists 3 additional sources. View Full Description
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Charles V, The Holy Roman Emperor (Charles I of Spain) »

Number of pages 5

This is a 5 page paper discussing the reign of Charles V (Charles I of Spain), the Holy Roman Emperor of the 16th century. The Spanish conquest during his reign is also included. Charles V (1500-1558) the Holy Roman Emperor in the 16th century became the ruler of one of the most expansive empires in ... View Full Description
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Money in “Canterbury Tales” »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page paper which examines the significance and importance of money in three tales from Chaucer’s “Canterbury Tales.” The tales examines are those of the Merchant, the Clerk, and the Sergeant of Law. No additional sources cited. View Full Description
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Beef Irradiation: The Process, Radiation Levels, Regulations and Concerns »

Number of pages 5

This is a 5 page paper on beef irradiation. Irradiation is a process used to kill harmful molds, bacteria and pathogens in foods and has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Overall, it has been found to be a more effective process than traditional methods in addition to the fact that there ... View Full Description
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Why is Roussea’s “Social Contract” Relevant Today? »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page paper which examines why Rousseau’s “Social Contract” is still relevant today. The paper discusses the relationship between freedom, justice, liberty, and law. No additional sources cited. View Full Description
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Oil Exportation and Currency Exchanges »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page report discusses several oil-producing nations and considers which oil-exporting nations and their exchange rate regimes serve to make the best possible international partnership. It should be understood that such relationships involve consideration of energy prices, the current exchange rate, what is happening in other oil-producing regions that could have an impact on supply and demand, and ... View Full Description
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Structural Functionalist Themes in “Black Elk Speaks” »

Number of pages 5

This is a 5 page paper discussing structural functionalism in relation to themes presented in “Black Elk Speaks”. “Black Elk Speaks” as told through John G. Neihardt portrays several social and religious aspects of the Sioux while they are faced with their own destruction by the invasion of the white men. Black Elk, a holy ... View Full Description
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The Scottsboro Boys' Trials and the Resulting Changes in the American Legal System »

Number of pages 10

This is a 10 page paper discussing the changes in the American legal system as a result of the Scottsboro Boys trials. The Scottsboro Boys Trials from 1931-1938 revealed the injustice within American legal system in the false accusation of nine African American youths: namely, Haywood Patterson, Olin Montgomery, Andy Wright, Willie Roberson, Roy Wright, ... View Full Description
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Comparisons and Contrasts Regarding Social Class and Human Happiness in the Works of Alexander Pope, Jonathan Swift and Daniel Defoe »

Number of pages 4

This is a 4 page paper discussing social class and human happiness found in the works of Pope, Swift and Defoe. The 18th century writings of Alexander Pope, Jonathan Swift and Daniel Defoe reveal much of the attitudes of the time in which adherence to social class is directly related to human happiness. Pope however ... View Full Description
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The Ethical Theories of Immanuel Kant: Description, Application and Criticisms »

Number of pages 12

This is a 12 page paper discussing the ethical theories of Immanuel Kant. German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) proposed categorical imperatives in his theories of ethics which disregarded aspects of the theories of utilitarianism and instead advocated the importance of rationality, morality and preservation of human dignity in the justification of moral decisions. In this ... View Full Description
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The Cultural Dislocation of the African American Slaves »

Number of pages 5

This is a 5 page paper discussing the various ways in which African American slaves had to suffer from cultural dislocation. The African American slaves suffered a great deal from cultural dislocation from their native homeland in Africa for over two centuries. Cultural dislocation occurs not only from a physical separation from a landscape but ... View Full Description
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Motivational Processes in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) »

Number of pages 5

This is a 5 page paper discussing motivational processes and the RCMP. Motivational processes used within corporate structures and within police structures are inherently different. Modern day corporate structures use motivational techniques which are based on rewards and increasing employee satisfaction which could range from increased responsibility, benefits, salary or more direct impact on actions ... View Full Description
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Group Homes For Children And Adolescents »

Number of pages 42

A 42 page comprehensive research paper. This paper begins by reporting data regarding the incidence of mental, emotional and behavior problems among children and youth and comments on the controversy regarding residential placement for youngsters. The next section reports the history of group homes in this nation, beginning in the 1700s and following through to ... View Full Description
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The Glory that was Rome »

Number of pages 5

(5 pp) " Civilized man from Scotland to Persia paid his taxes into the same treasury, was tried by the same law, was protected by the same armies, and enjoyed a profound and real peace-the PAX ROMANA- more than at any other time. This achievement was made possible on one hand by geography and on ... View Full Description
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Royal Canadian Mounted Police »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page paper which examines the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The paper argues that the Mounties are serious law enforcers as well as fun loving people. Bibliography lists 4 sources. View Full Description
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Justinian the Great, Emperor of Byzantium, and Creator of a New Standard for Law »

Number of pages 10

This 10 page report discusses the Byzantine emperor, Justinian I. Justinian is known for expanding Byzantine rule in the Western world, developing and beautifying the city of Constantinople, and completing the codification of Roman law. It has been due, in great measure, to Justinian I’s efforts and determination that Western civilization and the law governing it have developed in the ways ... View Full Description
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The Case Of The Cannon Murder »

Number of pages 7

This 7 page paper presents a scenario which is then discussed as to the relevance of the law pertaining to murder. Bibliography lists 3 sources. View Full Description
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Hans Jonas’ Restructuring of Kant’s Ethical Categorical Imperative in the Age of Technology »

Number of pages 5

This is a 5 page paper discussing Jonas’ restructuring of Kant’s categorical imperative in regards to ethically responsible decisions and actions. In the 18th and 19th centuries, philosophers such as Immanual Kant were interested in “the supreme moral principle” which would govern individual action and decision making in society, religion and politics. Kant in his ... View Full Description
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Identification of Five Issues on Gun Control »

Number of pages 5

This is a 5 page paper discussing five of the issues on gun control. Issues on gun control range from those which are concerned with constitutional rights and the values of citizens to those which relate to the types of policy, if any, which should be in place. Opponents of gun control, including the most ... View Full Description
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Research Proposal: Combating Terrorism Act of 2001 and Its Effect on the Major Political Parties »

Number of pages 3

This 3 page paper examines this bill that was passed into law in 2001. How this bill that had bipartisan support affected party lines. Did it serve to divide parties? Did it bring the Republicans and Democrats together? This is a research proposal divided into three portions. The first provides a general introduction ... View Full Description
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Baby Owens: When Medical Professionals and Parents Clash »

Number of pages 4

A 4 page examination of the ethics and law surrounding an infant diagnoses with Downs Syndrome and duodenal atresia. The baby needed medical intervention to survive. The baby's parents, however, refused treatment on the basis of their religious beliefs. The parents were Jehovas' Witnesses and believed that medical interventions such as blood transfusions were prohibited ... View Full Description
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The U.S. Agricultural Crisis and Illegal Immigration »

Number of pages 15

The current crisis in United States politics concerning agriculture and the illegal alien question is just that, a crisis. To some, the crisis foreshadows the demise of the U.S. through the third-worlding of its workforce. To others, the opposite appears to be true. Without an immigration workforce, they say, the world’s largest ... View Full Description
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Australia's Freedom of Information Act »

Number of pages 8

An 8 page discussion of the importance of this 1982 law. The author of this paper emphasizes that, despite its many challenges and despite its potential for misuse the Freedom of Information Act is a critical element in insuring transparency, fairness and efficiency in executive government. Bibliography lists 9 sources. View Full Description
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Civil Rights and the Transgendered Community »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page examination of the problems society hurls toward transgendered individuals. While some progress is being made in implementing policies and laws that protect the civil rights of these individuals, much additional progress must be made. Bibliography lists 6 sources. View Full Description
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The Patriot Act »

Number of pages 3

A 3 page contention that the provisions of the Patriot Act step well beyond the rights afforded by the U.S. Constitution. The author of this paper questions whether it is fair to sentence a meth producer twelve years to life when under laws written to govern such criminals six months is the typical or to find ... View Full Description
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John Wayne Gacy: A Victim of the Criminal Justice System »

Number of pages 15

This 10 paper examines the life and activities of John Wayne Gacy and why he committed heinous crimes. With the use of labeling theory, it is suggested that Gacy might have been able to change things if in fact he were not labeled and ostracized by the community. His childhood, to some extent provides information ... View Full Description
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Use Of Shaming In Criminal Sentencing »

Number of pages 14

14 pages in length. The equation of perpetrator + crime = punishment has transcended the centuries ever since man first stepped over the boundaries of what another considered appropriate conduct. When Greek law developed as a way in which to create more structure to a budding legal system, the aspect of punishment was ... View Full Description
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Australian Refugees »

Number of pages 5

The need for asylum is growing at a time when globalization has also made international migration a possibility and viable alternative for those seeking employment. This 5 page paper explores the refugee policy in Australia. Bibliography lists 10 sources. View Full Description
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NATO's 1999 Campaign Against The FYR And International Response: Strengthened Or Undermined The Legal Doctrine Of Humanitarian Intervention? »

Number of pages 6

6 pages in length. NATO's primary objective in establishing its campaign against the FYR, which was to assist with the voluntary disarmament of insurgents, has been heralded a success by supporters by strengthening the legal doctrine of humanitarian intervention. While opponents contend that such tactics go against the very grain of said intervention, ... View Full Description
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Hegemonic Stability Theory: How It Relates To The Middle East »

Number of pages 8

8 pages in length. The hegemonic stability theory, which stresses the importance of a central stabilizing force that keeps a international system from breaking apart, can readily be applied to the manner by which the middle east has taken such a formidable stance within the political world. What is at the heart of ... View Full Description
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Marketing Coca Cola in the National and International Market; Influences, Impact of Technology and Role of Social Responsibility and Ethics »

Number of pages 4

This 4 page paper looks at the way the brand Coca Cola is marketed in the US and internationally identifying factors which influence the approaches adopted by the firm. The paper then considers the way technology impacts on the marketing and the role of social responsibility and ethics in the marketing of Coca Cola. The ... View Full Description
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Lifting the Corporate Veil; Would the Case of Carte Blanche (Singapore) PTE Ltd v Diners Club International Inc. had a Different Result If Heard in the UK Rather than the US »

Number of pages 4

This 4 page paper looks at a well known US case where the corporate veil was lifted on appeal due to the finding that the parent company controlled and dominated the subsidiary. The paper looks at how this case may have ended if heard in the UK where there are similar principles in terms ... View Full Description
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Cartoons, Law, and Societal Prejudice: An Analysis of Cartoons Relating to the Brown v. Board of Education Decision »

Number of pages 4

A 4 page examination of several political cartoons that were originally published in 1954 in response to the Supreme Court's decision on school desegregation. The author contends that numerous factors have to be taken into account to understand the meaning of these types of cartoons. Bibliography lists 3 sources. View Full Description
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A Critical Review of the Literature on the Effectiveness and Implications of How Adult and Vocational Educators have Implemented the 1996 Welfare Reform Laws »

Number of pages 20

This 20 page paper provides an overview of welfare reform and the impacts of welfare reform on the vocational and adult education perspectives in the welfare reform era since 1996. Bibliography lists 20 sources. View Full Description
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Changing Law and Changing Society: Roe v. Wade (1973) »

Number of pages 9

A 9 page paper which examines this controversial Supreme Court case and considers how it significantly altered society and society’s belief systems. Bibliography lists 5 sources. View Full Description
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EU Law; Does Council Directive 2003/9/EC Build on Article 2 of the Draft Constitutional Treaty »

Number of pages 6

This 6 page paper first looks at Article 2 pf the EU Draft Constitution and then considers whether or not Council Directive 2003/9/EC, lays down the minimum standards for the reception of asylum seekers, can be seen as building on it. The bibliography cites 6 sources. View Full Description
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How the Scientific Revolution Created the Environment for the Enlightenment »

Number of pages 6

This 6 page report discusses how the intellectual world was reshaped by the Scientific Revolution and the contributions made by the scientists that existed between the times of Copernicus and Newton. Their contributions then led to the development of The Enlightenment, a time in which the world was opening up, literally, in immeasurable ways. The logic of the philosophers, ... View Full Description
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The Value Of A Constitution »

Number of pages 5

The institution of a constitution allows for a system of interpretation of laws to govern the people under any government, outside of a system of tyranny. This 5 page paper argues that without a constitution, any system of government is likely to revert to anarchy and chaos. Bibliography lists 5 sources. View Full Description
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Dualism and Mandates: Challenges for Christianity? »

Number of pages 6

(6 pp). "Dualism" and "cultural mandates" are the new buzz-words in theology. This discussion will examine their meaning in current society as well as God's instruction to "cultivate the garden." Thesis question: If we are created as unique individuals in the holy image of God, can we take the initiative to apply the ... View Full Description
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Poetry and Truth »

Number of pages 5

A 5 page paper which examines three different things. The paper discusses the phrase “The truth shall set you free” as it relates to specific literature. The paper then discusses the meaning of William Blake’s comment “Prisons are built with stones of Law, Brothels with bricks of Religion,” and lastly the paper discusses a particular poem whose title and ... View Full Description
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What Is A Contract? »

Number of pages 5

5 pages in length. A contract is a legally binding agreement; however, in order for it to be legally binding, five specific elements must be addressed: making an offer; accepting the offer; certainty of subject matter; intention to create legally binding obligations; and consideration. Types of contracts include multilateral, bilateral and unilateral. In ... View Full Description
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Insanity Plea. »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page paper examines the bare bones of a case in light of the "insanity plea." History of the development of this plea is given as well as court law sited. Bibliography lists 5 sources. View Full Description
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Sentencing of Criminals »

Number of pages 8

( 8 pp) Every year, in every legislative assembly in the nation, the lawmakers consider new responses to crime. The choices that legislators make about crime have a big impact, an impact that is growing all the time. There is honest disagreement about how much it is possible to reduce crime rates through criminal ... View Full Description
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The Legal System, Economics, and the Promotion of Public Policy »

Number of pages 5

This 5 page report discusses the incentives and disincentives that the American legal system provides in the promotion of public policy What is often forgotten in the frustration of dealing with America's legal system is the very simple fact that, convoluted though it may often seem, it still provides the framework for the protection of individual ... View Full Description
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America Dominance in Cinema. »

Number of pages 4

(5 pp). The dominance of American motion pictures in the international market dates back to late 1800s when American producers began exporting their products. The historical roots of the current prominence of the USA in the international market for films (and, subsequently, television programs) have received increasing attention from historians in recent ... View Full Description
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America Dominance in Cinema. »

Number of pages 4

(4 pp). The dominance of American motion pictures in the international market dates back to late 1800s when American producers began exporting their products. The historical roots of the current prominence of the USA in the international market for films (and, subsequently, television programs) have received increasing attention from historians in recent ... View Full Description
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History and Development of International Communication »

Number of pages 5

(5 pp) The history of international communication is as varied as the development of the nations themselves. The speed of development of all communications is linked to the economic progress of that nation. Where once the stories or the information seemed related to the community, then the state, and the nation, now, ... View Full Description
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Organization and Purpose of the World Trade Organization and Its Relationship to Globalization »

Number of pages 8

This 8 page report discusses the World Trade Organization (WTO) and its mission and function. The WTO is involved in issues ranging from disputes over steel manufacturing in Japan to China’s telecommunications system and textile manufacturing in African nations to the United States’ problems relating to the integration of U.S. regulations with those of the international community. ... View Full Description
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