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Beef Irradiation: The Process, Radiation Levels, Regulations and Concerns

Number of pages: 5

This is a 5 page paper on beef irradiation. Irradiation is a process used to kill harmful molds, bacteria and pathogens in foods and has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Overall, it has been found to be a more effective process than traditional methods in addition to the fact that there is little or no change to the texture, flavor or color of the meat. Beef irradiation is considered to be one of the most important because beef is often consumed when it is raw or partially cooked; irradiation kills E. coli 0157:H7 which is considered an “illegal adulterant” in beef and would lead to mass recalls if present; and, irradiated beef can be labeled “E. coli Free”. Because of the use of radiation in the process, consumer groups are concerned that the process may produce carcinogens and irradiation could also open the door for exploitation in that it lowers the bacteria levels found on spoiled meat. Irradiation however, is considered as a plausible alternative under kosher law which restricts the use of the traditional chemical and heat treatment processes used in the killing of bacteria on beef. Used in over 40 countries and approved by the U.N. World Health Organization, beef irradiation overall seems to have more advantages than disadvantages. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

File: D0_TJbeefi1.rtf

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