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Example of an Individual with the Dominant Traits of Pearson’s “Innocent” Archetype

Number of pages: 4

This is a 4 page paper with an example of an individual with the dominant traits of Carol S. Pearson’s “Innocent” archetype. Carol S. Pearson’s text “Awakening the Heroes Within: Twelve Archetypes to Help Us Find Ourselves and Transform Our World” (1991) discusses the parallels of human psychiatric development with three stages of a hero’s journey: “preparation, journey, return” in that “we first develop the Ego, then encounter the Soul, and finally give birth to a unique sense of Self”. The stages for this transformation of the soul each have a series of developmental archetypes through which individuals journey or mature. Stage 1 includes the archetypes to strengthen the ego and include: “The Innocent” who is a hero of trust and optimism; “The Orphan” one of compassion; “The Caregiver” of social responsibility; and, “The Warrior” of strategy, discipline and boundaries. There are additional archetypes which relate to the awakening of the Soul and the eventual transforming of Self as well but in some cases individuals can exhibit dominant traits of one particular archetype. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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