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Identification of Five Issues on Gun Control

Number of pages: 5

This is a 5 page paper discussing five of the issues on gun control. Issues on gun control range from those which are concerned with constitutional rights and the values of citizens to those which relate to the types of policy, if any, which should be in place. Opponents of gun control, including the most influential National Rifle Association (NRA) argue that the constitutional “right to bear arms” is an absolute right and should have no limitations. In addition, the NRA has a large amount of funding and a large membership which allows them to purchase large political support; another issue of contention for those fighting for gun control. Those supporting gun control vary in their arguments as well. Some interpret that the Second Amendment’s “right to bear arms” was only meant to allow for a state’s right to arm militia in times of governmental corruption. Some in support of gun control support a limited control which focuses on laws meant to restrict ownership to dangerous persons or end the ownership of automatic or assault weapons while others wish to control all gun ownership among all citizens. Issues include identification of propositions in dispute. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

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