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The State of the Discipline of Political Science

Number of pages: 7

This is a 7 page paper discussing the state of the discipline of political science. Since the time of Aristotle, political science has been a discipline that has been used to study man and the state. Originally political science was based on philosophical theory much of it which was based on man’s natural knowledge. Within the last two centuries, political science has continued to study philosophy based on the state and the study of constitutional government. Within the last fifty years however, the discipline has been severed into various areas, the most published of which is that which leans towards a more “scientific” approach involving quantitative research. Leo Strauss recognized the development of this trend and tried to warn against it in the 1950s trying to bring the discipline back toward a broader philosophical approach. Many political scientists today also believe that in order to preserve the discipline a broader more historical philosophical approach should be used in which other cross disciplines should be included rather than subdividing the discipline further in an attempt to gain academic recognition. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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